Sexy vixen vs. dowdy dilemma



  • tyrsblade
    tyrsblade Posts: 27 Member
    came and contrast what is sexy today against what is sexy say in the 50's

    She has curves... I loves curves . I love my wife's curves...

    wire thin, no curves and cookie cutter looks.
  • BigDaddyBRC
    BigDaddyBRC Posts: 2,395 Member
    Not weird at all.
    No one likes to admit it. but I will.
    The first thing we notice about the opposite sex is their body. and evolutionarily speaking a thin fit body is a healthy body.

    And what does a Blind person do? go off of a shodow? get real with yourself. this is how YOU percieve the world. Not everyone does this

    haha no need to get nasty. geeze louise. a blind person is a totally different situation. I study evolutionary psychology and human sexuality. I'm going off of MANY years of research. no need to attack me just because you don't agree with my post.

    I wasnt attacking. I was just stating facts against a generalization. I'm against generalizing because everyone is unique and their body chemistry different. Looks do not set a preface for what is healthy, thus the enire body is not my first impression nor do I "scan" someone.
  • sarahkatara
    sarahkatara Posts: 826 Member
    Not weird at all.
    No one likes to admit it. but I will.
    The first thing we notice about the opposite sex is their body. and evolutionarily speaking a thin fit body is a healthy body.

    And what does a Blind person do? go off of a shodow? get real with yourself. this is how YOU percieve the world. Not everyone does this

    Just to play devil's advocate here (and i mean NO drama or insult to anyone), it is true that as humans, we are instinctively built to analyze the physical traits of a person before anything else. In human's early existence, the man or woman who was built a certain way was the most desirable because their body's symmetry, muscle mass, fat, etc indicates a healthy, fertile mate. There's a really cool program on this on Nova channel or PBS. I'll try to find a link and post it. Blind people, however, are coping without that initial physical impression that is usually so important. I imagine that such people develop other ways to analyze people, indicating a certain level of attraction. Believe it or not, you do "scan" people, men and women. you size up "competitors" (other men) and check out "potential mates" (women). Again, it's a simple evolutionary fact. Not to say you're vain or shallow- i appreciate you speaking against generalizations.
    Again, don't hate. Just speaking from a psychological/scientific point-of-view. like i said, there's a great documentary i'll try to find :)