What do you do for motivation?

I go to my phone and click MFP app then click on friends and all of you guys are listed with how much weight you all loss.....this is what I do for a extra push......oh and I read the success stories and look at the before & after pics


  • Peanutmanda
    I go on pintrest.com and look up health and fitness or crossfit. Reminds me that it really is all up to me...
  • linda1243
    I go stare at skinny people in the mall at clothes stores where I would like to be able to shop.
  • rainbowkitty79
    i look back and remember that one year ago I was fighting for my life! I look in the mirror and say, " you go, girl!!!!"
  • JennaM222
    JennaM222 Posts: 1,996 Member
    the victoria's secret christmas catolog - and wearing slutty clothes this summer ;)
  • msgsarah
    msgsarah Posts: 53 Member
    Everyone in my team at work has joined MFP, so they can all see what I'm eating and they know if I'm cheating! That is a big kick up the backside!

    JennaMarie222 - totally agree, VS is very inspiring lol! Soooo envious of those ladies.
  • horror_hamster
    i look at others' progress! on here and on reddit (they have a subreddit page dedicated to progress pics (www.reddit.com/r/progresspics) and it just motivates me to push harder because if they can do it, it means I can do it and the only thing stopping me is myself. :)
  • vtgirl77
    I look forward to working out every day anyway, but I always check in with MFP and the ladies in my workout accountability group on FB first thing in the morning ( and throughout the day....lol)
  • prettyfitchick
    prettyfitchick Posts: 502 Member
    my progress pics give the most motivation I take one every month I like seeing the changes in my body it reminds me of how far I have came and I just cant give up now
  • DenisePenland
    I go weigh myself or look at myself and that keeps me going!!
  • gebruce
    I’m using a food diary for the first time ever in my life. Wow! What a motivation tool. Your Apps are amazing. Thanks MFP! I also have Lupus so carrying an extra 50lbs on my small 4’ 11” frame is brutal on my joints. My daughter Cassie still uses MFP even though she is in amazing shape just to keep things in check. We talk every am and we get each other motivated for the day. She’s my biggest cheerleader :)
  • SpaceMarkus
    I look at my running list of people I'm helping. How can I help them if I don't help myself, first? And it's a long, intimidating list lol
  • pammye65
    pammye65 Posts: 177 Member
    I go on pintrest.com and look up health and fitness or crossfit. Reminds me that it really is all up to me...
    wow you look great! and I love Pinterest!
  • pammye65
    pammye65 Posts: 177 Member
    the victoria's secret christmas catolog - and wearing slutty clothes this summer ;)
    LOL Jenna!
  • shellbell1993
    shellbell1993 Posts: 315 Member
    My MFP friends are very inspiring to me!!!! And I also look at the success stories on here as well as the Biggest Loser show!
  • asyouseefit
    asyouseefit Posts: 1,265 Member
    I read fashion blogs and success stories here on MFP.