How would you feel?

sashaverlene Posts: 123 Member
My friend told me about a website she uses to meet people because with her hectic work schedule, she doesn't have time to go on a ton of dates. I decided to look at the website and another friend and I decided to make our own profiles. As most people know, many guys on these "friend-making" websites can be total pervs and a good 75% of the guys that tried to talk to me were. :explode: After a ton of blocking people and deleting completely disrespectful messages, I saw a message from a guy who's a personal trainer and just moved to Vegas (where I live) and was trying to make new friends. We introduced ourselves and from then on every message we sent to each other were mini-novels because we loved talking to each other. :flowerforyou: We've decided to meet up and go to the movies soon, and I'm excited but totally freaking out. Yes, I've lost 50lbs, and yes, I love the way I look now, so I'm not worried about my appearance, but how would you feel about going out with a personal trainer? I know I'm overanalyzing this (like I do EVERYTHING else :laugh: ) but my stomach can be a bottomless pit sometimes so I KNOW I'm going to get hungry while we're out. He knows I'm a fan of food but I don't want to unleash the hungry beast! :bigsmile: especially when a lot of people who are totally into their fitness are literally disgusted by junk food. :brokenheart: lol Opinions, anyone? Would you get the salad, the steak, or both? :wink:


  • Iwillbemeagain
    I say be you and dont try to be anything but you!
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    It sounds like you two already have a great deal of compatibility working for you, so just be yourself. Get whatever you are in the mood to eat and don't fret about it or be intimidated because he's a personal trainer. You aren't hiring him to train you, so he's off duty. And you sound quite charming just as you are!
    Good Luck!
  • drog2323
    drog2323 Posts: 1,386 Member
    whao...slow down there Mario.

    just be yourself...if he doesn't like that, then that's his problem.

    and yes you are over-analyzing! :-) :flowerforyou:

    have fun and be safe.
  • shanolap
    shanolap Posts: 1,204 Member
    Only a few personal trainers are smoking hot. He's probably an average Joe who drinks a beer, eats a burger every now and then, etc. Focus on the person not the occupation.
  • sweets2001
    Just go and be yourself and have a blast!
  • wifeygonzo
    wifeygonzo Posts: 287 Member
    Just be yourself, if its meant to be then it will be. Don't pretend to be someone you're not. As far as feeling self-conscious, someone very close to me met her now husband online. She's always been a bigger girl & her husband is in the service, and he's in really good shape. She didn't meet him for over a year because she was worried about her weight. Anyway, they ended up getting married one year after they actually met. So, you never know what could blossom into an amazing relationship.
  • amicklin
    amicklin Posts: 452
    I say be you and dont try to be anything but you!

    I second this!
  • mhughes0090
    mhughes0090 Posts: 4 Member
    I say be point in acting like the obsessive skinny chick that orders a glass of water and a crouton for dinner!! Make good choices and just be you, if he is worthy of you it will show!:heart:
  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    It sounds like you two already have a great deal of compatibility working for you, so just be yourself. Get whatever you are in the mood to eat and don't fret about it or be intimidated because he's a personal trainer. You aren't hiring him to train you, so he's off duty. And you sound quite charming just as you are!
    Good Luck!
  • cooz2012
    I say be you and dont try to be anything but you!

  • ShapeUpSidney
    ShapeUpSidney Posts: 1,092 Member
    Go for the steak if that's what you want...just get the filet instead of the prime rib. Don't over analyze it too much. Relax and you'll have a good time...
  • KayteeBear
    KayteeBear Posts: 1,040 Member
    ... Focus on the person not the occupation.

    I agree with that. Sounds like you've talked with him TONS so think of all that instead of just that he's a personal trainer. You two seem to have a lot of chemistry already so just go and be yourself. When you sent emails back and forth, you weren't pretending to be somebody else, were you? I would think not so go as the person in those messages. if he doesn't like you that's his problem. But not everything is about looks. You two have already connected over personality so take it one step at a time and just breathe. :) And be yourself! :)

    And I'd say go for the steak...or both. :D Get both and eat half of each or something. I have a small stomach so I know I'd only be able to eat a bit so I'd end up eating half but I'd say definitely get both or the steak. Don't get a little wimpy salad unless it's like an awesome chicken salad loaded with yummy chicken and whatnot. lol
  • Tennessee2019
    Tennessee2019 Posts: 676 Member
    In this world, you have to be REALLY careful, so my suggestion would be to meet for coffee the first time, instead of the movies. Go somewhere public that keeps the lights on because you don't REALLY know this guy, yet.
    Brad Paisley has a song out titled "Online" & one verse goes "online I look damn good, I live in Malibu, I posed for Calvin Kline, I've been in GQ, I'm single and I'm rich and I got a set of six pack abs that'll blow your mind, I drive a Maserati, I'm a black belt in Karate and I love a good glass of wine. I'm so much cooler online."
    Just my suggestion. Oh, & have the salad. :wink:
  • Jade_Butterfly
    Jade_Butterfly Posts: 2,963 Member
    So have a snack or a protein shake before you go . . then you know you won't overdo it. . Pick something light but enjoyable. . Just my thoughts.:smile:
  • Jennloella
    Jennloella Posts: 2,287 Member
    here's the deal: if you fake it on your first, second, third date and the relationship long can you fake it? Is anyone that cannot accept you for you really worth it?
  • sashaverlene
    sashaverlene Posts: 123 Member
    Only a few personal trainers are smoking hot. He's probably an average Joe who drinks a beer, eats a burger every now and then, etc. Focus on the person not the occupation.

    Actually, he IS smoking hot, he doesn't drink, but he DOES eat burgers every now and then! :laugh: You're so right! I should focus on him and not his occupation! Thank youuu! :flowerforyou:
  • sashaverlene
    sashaverlene Posts: 123 Member
    I say be point in acting like the obsessive skinny chick that orders a glass of water and a crouton for dinner!! Make good choices and just be you, if he is worthy of you it will show!:heart:

    Ohhh my gosh!!! I can't stop laughing! Glass of water and a crouton? :sad: hahaha
  • sashaverlene
    sashaverlene Posts: 123 Member
    In this world, you have to be REALLY careful, so my suggestion would be to meet for coffee the first time, instead of the movies. Go somewhere public that keeps the lights on because you don't REALLY know this guy, yet.
    Brad Paisley has a song out titled "Online" & one verse goes "online I look damn good, I live in Malibu, I posed for Calvin Kline, I've been in GQ, I'm single and I'm rich and I got a set of six pack abs that'll blow your mind, I drive a Maserati, I'm a black belt in Karate and I love a good glass of wine. I'm so much cooler online."
    Just my suggestion. Oh, & have the salad. :wink:

    Ironically, I freaking LOVE that song!!! haha