Eating the right calories but not so healthy

Ok ok. So I've found a great bunch of meals I can eat that taste good and are low enough to accommodate my daily intake. But I'm starting to realize that a lot of what I eat isn't "healthy" per se. I have been eating less fruit and vegetables recently and Although I try to make sure dinner is healthy, often I'm stuck at work and eat whatevers available which ends up being something of a small portion but not all that good for you.

Will this make my weight loss harder to achieve if I'm eating food that I shouldn't be? Does this screw up your metabolism? I'm not eating 'junk" I'm just not eating 'healthy".


  • mrmanmeat
    mrmanmeat Posts: 1,968 Member
    Ok ok. So I've found a great bunch of meals I can eat that taste good and are low enough to accommodate my daily intake. But I'm starting to realize that a lot of what I eat isn't "healthy" per se. I have been eating less fruit and vegetables recently and Although I try to make sure dinner is healthy, often I'm stuck at work and eat whatevers available which ends up being something of a small portion but not all that good for you.

    Will this make my weight loss harder to achieve if I'm eating food that I shouldn't be? Does this screw up your metabolism? I'm not eating 'junk" I'm just not eating 'healthy".

    This is common sense.

    Yes, it will hinder it.
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member

    Will this make my weight loss harder to achieve if I'm eating food that I shouldn't be?

    No, provided you are still hitting your calorie and macronutrient goals, and provided that consumption of these foods doens't cause behavioral issues. (For example, some people may eliminate foods because they cause binges/etc).

    Does this screw up your metabolism?

    I'm not eating 'junk" I'm just not eating 'healthy".

    You should consider changing this habit somewhat. You certainly don't need ALL of your food sources to be healthy, but it would be in your best interest if "most" of your diet came from nutrient dense foods.
  • SergeantSunshine_reused
    Ok ok. So I've found a great bunch of meals I can eat that taste good and are low enough to accommodate my daily intake. But I'm starting to realize that a lot of what I eat isn't "healthy" per se. I have been eating less fruit and vegetables recently and Although I try to make sure dinner is healthy, often I'm stuck at work and eat whatevers available which ends up being something of a small portion but not all that good for you.

    Will this make my weight loss harder to achieve if I'm eating food that I shouldn't be? Does this screw up your metabolism? I'm not eating 'junk" I'm just not eating 'healthy".

    This is common sense.

    Yes, it will hinder it.

    Oh really? Explain how plz.
  • warmachinejt
    warmachinejt Posts: 2,167 Member
    I'm having trouble especially on a bulk to eat healthy food
    but filling your calorie requirement is more important. Of course it is better if you were eating healthier but what the hey
  • merrillfoster
    merrillfoster Posts: 855 Member
    A calorie is a calorie. If you've found something that works for you that keeps you within your goals, good for you. The best diet is always the one you will stick to. At the end of the day you are probably better off eating more fruits and veggies, but from a weight loss perspective (only), as long as whatever you are eating is within your goals, I don't think there is a difference between 400 calories of broccoli and 400 calories of cookies.
  • midwifekelley2350
    midwifekelley2350 Posts: 337 Member
    i think alot of people would say that "calories are calories" but i think when you are eating clean you just feel better! maybe if you are able to pack food for work that would is so tempting to eat crap when you aren't prepared. i have also found that if i plan what i am going to eat for the day and go ahead and fill it all in early in the day, i tend to stick to it (i can always change my diary if circumstances change). ultimately, if you have a deficit, you will lose.
  • HMonsterX
    HMonsterX Posts: 3,000 Member
    I don't eat healthy. I just eat healthier, far healthier than i used to.

    Hasn't hindered me one bit.

    Sure, if i wanted to get healthY, i would need to look at what i ate.

    But I'd rather be 90% healthier eating what i like, than 100% healthy eating what i don't like.

    Better to eat healthier forever than to eat clean and uber healthy for a few weeks/months, then fall off and regain all that weight back because you go back to eating the nice stuff you've been denying yourself.
  • joejccva71
    joejccva71 Posts: 2,985 Member
    Ok ok. So I've found a great bunch of meals I can eat that taste good and are low enough to accommodate my daily intake. But I'm starting to realize that a lot of what I eat isn't "healthy" per se. I have been eating less fruit and vegetables recently and Although I try to make sure dinner is healthy, often I'm stuck at work and eat whatevers available which ends up being something of a small portion but not all that good for you.

    Will this make my weight loss harder to achieve if I'm eating food that I shouldn't be? Does this screw up your metabolism? I'm not eating 'junk" I'm just not eating 'healthy".

    This is common sense.

    Yes, it will hinder it.

    Sorry but your common sense here...

    ...isn't so common.

    No it won't hinder it.
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    I don't eat healthy. I just eat healthier, far healthier than i used to.

    Hasn't hindered me one bit.

    Sure, if i wanted to get healthY, i would need to look at what i ate.

    But I'd rather be 90% healthier eating what i like, than 100% healthy eating what i don't like.

    Better to eat healthier forever than to eat clean and uber healthy for a few weeks/months, then fall off and regain all that weight back because you go back to eating the nice stuff you've been denying yourself.

    ^ This is what I was getting at OP, when I said that you should ideally have "most" of your food choices come from nutrient dense sources. Then, add in naughty stuff regularly, but still hit your macros. That's for the win in my opinion.
  • taniam16
    taniam16 Posts: 47 Member
    Ok so I'f I'm eating my calories properly then I shouldn't be having any problems it seems...
  • HMonsterX
    HMonsterX Posts: 3,000 Member
    Ok so I'f I'm eating my calories properly then I shouldn't be having any problems it seems...

    Indeed. Track them, track your exercise, make the right net calorie deficit, hit your macros...its all good :)
  • CrystalFlury
    CrystalFlury Posts: 400 Member
    Ok ok. So I've found a great bunch of meals I can eat that taste good and are low enough to accommodate my daily intake. But I'm starting to realize that a lot of what I eat isn't "healthy" per se. I have been eating less fruit and vegetables recently and Although I try to make sure dinner is healthy, often I'm stuck at work and eat whatevers available which ends up being something of a small portion but not all that good for you.

    Will this make my weight loss harder to achieve if I'm eating food that I shouldn't be? Does this screw up your metabolism? I'm not eating 'junk" I'm just not eating 'healthy".

    I'll be honest with you, I don't eat fruits and veggies as often as I should. I don't have UNhealthy food really but I know I don't eat the healthiest. If you want you can check out my food diary. Every time I shop for groceries I read labels and make up the best diet for myself I can. I do a lot of home cooking (not box meals). I stay away from drinking my calories (sodas/juices). If I have to have something sweet I try and have something like a sugar free pudding or a 100 calorie pack of cookies.

    I don't think it'll really hinder your weight loss (not eating healthy, healthy) but I really think you should be careful and watch the nutrients you are getting out of trying to fill those required/recommended calories. Avoid eating fast food/ sit down restaurants as much as possible and try to eat fresh (cook your own food).
  • lovelee79
    yeah I was just thinking the same thing today.... if a calorie is a calorie, then why do people stress about low fat, low carb ,or whatever? I've seen people on here eat pure junk food like Macdonalds, KFC, Taco Bell, donuts, etc, and lose huge amounts of weight....because they stayed within their calorie goals. Crazy, but I guess a calorie really is a calorie!
    I try to eat mostly healthy whole foods but not always, I'm only human :wink:
  • vs1023
    vs1023 Posts: 417 Member
    I don't eat healthy. I just eat healthier, far healthier than i used to.

    Hasn't hindered me one bit.

    Sure, if i wanted to get healthY, i would need to look at what i ate.

    But I'd rather be 90% healthier eating what i like, than 100% healthy eating what i don't like.

    Better to eat healthier forever than to eat clean and uber healthy for a few weeks/months, then fall off and regain all that weight back because you go back to eating the nice stuff you've been denying yourself.

    You can fit in things you love that aren't considered "clean" in moderation. It's a lifestyle. Everyone is different. Whatever works I suppose. For me I see it as garbage in, garbage out. I eat "clean" to avoid certain things that are important to me like GMO's, pesticides, antibiotics, etc but if i'm going to have something that someone wouldn't consider "clean" i just go right back to how I like to eat. I just feel cruddy when I eat less nutrient dense food. Bottom line is whatever you can be consistent with is what will work for you. I did WW and just counted points, but eventually slipped back to my old ways til I made the mental switch. Starts with your head first, then the rest will follow. Also you can say a calorie is a calorie, but what you put in your body will reflect in your workouts and the shape of your body IMHO.
  • tinywithaBIGheart
    i was wondering the same thing myself . I eat very healthy all week long at my calorie goal but on fridays i want treat myself to cookies/icecream/pudding etc . (still within my calorie goal) and i was wondering if id still lose weight ?
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    I don't eat "healthy", as in "clean" and it hasn't hindered anything for me. I had pizza and frozen lasagna today. But I do try to fit in fruits, veggies, and take vitamins, glucose, and fish oil... Adding fruits and veggies doesn't had very many calories.
  • wolfchild59
    wolfchild59 Posts: 2,608 Member
    I ate Special K or Fiber One bars every morning for breakfast, a lean cuisine/Healthy Choice/Safeway Eating Smart frozen microwave meal for lunch, packaged processed 100 cal snacks for snacks each day for the first eight months. I usually had one serving of fruit as a snack each day as well and then random dinners that could have been a subway sandwich, KFC grilled chicken meal, McDonald's grilled chicken salad, another microwave meal, a can of Campbell's soup, or something like an egg white scramble with deli meat, low cal hot dogs, or bacon cut up and cooked in, a homemade deli style sandwich, or imitation crab salad with cucumber.

    So, basically what most here would consider crap and horrible. But I lost steadily every single week during that time and lost about 40 pounds. Since I've been eating "healthier" I still haven't been able to get down to my goal weight and even gained for awhile when I was eating my (HRM readout) exercise calories back. I've stopped eating those back and have started losing again. But all that cooking all my own meals has really done for me is reduce the amount of free time I have because I'm always cooking or working out.

    Everyone is different, what works for one person won't necessarily work for another. If something is working for you, stick with it and don't worry about what others are doing. :)