New Member Busy Mom

I am a new member and I am hoping to make some work out buddies.
I am a Mom of 2 toddlers that are 13 months apart, little boy will be 4 in 2 weeks little girl will be 3 in Feb. And Aunt to a 19 yr old who moved in with us about 2 months ago.
I been a skinny mini most of my life until I had children and now I am really having a hard time finding the time
or any time for myself when I can workout. I am a stay at home Mom and wife.
When I sign up with this website I was 186.0lbs. I have not weighed myself since then.
If you are looking for a workout buddy, encouragement and can relate just add me.

Have a great day!!!!


  • Moms3Kwa
    Welcome!!! I am a newbie of 3 days!!! I am a mother of 3 active boys. I found that since I started tracking my food and exercise that I am a lot more aware of what I am eating and doing for my workouts. I haven't had the guts to step on the scale either. I think I had a nervous breakdown in front of the scale. Let me know your weigh in day and maybe we can try together.
  • MommyHirl3
    I am going to work out Friday Saturday and Sunday then get on the scale Monday morning before I go to the gym at 5am
    At least that is my current plan.
    How about we catch up Monday??? I'll tell you mine if you tell me yours.LOLOL
  • fourgirlsmom
    Hi I'm a mom of 4 girls... ages 8, 4, 2 and 2 months... also looking for support and meal ideas! Friend me moms so we can check out food ideas and activites to help burn all this extra "baby weight".