Why don't people eat their exercise calories?



  • ColdGlassOWater
    If I'm hungry, I'll eat. Why would I eat back exercise calories when I dont want it?
  • rosied915
    rosied915 Posts: 799 Member
    "MFP already gives you the deficit required for the weight loss goal you choose. As PBJunky says you end up being skinnyfat - and also stuck eating low amounts of calories for the rest of your life because you don't have to muscle mass to burn off anything higher."

    Wow, VERY WELL PUT!! I've never seen it explained like this in any of the endless threads on this subjects.

    I get it......I freakin' get it!!!! (whew, glad THAT'S over!)
  • schmorla
    schmorla Posts: 77 Member
    I'm never hungry enough to eat them back and if I was to eat them back I'd end up eating junk.

    I tried to eat them back for 2 weeks and it was horrible, I didn't lose any weight so went back to not eating them (well i might eat a tiny amount, no more than 1300 a day)
  • PBJunky
    PBJunky Posts: 737 Member
    i think you'll find i said in my post 'each to their own' which means the same thing as 'we are all different and have different requirements' which is no more or less supportive than you were!

    So please share those requirements with me? Is it perhaps losing weight in a healthy manner? Or destroy your body in the quickest possible way?

    You do realise when exercising your putting your CNS(Central Nervous System) under stress, you are eating the muscle away if not catering for that additional protein in order to prevent catabolism. Do you ever take the time to read any of those medical studies or do you think you know of better? That you have a unique body that only works in a certain way?

    Yes you are different but your body works in a very similar way than mine and the same ****ing rules apply to you...your not special in that regard.

    Do as you please...I won't be assisting you on your journey
    Why should I eat them back, if I am not hungry and my body doesn't ask for more food? Just because the MFP Number tells me to?

    Do as you please...your body, your life.

    For the both of you, you are pretty much on your own mission so good luck and enjoy the bumpy ride...
  • AH2013
    AH2013 Posts: 385 Member
    Cause they want to be skinnyfat ;)


    Plus they dont really understand how MFP works - that there is already a deficit so they dont need to create one with exercise.

    And it seems 'quicker' and everyone loves a quick fix!!

    But at the end of the day, each to their own!

    This and that!

    Flippant quotes are actually not helpful nor supportive! It's a gross generalisation to say that those who don't want to eat all their exercise calories back want to be "skinnyfat". Some people on here have problems with food and stuffing themselves when they don't feel the need for calories is counter-productive. It's not just about the calories.

    Just be aware that we are all different and have different requirements!

    Neither is your post as you added no value to this thread, I actually went and explained it thoroughly. As for you requirements, well if your desire is to not preserve your muscle then I don't see any other outcome than being anorexic or skinny fat.

    We all share the same goals, thus the rules apply to us all.

    I do apologise, I didn't realise your opinion was more relevant than mine................
  • nati39
    nati39 Posts: 85
    Well, i don't eat my workout cals because i worked them off and i simply don't want to put it back into my body...whatever i can work off i keep off.
  • kaetra
    kaetra Posts: 442 Member
    Why are people on here so concerned with what everyone else is doing?

  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    i think you'll find i said in my post 'each to their own' which means the same thing as 'we are all different and have different requirements' which is no more or less supportive than you were!

    So please share those requirements with me? Is it perhaps losing weight in a healthy manner? Or destroy your body in the quickest possible way?

    You do realise when exercising your putting your CNS(Central Nervous System) under stress, you are eating the muscle away if not catering for that additional protein in order to prevent catabolism. Do you ever take the time to read any of those medical studies or do you think you know of better? That you have a unique body that only works in a certain way?

    Yes you are different but your body works in a very similar way than mine and the same ****ing rules apply to you...your not special in that regard.

    Do as you please...I won't be assisting you on your journey
    Why should I eat them back, if I am not hungry and my body doesn't ask for more food? Just because the MFP Number tells me to?

    Do as you please...your body, your life.

    For the both of you, you are pretty much on your own mission so good luck and enjoy the bumpy ride...

    ^^ While this may not be sugar-coated information, PBJunky is right on the money here (as usual) and in previous posts.
  • 2LoveAndHate
    2LoveAndHate Posts: 57 Member
    i think you'll find i said in my post 'each to their own' which means the same thing as 'we are all different and have different requirements' which is no more or less supportive than you were!

    So please share those requirements with me? Is it perhaps losing weight in a healthy manner? Or destroy your body in the quickest possible way?

    You do realise when exercising your putting your CNS(Central Nervous System) under stress, you are eating the muscle away if not catering for that additional protein in order to prevent catabolism. Do you ever take the time to read any of those medical studies or do you think you know of better? That you have a unique body that only works in a certain way?

    Yes you are different but your body works in a very similar way than mine and the same ****ing rules apply to you...your not special in that regard.

    Do as you please...I won't be assisting you on your journey
    Why should I eat them back, if I am not hungry and my body doesn't ask for more food? Just because the MFP Number tells me to?

    Do as you please...your body, your life.

    For the both of you, you are pretty much on your own mission so good luck and enjoy the bumpy ride...

    You are clearly having a bad day at work
  • merzback
    merzback Posts: 453 Member
    The whole aim of having a goal calorie limit and earning calories, is that you eat them?
    I don't understand, and I know that I'm not perfect at eating all of mine, but some days I go over, so it kind of balances out.

    If I'm exercising, I need to put more fuel in my body, don't other people?

    Because SADLY, most people don't look at food as FUEL, they look at it as something bad or dangerous- and they want some quick fix. EAT the calories that can sustain you. Look at working out as a reward for being able to eat a few hundred more calories a day- healthy calories that is! :)
  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member
    It's because they do not realise or do not care about the difference between weight loss and fat loss.

    Whilst I understand why the creators of MFP have used this concept in their app I wish they would actually just can the whole idea and do what most of the industry does: give a fixed calorie level to aim for which already factors in estimated calorie expenditure due exercise.

    The concept of "exercise calories" causes more trouble than its worth and seems particularly misguided given how difficult it is to get a true measure of calories burned during exercise.
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    It's because they do not realise or do not care about the difference between weight loss and fat loss.

    Whilst I understand why the creators of MFP have used this concept in their app I wish they would actually just can the whole idea and do what most of the industry does: give a fixed calorie level to aim for which already factors in estimated calorie expenditure due exercise.

    The concept of "exercise calories" causes more trouble than its worth and seems particularly misguided given how difficult it is to get a true measure of calories burned during exercise.

    ^ I couldn't agree more with everything in the above.

    I also use a fixed setting and don't enter in exercise cals. Katsch-McArdle was pretty spot on for me.
  • LivyJo
    LivyJo Posts: 355 Member
    Why are people on here so concerned with what everyone else is doing?

    Super helpful answer!
  • worldgirl28
    I usually burn about 400 calories per workout and then have a 115 calorie protein shake afterwards. I'm not very hungry after working out and about two hours later, I'm in bed, so eating that deficit post-workout just doesn't work for me.
  • macpatti
    macpatti Posts: 4,280 Member
    Why are people on here so concerned with what everyone else is doing?

    Are you frickin kidding? Maybe because MFP is a support site where we can learn from each other. I think she realizes what works for one won't necessarily work for her, but she wants to get people's general opinions. What a useless reply.

    To the OP~ I was eating mine back and not losing much. When I stopped eating them back, I lost a little more. I do both.
  • umachanxo
    umachanxo Posts: 926 Member
    I don't eat when I'm not hungry. Simple as that.

    Edit; I bike a lot - sometimes for hours a day and I usually gain 600 or 700 extra calories. I do eat some of those if I'm hungry (usually am after a long bike ride). I bring healthy snacks along the trail etc. ^-^
  • keiraev
    keiraev Posts: 695 Member
    There's no rule to say you need to eat your exercise calories after you have burned them by the way (for people that are saying it's too late at night etc).

    If you have planned a workout you can eat them earlier in the day. I often log my workout a few hours early so I know how many calories I have to play with during the day- it also makes me do that workout as I have already logged it!

    For me it's always been obvious- the GREEN (for go!) calories are the ones you can eat.

    My goal is 1430 a day (NET) - why would I only want 700 calories left in my body if I had exercised 700 of them off?:noway:
  • BeeElMarvin
    BeeElMarvin Posts: 2,086 Member
    It's because they do not realise or do not care about the difference between weight loss and fat loss.

    Whilst I understand why the creators of MFP have used this concept in their app I wish they would actually just can the whole idea and do what most of the industry does: give a fixed calorie level to aim for which already factors in estimated calorie expenditure due exercise.

    The concept of "exercise calories" causes more trouble than its worth and seems particularly misguided given how difficult it is to get a true measure of calories burned during exercise.

  • BeeElMarvin
    BeeElMarvin Posts: 2,086 Member
    Why are people on here so concerned with what everyone else is doing?

    Super helpful answer!

    And your comment - equally as enlightening.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    i think you'll find i said in my post 'each to their own' which means the same thing as 'we are all different and have different requirements' which is no more or less supportive than you were!

    So please share those requirements with me? Is it perhaps losing weight in a healthy manner? Or destroy your body in the quickest possible way?

    You do realise when exercising your putting your CNS(Central Nervous System) under stress, you are eating the muscle away if not catering for that additional protein in order to prevent catabolism. Do you ever take the time to read any of those medical studies or do you think you know of better? That you have a unique body that only works in a certain way?

    Yes you are different but your body works in a very similar way than mine and the same ****ing rules apply to you...your not special in that regard.

    Do as you please...I won't be assisting you on your journey
    Why should I eat them back, if I am not hungry and my body doesn't ask for more food? Just because the MFP Number tells me to?

    Do as you please...your body, your life.

    For the both of you, you are pretty much on your own mission so good luck and enjoy the bumpy ride...

    I wasnt replying to you, i was replying to Sassy75 who said our comments were flippant! i, for the record, eat my exercise calories!