iPhone or Android??



  • Ksnoddy87
    :noway: Man!! I am literally TORN!!! :sick: I really don't know what to choose, lol! Man you guys have me thinking!!! I don't knoooooow!!!!! :sad: Lol!!! Well, I guess the only thing I can do is COMPARE! COMPARE! COMPARE when I go into the Sprint store tomorrow! Thanks guys for your feedback and not getting into a heated debate! lol! :drinker:
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    Since there are lots of recommendation but virtually ZERO actual information, here's my $.02.

    The key difference between them is the fact that andoid is open source and the iphone is not. Open source is a double edged sword. The good thing about it is that anyone can develop for android, from sophisticated and complex roms to very basic apps. That means that new apps are going to hit the market faster/more often and greater customization is possible. The downside is that there are more frequent version updates and quality control is much harder to enforce.

    What's that all mean? Well, if you want a reliable, solid phone that you just want to use as it was meant to be used, go with the iPhone. If you want to be able to tweak and play and try things and don't care about force closes and what not, go android.

    Both have extensive markets with more than enough free and paid apps. That should not be a determining factor. iPhone does not support flash, in most cases that isn't a deal breaker, but for some it could be. an iPhone is an iPhone is an iPhone. There are several different flavors of android... all have the same key features, but the look and feel can vary device to device.
  • kyliecakes0405
    kyliecakes0405 Posts: 73 Member
    I used to be really Anti-iPhone until I went through so many Android phones within 1.5 years. I had G1, G2 & MyTouch 4G and something went wrong with each one. I gave in and went over to iPhone in Feb and wondered why it took me so long. I adore iphone and now I have just about every apple device out there now.
  • Moonblood
    Moonblood Posts: 199 Member
    iPhone! I can't stand my current Android phone, it's horrible.
  • Ksnoddy87
    Wow! Thanks! LOL! That was extremely detailed! I really need to play around with both for a while before I make a final decision!
    Since there are lots of recommendation but virtually ZERO actual information, here's my $.02.

    The key difference between them is the fact that andoid is open source and the iphone is not. Open source is a double edged sword. The good thing about it is that anyone can develop for android, from sophisticated and complex roms to very basic apps. That means that new apps are going to hit the market faster/more often and greater customization is possible. The downside is that there are more frequent version updates and quality control is much harder to enforce.

    What's that all mean? Well, if you want a reliable, solid phone that you just want to use as it was meant to be used, go with the iPhone. If you want to be able to tweak and play and try things and don't care about force closes and what not, go android.

    Both have extensive markets with more than enough free and paid apps. That should not be a determining factor. iPhone does not support flash, in most cases that isn't a deal breaker, but for some it could be. an iPhone is an iPhone is an iPhone. There are several different flavors of android... all have the same key features, but the look and feel can vary device to device.
  • Tujitsu56
    Tujitsu56 Posts: 392 Member
    Samsung moment was one of the worst Androids ever. I have an EVO 4G and while there are still some issues, I love it. Wouldn't dream of going to an IPhone. In fact, my friend who has Iphone 4 for AT&T and Jailbroke his so that it now looks and run close to that of an ANDROID. POINTLESS HUH? He still prefers Iphone, just jailbroken. Eh, ANDROID IS BETTER. SORRY JOBS, YOU WERE GREAT.
  • Tujitsu56
    Tujitsu56 Posts: 392 Member
    Yes this is well detailed. I'd like to just add and inform you, that if you are a music lover, you'd be stuck with Itunes if you go to Iphone. At least this is my understanding. Whereas android has a ton of apps you can use to get music.
    Wow! Thanks! LOL! That was extremely detailed! I really need to play around with both for a while before I make a final decision!
    Since there are lots of recommendation but virtually ZERO actual information, here's my $.02.

    The key difference between them is the fact that andoid is open source and the iphone is not. Open source is a double edged sword. The good thing about it is that anyone can develop for android, from sophisticated and complex roms to very basic apps. That means that new apps are going to hit the market faster/more often and greater customization is possible. The downside is that there are more frequent version updates and quality control is much harder to enforce.

    What's that all mean? Well, if you want a reliable, solid phone that you just want to use as it was meant to be used, go with the iPhone. If you want to be able to tweak and play and try things and don't care about force closes and what not, go android.

    Both have extensive markets with more than enough free and paid apps. That should not be a determining factor. iPhone does not support flash, in most cases that isn't a deal breaker, but for some it could be. an iPhone is an iPhone is an iPhone. There are several different flavors of android... all have the same key features, but the look and feel can vary device to device.
  • fit4lyfeLisa
    fit4lyfeLisa Posts: 529 Member
  • 42hockeymom
    42hockeymom Posts: 521 Member
    OK, I can't have an iPhone because my cel phone company can't support it. (We have a really good regional company that hasn't been bought out by the biggies and won't be any time yet so we're staying!) So we all have Droid's. LOVE THEM!

    I do have an iPod touch and it's pretty much like the iPhone without the phone, so I guess I do know the comparison.

    I have to say, if given the choice, I'd stick with the Droid.
  • NiciS72
    NiciS72 Posts: 1,043 Member
    I LOVE LOVE LOVE my Motorola Droid3. That said, I am a keyboard kinda gal. My husband has the Iphone4 and loves it. I like its functionality, especially the sharing features since our house is totally Apple except for my phone. If the Iphone had a physical keyboard I would probably own one. I am on my second Droid and love it too! Good luck with your decision!
  • polar135
    polar135 Posts: 319 Member
    I have used both and i prefer android as i can make my phone look any way i want. different launchers (home screen replacement apps) can change the entire look of the phone.

    I also despise itunes. I have a huge collection of music and movies and i find that i want to shoot myself in the head when i have to add stuff to a iphone or ipod.

    My wife has a iphone and at times wishes she could go back to android just because it has free turn by turn directions with google maps.

    IOS (Iphone/Ipod) is very user friendly. Very easy to use, but you can't change the look and feel of the screens beyond folders and wallpapers; Android takes time to get use to but once you learn how to use it, its very powerful as it 100% customize-able. (Launchers, live wall paper and so on.)
  • lmh0111
  • Isabella_Adeline
    Isabella_Adeline Posts: 21 Member
    I have an Iphone and love it! Itunes can be a pain to set up but now that it's organized I don't seem to have any troubles and even share my library with my husband, which allows us to share apps, music, movies and tv shows. I can download music separately from other sites and burn any cds I buy onto the computer and add them to my library. With regards to the apps, there are tonnes of free apps and tonnes of paid ones, the nice thing about apps is that in most cases if you accidently delete them you don't have to pay to get them back (not true of music). for me a huge thing has been support that's available. When my step-daughter dropped hers and it was having issues, they simply replaced it, no questions asked. Also because of the nature of the app development, I have zero concern about viruses and the like. just my 2 cents.
  • Ksnoddy87
    Ok now what do you guys think about the fact that you have to pay $99 up front for the iPhone insurance and that only covers minor damages...if you loose that bad boy, you're crapped out! As opposed to any other phone, you're able to get a replacement phone by just paying a $100 deductable or so?
  • jobster68
    Android - I absolutely love my Samsung Galaxy SII!
  • AgandNes
    AgandNes Posts: 13 Member
    I love my Android G2. I love that my gmail syncs up with the phone and it does everything I need it to. I wouldn't trade my phone for any other.
  • FrenchMob
    FrenchMob Posts: 1,167 Member
    Blackberry...nuff said. :laugh: I love going 3-4 days without having to plug my phone in also.

    Had a HTC Dream android and hated it...now you couldn't pry the BB out of my cold dead hands.
  • ONE03
    ONE03 Posts: 125 Member
    I think both platforms are equally impressive and fit my needs. Only thing is there are more choices of phones with the android OS. So you will have your good and bad phones with android on it.

    What will usually sway my decision is which one will hold its value for when I want to switch up.
  • MPwife10
    MPwife10 Posts: 130 Member
  • anG2413
    Saw a lot of "android apps are free" "HTC has insurance".. Etc
    I've never paid for an app on my iPhone, and I have insurance on it, as well :)
    Also, the iPhone 4s is quite amazing & I've had zero battery problems
    I agree with the guy who said "android is open source iPhone is not" we actually had this discussion in my CIS class the other day
    It depends on "what" you want to do with your phone
    Also, all of my android user friends have had numerous phones because they quit working, won't install updates, deletes all info(since its stored on the phone), force closes everything. Etc.
    I had to restore my previous iPhone(3G) because I had 4.02 IOS software
    And it couldn't handle it. But I got my texts, numbers, even my previously visited websites.

    anyways, I say iPhone. But that's up to you in the end :)