Turbo Jammers 4/6-4/12



  • Dragonfly11
    Dragonfly11 Posts: 672 Member
    Hey Gang,
    wiped out tonight but wanted to check in w/ CP2 and 20min for today (no , not at the same time:laugh: , at least not yet,:wink: ) never say never, right?
    A grueling week is drawing to a close - thank you God. I was so tired last nite (i left my house at 6am and didnt get home til after 9!!) Work drama can be exhausting, so needless to say I made up for it today.
    Looks like all are doing really good with their workouts despite our individual obstacles. Hope all that are a little down feel better real soon.
    Just wanted to check in and wish everyone a goodnite.

    Holler at y'all tomorrow

  • Beeks5
    Beeks5 Posts: 41
    Hey girls!!

    Nice to see some new faces .. sorry for being MIA .. but with 3 kids under 6 .. life is kinda hectic!! But you will be happy to know that i did not stray from a single workout this week .. really focussing on my abs with ab jam alot .. i really want my baby jiggle to go away .. as well as eating the good tummy foods!! However today I did Fat blaster (classic!):blushing:

    So nice to hear all of your great news, pounds lost, feeling better!! I even found out that my mother in law bought the dvd set!! Turbo Jam Kicks *kitten* .. pardon my french!! hahahaha!!:glasses:

    Well hope everyone has a great weekend and if i don't get back on here soon .. Happy Easter .. don't eat too much chocolate!!:bigsmile:

    Later Jammers!!:drinker:
  • Lyn_Matthews
    Lyn_Matthews Posts: 902 Member
    What a day! I did get my workout in...PK&J today! (wow why is it that it seems like forever ago?) Hubs and I went shopping...trying to find cute sandals for the summer....no one had the ones I want, going to order online :smile: Then we went to the dollar store to find some simple outdoors kinda stuff. We are having company over Saturday and we thought it would be nice to provide something to do for the kids so they don't kill each other :happy: Then I walked to get Dre from school and then came home did some cleaning up, then it was time for dinner. And dessert....that frozen yogurt place is going to be the death of me I'm telling you!

    But let me tell you what a happy day it is....My hubby fixed my car!! It has had this terrible whining high pitched noise forever...and I mean FOREVER (like since I bought it..it just keeps getting louder over the years), but I didn't want to take it in to get it fixed due to $$$$, so hubby finally decided to look at it today and he figured out where it was coming from, replaced the part and now....my car is SO quiet. I wont be embarassed to drive my own car anymore :laugh:

    Becky-happy to see you are still going strong! Stay away from the chocolate....we aren't buying any candy this year...okay maybe just a little but don't tell my hubby :wink:

    MM and Janet-great job on your workouts!

    With it being a holiday weekend, I expect to see quite the decline in posts over the next couple of days but I hope you all enjoy the time with your families...and workout if you can....if not, hey life happens!

    Night all!
  • mkklutts
    mkklutts Posts: 13
    I love turbo jam! but it sounds like I really need to break down and purchase the most recent set, I only have the first set and truthfully I lost one of the DVD's so I mainly do cardio party 1, love it though. What am I missing...?
  • amanda15
    amanda15 Posts: 43
    Morning ladies! I have a busy day ahead. But I've already done the 20 min workout. Bout to jump in the tub and get kiddos ready. Going to visit my grandma and take her to lunch. :) I am off today!!! Will do good, but tonight we are taking Mark's bank tellers to dinner...mexican!!! Argh! But I figure I've done good all week so it won't hurt me a bit. Maybe I'll get another workout in this afternoon.

    You ladies have a wonderful day!!!
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    I can't catch up with all of you, but I just wanted to say hello! My TJ is on loan to a friend & I'm having serious withdrawls. ACK! I didn't get to TurboKick this morning either b/c Miss T's b.day party is tomorrow & I'm baking up a storm! BAH!

    Lots of junk happened this week so I'm hoping to REALLY be back to you & Turbo Jamming next week. I miss both! :heart:
  • megan0313
    megan0313 Posts: 394
    Hi Everyone!
    Sara and Becky...nice to see you...we miss you guys! :heart:

    Good job on your workouts Ladies!! Today I did CP2 (my fave of the moment) and TS. I actually got the hubby to do both with me! It was a great motivator...he's a runner and weight lifter, so he was determined to get through both workouts, and I'm naturally competitive so I really pushed myself to show him how hard it really was (which he definitely realized :tongue: ) I'm surprised one of us didn't have a heart attack! :laugh:

    We're going out to dinner tonight, so after these workouts I definitely feel like I can go guilt free!

    Have a great day!
  • Lyn_Matthews
    Lyn_Matthews Posts: 902 Member
    Checkin in quickly with FB and Booty Jam. I'll have to catch up later....off to lunch with my hubby and then some shopping.

    It's raining again today...hopefully I will still get my walk in.
  • Beeks5
    Beeks5 Posts: 41
    Hello Jammers!!

    I didn't get my workouts in yesterday, however, I did go for a bike ride with my son and after supper I took a long walk with friends so I'd say I more than made up for the lack of jamming!

    Today I plan on getting in the Turbo Sculpt!! No Pain .. No Gain!! hahaha:drinker:

    Well I hope you all have a great weekend and don't worry Lyn ... I barely bought any candy for the kids and my hubby usually eats it before I get to .. plus don't laugh at me but I am not a chocolate eater! I prefer chips over sweets! :flowerforyou:

    Talk to y'all later!!

  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,697 Member
    Ok, I did cardio party one. It was alright. Can't wait till I get the moves down, so I can burn more calories but I did sweat. I was really wanting to take a nap, so I guess I made the better choice. :yawn:
    I'll try to check in again Monday.
    Happy Easter!
  • Dragonfly11
    Dragonfly11 Posts: 672 Member
    Good Morning Jammers,
    Happy Easter!! Dreary here in Texas this am - I woke up at 7,thanked God and put the sneaks on before I could negotiate with myself on why I didn't have to work out today,lol! Yesterday was the first "off day" I have taken in probably 45 days or so. I try not to let a day go by with out working out to some degree - so it was really strange for my body. We had a friend over unexpectedly and there was laughter and food and love- it was great!! But it threw my day off b/c I didnt get to w/o. Checking in w/ CP2,20min and AB Jam - Guess I threw in a little extra to make up for yesterday and I can relax a little bit with the food today too. I can officially have treats again ( s/f Jello pudding, WW ice cream sandwiches, Kashi bars ) gosh it's been since Feb since i've had them and I can't believe I made it!
    I hope everyone has a fantastic day today and enjoys their families!

  • Lyn_Matthews
    Lyn_Matthews Posts: 902 Member
    Becky-I don't think your weird. I'm finding there are a lot of people out there that don't like chocolate...I don't understand it but it doesn't make you weird :smile:

    MM-good job on getting in your workout. That's a tough choice between nap and exercise!

    Janet-You don't have down days? I make sure I get at least one down day a week (sometimes 2). Your body really does need a day of rest! Glad to hear you suceeded with your "no sweets" since Lent, good for you! That is a major accomplishment.

    I didn't do TJ yesterday but I did go for a 2 mile walk=440 cals burned. I wasn't going to workout today but my blood is already boiling this morning so I may need to do something to work it out of my system :mad:
    It is a beautiful day out so I may just go for a walk. I love living so close to a "green belt" (ok it runs along the canal I don't think that really counts, that's why I refer to it as the walk path). All I have to do is walk out my door, down the street a bit around the corner and I'm there, mile down mile back, and then the little extra to get home. I edited my playlist on my mp3 player so that there is only dancy, hip hop, quick songs on there to walk to. I find that if I follow the beat of the songs they vary just enough to take my heart rate up and down for 3-4 minutes at a time...but still stay in my cardio zone. Just talking about it makes me excited so maybe I'll load up the kids and go RIGHT NOW!

    holding_easter_egg.gif Happy Easter Everyone!
  • megan0313
    megan0313 Posts: 394
    Happy Easter Jammers! :heart:
    I got in Fat Blaster and Booty Sculpt yesterday...no workout today I don't think unless I'm up to it late tonight. Janet I know what you mean...if feels so strange now to not workout. I love that it's become so much a part of my daily routine that I feel restless if I don't get a workout in.

    Luckily we're having a beautiful day here in Pittsburgh. Lots of sunshine, the kids had their Easter Egg hunt in the woods behind our house this morning...lots of fun!

    I hope everyone has a blessed day with family and friends!
  • Lyn_Matthews
    Lyn_Matthews Posts: 902 Member