Will I ever get my roll back?

For most of my life, I have had that annoying "roll of fat" around my lower abdomen. You know the one - that roll that secretly (and sometimes not so secretly) makes people wonder if you're pregnant. I have spent my life hating that roll.

Now I want it back.

You see, a few years ago the roll got bigger, gravity stepped in, and my roll turned into a "fold". An apron. Whatever it's called. It is a million times worse than my roll ever was. It hangs there like a --- I don't know what --- I have never seen anything this ugly.

I decided it was time to take matters into my own hands and get healthy. I am down 22 pounds in 2 months....seems like a reasonable pace. I am getting more active, and I already feel better about myself.

So...my question to you all is this - will my roll ever come back, or once you've graduated to fold, is it a fold forever??



  • u2fergus
    u2fergus Posts: 422 Member
    I think if you keep going at this long enough you'll have your flat stomach back. :) Great job on the weight loss!!!
  • Unfortunately (?) I don't think you'll ever get your roll back unless you gain weight. My boyfriend has a lot of extra skin on his lower abdomen and it won't go away without a tummy tuck...sorry....but I do think that a fold is better than a roll! and definitely healthier than a roll!!!
  • Bump! I would really like to hear others' experience with this as well. I have the same fear :frown:
    Add me if you'd like :)
  • I had that after I gave birth to my daughter at 238 pounds. The 'apron' can go away, but gravity will continue to work against you. I have a belly, but it is getting flatter and it doesn't hang down anymore. The good news is that the more you work out the less it will be there.

    22 pounds is amazing! Keep up the good work, you are doing a great job!
  • ber3023
    ber3023 Posts: 146 Member
    I'm with ya on this apron belly thing. My biggest worry is losing the weight and still hating my body cause I'll have excess skin (folds). I've been told if you lose at a slow pace, drink plenty of water and workout, it'll help the fold and saggy skin. I'm also told the younger you are the better the skin will tighten back up. I'll keep my fingers crossed for both of us!
  • MissObstinatiox
    MissObstinatiox Posts: 275 Member
    I,ve been wondering the same thing as mine i could hide a truck under! (well a little exaggeration here) :0)
  • starracer23
    starracer23 Posts: 1,011 Member
    Unless you have awesome skin genes...most likely not. Once skin has stretched, it's less than likely to go back.
  • kaetra
    kaetra Posts: 442 Member
    I think it depends alot on your age. Younger people's skin has more elasticity and can spring back a bit. The older you are, the less likely that is to happen.

    In any case, an apron is pretty hard to get rid of without a tummy tuck, no matter how young you are or how thin and fit you get.
  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,219 Member
    I have found that losing weight slow and steady, combined with cardio and weight lifting has helped the extra skin. I thought I was doomed to have this flap of stomach skin but the skin is going back to how I used to be when I was thinner. When I lost weight rapidly I had a flap of skin that hung down like a deflated balloon.
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    It's also about genetics. Some people are lucky enough to have nice elastic skin and some people will have to deal with the loose skin or get surgery to have it removed.

    Try to lose slowly, exercise regularly (cardio and strength training), don't completely cut out fats, make sure you stay hydrated, use lotion to hydrate from the outsideand above all, give it time. I read an article that said it can take up to two years for skin to recover. And I can tell you from my personal experience that my belly skin is loose but it is slowly tighteining up as I lose the weight. Seems to go in phases - it's really loose then it tightens up a bit, then I drop a few poundsand the skin is loose again, then it tightens up a bit.

    You're just starting out so try not to concentrate so much on how your body reacts right now, just focus on getting heatlhy and fit!
  • marnijojo
    marnijojo Posts: 235 Member
    Do you think we could get a group discount on tummy tucks? I would sign up for that group!

    I have the same problem going on, but the closer I get to my goal weight, it has been improving. I don't think it is ever going to go away completely, unless I get to an unhealthy low weight, which I will not do.
  • mandimoore617
    mandimoore617 Posts: 325 Member
    I'm only 24, but I think I'll always have the "santa belly" as I call it... the part of my belly that hangs down after giving birth to my son (the apron belly you call it). I fully intend to have a tummy tuck to get rid of it if it's still there once I hit my goal weight.
  • Do you think we could get a group discount on tummy tucks? I would sign up for that group!

    I have the same problem going on, but the closer I get to my goal weight, it has been improving. I don't think it is ever going to go away completely, unless I get to an unhealthy low weight, which I will not do.
    I love this idea!! Sign me up!! And I love this group...you all ROCK!!
  • queenbee917
    queenbee917 Posts: 50 Member
    I have this problem but it came after kid(s), it was actually there after my first child but became more prevalent after the 2nd. As I gained weight the flap got larger....I always hated my "roll" too but after the flap came I was mortified and would love my roll back. For you 20 something gals out there that hate your arms, you should embrace them now. I always hated mine too but now in addition to them being too large they hang and have cellulite! what I would give to have the old arms back! So, I can't say there is hope that the flap will go away, but as I lose it does get smaller.
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