Working Out and Eating Back Calories

I know a lot of people eat back their workout calories.
But I don't always do it, I feel theres no point because then your just eating the calories you burned, making the work out pointless.

What are your veiws on this ? Do you eat them back? why or why not?

Feel free to add me!


  • Kellynh
    Kellynh Posts: 5 Member
    That is one thing I hate about MFP is that they add your burned calories to your total, like you are to eat them. I totally disagree!!!! My own stupid goal is to once a week burn the whole 1200 cals I ate. (i have yet to do so,lol) but in the back of my mind I keep trying. It takes what like 3500 burned cals for one lb or something like that, if you take it all back in how is that loosing? It doesn't make any sence to me. That's just my thoughts,lol
  • ashnm88
    ashnm88 Posts: 748
    I never eat my exercise calories back, I feel it makes my workout pointless. I'm never that hungry any ways.
  • amycarol59
    amycarol59 Posts: 111 Member
    Some times I do and sometimes not it all depends on how much I have burned. You calorie count on MFP already includes your deficit of calories you need for the weigh per week you want to lose. If you are eating 1300 cal a day to lose 2 lbs a week and work out and burn 400 cal you put your total calories for the day at 900 if you do not eat those calories back you metabolism will decrease. My Dr. says whatever your calorie goal dont let your calories -workout calories burned be under 1200women or 1500 for men else you will make you metabolism slow and not lose like you should. Hope this helps it is hard to eat all those calories you just burned I totally agree.
  • stevwil41
    stevwil41 Posts: 608 Member
    I didn't eat mine back at first but now I do most of the time. I'm not fanaticish about it. MFP has a calorie deficit built in so if for example, you put your info in and choose that you want to lose 1 lb a week then your calorie goal would reflect about a 3500 calorie per week deficit. The exercise calories are just a bonus that allows you to eat a little more and improves your overall health.
  • Gah. MFP already has your deficit worked in for you. If you aren't eating any of your exercise calories back.... you know what? Nevermind.
  • mashanda
    mashanda Posts: 120 Member
    It depends on what you are trying to do. My current trainer does say eat my workout calories but he did say that I should be at a higher calorie intake. I am supposed to eat every three hours and protein with every meal. This is supposed to help me build muscle. He said I can loose weight by eating a lot less calories and just running or doing lots of cardio but it I want to build muscle then eating more and more often is the way to go. Just do some research on it...also you know your body! so do what works for you :)
  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    look. i am sick of people posting these topics. bottom line is. you burn calories, you eat calories. while eating at a calorie defecit AND exercising it is potentially dangerous to not eat back exercise calories but SURE DEPRIVE YOUR BODY THEN. dont complain when you faint.

    and this is why i love you!
  • PBJunky
    PBJunky Posts: 737 Member
    Topic of yesterday, with my same reply below

    Most people don't understand how their calories are calculated and how they should be managing it, thus asking these types of question whether they should be eating their exercise calories back or not.

    Here is the truth,

    Lets use the formula that MFP use to calculate your calories

    Mifflin-St Jeo (Quite inaccurate compared to Katch McArdle)
    MEN: BMR = [9.99 x weight (kg)] + [6.25 x height (cm)] - [4.92 x age (years)] + 5
    WOMEN: BMR = [9.99 x weight (kg)] + [6.25 x height (cm)] - [4.92 x age (years)] -161

    For the sake of this post lets just fill in the blanks with test data

    Weight = 80kgs
    Height = 180cm
    Age = 20

    Men: BMR = [9.99 x 80] + [6.25 x 174] - [4.92 x 20] + 5
    = 799.2 + 1087.5 - 98.4 + 5
    = 1793.3

    Great now we have our BMR

    Normally you would multiply your BMR with your activity level as to compensate for the extra food you need for energy etc. MFP doesn't do this, instead they expect you to eat back your exercise calories which comes down to the same thing but probably a bit more accurate ...since you know what extra calories you burned and should be compensating for.

    1.2 =Sedentary (Little or no exercise + desk job)
    1.3-1.4 = Lightly Active (Little daily activity & light exercise 1-3 days a week)
    1.5-1.6 = Moderately Active (Moderately active daily life & Moderate exercise 3-5 days a week)
    1.7-1.8 = Very Active (Physically demanding lifestyle & Hard exercise or sports 6-7 days a week)
    1.9-2.0 = Extremely Active (Hard daily exercise or sports and physical job)

    Now since you have your BMR you need to decide whether you want to lose weight or gain weight...

    1lb of fat = 3500 Calories

    As always it is best to lose fat slow and steady to preserve as much muscle mass as possible so preferably you want to lose 1/2 lbs a week which equates to a deficit of 3500/7000 calories a week...doing if faster will only result in a sack of bones with hanging skin.

    So lets say you want to lose 1lb a week then you now you should have a deficit of 3500 calories weekly, which makes a deficit of 500 calories a day. Take that BMR we had earlier and simply subtract the deficit of 500 and that should be your daily calorie intake.

    Daily Calorie Intake = BMR - 500
    = 1793.3 - 500
    = 1293.3

    So using MFP it is best to eat back your exercise calories or you will be losing more than just fat...precious muscle
  • Ahluvly
    Ahluvly Posts: 389 Member

    I hope the following helps.

    We need a consistent daily number of calories to carry us through our day. When we work out, we will need to eat those back in order to maintain that expected level of fuel for the body. When you do exercise, and build muscle your body then starts working more effectively to burn fat.

    E.g. Say for your stats, you should be eating 2200 calories a day to maintain your weight but you decide to reduce this to 1700 then you are in a deficit straight away of 500 calories. People will argue whether dropping 500 cals a day is good or bad, and others will say you're better off reducing your daily maintenace calories by up to 20% in order to successfully lose weight steadily, but that's by the by. However, if you do do the above, by then working out, and eating your calories back from what you've burnt off you will still lose.

    What you don't want to happen is for you to lose too fast as you will lose muscle (not just body fat) and you definitely don't want that!

    I hope that makes sense?! There are plenty of people on here who have professions and experience in training and nutrition, and I'm sure they will comment too to help you with your question!

    Good luck with your journey flower!

  • kikiallain
    kikiallain Posts: 150 Member
    Please listen too all these people and be honest with what you log and EAT BACK YOUR WORKOUT CALORIES!!!
  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    I know a lot of people eat back their workout calories.
    But I don't always do it, I feel theres no point because then your just eating the calories you burned, making the work out pointless.

    What are your veiws on this ? Do you eat them back? why or why not?

    Feel free to add me!

    I gotta fuel my body!

    How does this make the workout pointless? I workout instead of taking any depression or anxiety meds anymore and am happier than ever. Exercise gives me energy, and wakes me up. You can be skinny fat if you'd like but I need to FEED my MUSCLES! I would rather gain muscle and lose fat and make my body composition look better, oh yeah - whilst enjoying it! I would rather not starve. I did not used to eat them when I was classed as Obese number 2 but now I am only overweight I starve if I don't eat back those calories!
  • look. i am sick of people posting these topics. bottom line is. you burn calories, you eat calories. while eating at a calorie defecit AND exercising it is potentially dangerous to not eat back exercise calories but SURE DEPRIVE YOUR BODY THEN. dont complain when you faint.

    You win :D

    There are other reasons to exercise besides weight loss. Your cardiovascular health, strength and endurance gains, body composition for example.

    If you don't eat them back you have a higher chance of burning muscle for fuel. This slows your metabolism, making the weight harder too keep off. It also changes body composition. Ever heard of skinnyfat? Yea not attractive at all.Lose the muscle and that's what is going to happen.

    So if all you care about is the number on the scale then don't eat them. You will lose faster. Someone who is eating them back will look much much better at their goal weight tho.

  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,420 MFP Moderator
    Here is what i love about the post, all the people who dont eat back exercise calories have no scientific proof to why they do not eat them. The ones that do have legitiment reasons and proof why its important to why you should.
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,605 Member
    How can exercise be 'pointless'?

    I eat back some. I workout a fair bit, so I don't eat them all, because I'd be eating all day, but I certainly eat a few hundred into my exercise calories most days. I lose 3lb a week on average, so it's clearly not doing my weight loss any harm.

    If it's really hard to get heads round the concept of eating them back, maybe this calculator will help.

    My BMR on here is 2152. My energy expenditure is 4689. Now if I 'just' eat the calories that MFP suggests for a lightly active woman of my weight and age, I'd have a deficit of 3100 calories. That's far more than is sane for anyone to have as a deficit.

    I don't understand why people are so resistant to the idea of eating back at least *some* of the exercise calories. This is surely just common sense? And there's no virtue in being unecessarily hungry, and no weightloss advantage that I've observed in those who steadfastly refuse to feed their exercise.
  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    look. i am sick of people posting these topics. bottom line is. you burn calories, you eat calories. while eating at a calorie defecit AND exercising it is potentially dangerous to not eat back exercise calories but SURE DEPRIVE YOUR BODY THEN. dont complain when you faint.

    You win :D

    There are other reasons to exercise besides weight loss. Your cardiovascular health, strength and endurance gains, body composition for example.

    If you don't eat them back you have a higher chance of burning muscle for fuel. This slows your metabolism, making the weight harder too keep off. It also changes body composition. Ever heard of skinnyfat? Yea not attractive at all.Lose the muscle and that's what is going to happen.

    So if all you care about is the number on the scale then don't eat them. You will lose faster. Someone who is eating them back will look much much better at their goal weight tho.


  • That is one thing I hate about MFP is that they add your burned calories to your total, like you are to eat them. I totally disagree!!!! My own stupid goal is to once a week burn the whole 1200 cals I ate. (i have yet to do so,lol) but in the back of my mind I keep trying. It takes what like 3500 burned cals for one lb or something like that, if you take it all back in how is that loosing? It doesn't make any sence to me. That's just my thoughts,lol

    You are trying to burn off all 1200 calories you ate in one day? You are so doing it wrong lol
  • docHelen
    docHelen Posts: 198
    eat them you've earnt them.
    you exercise to improve your fitness, tone etc. MFP has already calculated a deficit to loose weight.
    Eat and enjoy
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    look. i am sick of people posting these topics. bottom line is. you burn calories, you eat calories. while eating at a calorie defecit AND exercising it is potentially dangerous to not eat back exercise calories but SURE DEPRIVE YOUR BODY THEN. dont complain when you faint.

    What she said.. and then some!!

    If you were dieting/exercising and not counting calories, you would be eating them back anyway without knowing it because I highly doubt all of us eat three square meals, plus snacks and then exercise... Life just doesn't work out that way. Now that we are more aware though and can see our calorie goals, for some odd reason all logic goes out the window and we stop eating even though we should..
  • If anybody feels sick about people, who asked the same question again and again, just don't answer it. Otherwise answer in an informative way. The people, who asked that question, might have never read the other treads or just joined MFP.
  • If anybody feels sick about people, who asked the same question again and again, just don't answer it. Otherwise answer in an informative way. The people, who asked that question, might have never read the other treads or just joined MFP.

    She said she knew.
    And there is a perfectly good search button if not.