does dieting ever end?



  • narenn
    narenn Posts: 73
    What's said here is all true. It starts with a "diet", but really it's the beginning of a lifestyle change.

    Remember, reaching your goals show you have acquired new self-disciplines and knowledge to better take care of yourself! From there is where maintenance comes into play.
  • PBJunky
    PBJunky Posts: 737 Member
    I feel I am always on some kind of diet to keep myself on check with my calories for the day. Like I am restricting something or the other everytime. For example I restrict sweet intake to keep me on check with my weight gain. you just can't eat anything you want and stay fit and healthy. We always have to watch what we eat :(

    I feel even if I reach my goal I still have to count my calories to not go overboard :( Is that so with all of you?

    Welcome to the lifestyle, but you can still have your cheat meal or so as long as you stay within your calorie goal
  • KayteeBear
    KayteeBear Posts: 1,040 Member
    Does dieting ever end? least it's shouldn't. It shouldn't be "dieting" though; it's supposed to be a lifestyle change.

    That's what I think everything in moderation because there's no way you can cut out something you love forever and not end up overindulging more often then you'd like.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Dieting ends the day you realize and accept that no diet has ever, or will ever, work.

    As the previous poster said, it's a change in your mindset. It's evolution not restriction that gets the results.

    This is a crock. There are many diets that work. I'm on a diet right now. I've been on a diet for most of my adult life. It's how I never became obese. I restrict things. Whether you eat crap "in moderation" (i.e. restrict it) or eat healthy, it's all about being conscious of what you put in your mouth. Not restricting anything = mindless eating and that usually how people get fat.
  • CMmrsfloyd
    CMmrsfloyd Posts: 2,383 Member
    I have been at this for a little over 3 months now - I really don't feel like I'm 'dieting', I feel like I'm learning to make (and enjoy) the better choices that come automatically for a lot of other people. I had no idea how much I was eating before until I started keeping track. So to me this is not a diet, it's a learning process teaching me how the food I chooses impacts my day. I still enjoy things that I want, just in moderation. And yes I do say no to some things (I personally don't need the 900 calorie lunch I used to eat) but at the same time I replacing old bad habits with new things that I find just as enjoyable. The key to not feeling like you're 'dieting' is to find a balance and a way to enjoy it. Anytime someone asks me if I'm 'on a diet' or what my 'dieting secret' is, I tell them I'm not 'on a diet' but rather I'm learning to make better choices. I don't call this 'a diet' b/c to me that sounds like something you're going to do for awhile and then stop. I don't plan to stop. I plan to remain conscious of my choices for the rest of my life. I'm not putting in all this time and effort learning new things just to stop using it and waste all this valuable info. ;)