Starbucks Paranoia....

Does anyone else deal with this issue? (Or am I the only paranoid weirdo... lol)

I am not a Starbucks person, by any means... I think it's overpriced, so I usually avoid it. However, with it being cold out today, I decided to splurge on one of those $4 specialty drinks... a Skinny Caramel Macchiato, to be exact.

As I'm drinking my "Skinny" drink, I start wondering... how do I know she made it skinny? Am I secretly getting an extra 200 calories because it's a regular drink, and not skinny? :noway:

Paranoid!! Ah! There's no writing on the cup, either... Am I the only one, or do you guys wonder about this too?


  • Vulnerable64
    Vulnerable64 Posts: 41 Member
    As a former starbucks employee it was drilled in pretty quickly that sugar free and skinny drinks and very important mostly for people with diabetes so I think your safe lol But sometimes I wonder the samething about my 'diet' beverage at restaurants lol
  • horror_hamster
    i completely get what you're saying! I get that way too... I do the same thing at Jiffy Lube (hehe) we use the synthetic oil in our prius and every time i leave i wonder "did they really put the synthetic i paid for in my car, or are they taking my money and using regular thinking i wont notice!?"

    But yea, i know i'm not CONSUMING the oil but i get what you're saying and i've thought the same thing. I try to watch most of the time, but sometimes they're too far out of sight to make sure...
  • Jessica2Skinny
    Jessica2Skinny Posts: 118 Member
    I use to work at Starbucks.... All "Skinny" means is Fat Free Milk & Sugar Free Vanilla . (Yes, Sugar -free vanilla is in a caramel macchiano) Infact, the only caramel in that drink is the drizzle on top.
  • yesthistime
    yesthistime Posts: 2,051 Member
    I soooooo have Starbucks paranoia! And, in general, paranoia about things that claim to be low-cal or low-fat but taste REALLY GOOD! I have no solution for you, but know that you are not alone :)
  • MrsB123111
    MrsB123111 Posts: 535 Member
    I get Starbucks about once a week. You can TOTALLY tell the difference when they use skim milk vs 2%. The 2% tastes much richer. Another thing to think about; even with the skim milk, the syrups still have a TON of sugar. Ask for the sugar free syrup or less pumps. Saves lots of calories...
  • Saffyra
    Saffyra Posts: 607 Member
    As a former Starbucks barista, I would say you are completely safe because its a very common drink. Just like a skinny vanilla latte.

    I agree with Vulnerable about the diet at restaurants. I do wonder...
  • lrod2323
    LOL, I used to drink alot of starbucks, especially carmel machiattos, so I would be able to tell the difference. But yeah, I do wonder sometimes... :)
  • MamaRandall
    MamaRandall Posts: 243 Member
    I did the same thing just the other day and decided no more Starbucks for me. I usually just make my own coffee but thought it sounded delicious and I was going to allow myself a little extra tasty for the day. I wanted a skinny pumpkin spice latte no whip... When I got it I realized that their was a LITTLE bit of whip cream and it looked like they had realized their mistake and scrapped it off.... so was their fatty milk in it too!!! GRR. I have to just stick to making my own coffee!
  • sarahkatara
    sarahkatara Posts: 826 Member
    ::raises hand:: former barista of many years. i saw some other people who have worked there before and it's true- a huge part of our training was to learn the EXACT specifications for EVERY drink. They quizzed us non-stop, had us do workbooks full of this stuff. and yes, sugar-free vs. non- sugar free is a huge concern. Same with decaf vs non-decaf. If that personhas a heart problem, maybe they can't drink caffeine. i'm sure there's been certain times where people mess up but they always do their best to make it right the first time. trust me, they don't want to remake it as much as you don't want to wait to have them remake it!
    I understand the paranoia though. You're working so hard and what if this is made wrong and you're miscounted for today?! that would suck but one day won't hurt. Also, try to talk back to these paranoid thoughts. it will take the joy and spontaneity out of life! eating out, having a starbucks now and deserve to enjoy those small treats :)
  • killerqueen17
    killerqueen17 Posts: 536 Member
    As a former starbucks employee it was drilled in pretty quickly that sugar free and skinny drinks and very important mostly for people with diabetes so I think your safe lol But sometimes I wonder the samething about my 'diet' beverage at restaurants lol

    True, I used to work at Cracker Barrel and we were taught the same as far as unsweet teas, sugar-free ice cream, and guests who express that they have food allergies... however, this is not a "real" Starbucks, it's a bookstore cafe that serves Starbucks coffee. And there have been some... minor incidents... in the past that make me wonder if these baristas are 100% up to par... lol!!
  • gatorflyer
    gatorflyer Posts: 536 Member
    I definitely understand the paranoia, and when I plan to do Starbucks, I also try to do a little extra exercise, just in case... I have not given up my Carmel Frappuccino Light from Starbucks. I think the minute you start saying you can't have something, that's a recipe for disaster, since it will just make you want it more and then you'll cave. There is definitely a difference in taste of the skinny or light versions over the "fully leaded" versions. Remember also that even though things are skinny, or low fat or whatever, if you add things like whipped cream, which I don't, you're still a dding extra calories. Also, there are individual differences between employees, so someone might a add more of something than another employee. I've gotten to know some of the employees and I find that talking to them about your need to keep the drink as healthy as possible goes a long way towards alleviating the paranoia.
  • crikee15
    crikee15 Posts: 155 Member
    I usually double check with the barista AND I make sure to taste my drink before I leave...that way, if they did mess up, I can still have the correct drink in my hand as I walk out the door :D
  • deannasmom
    deannasmom Posts: 16 Member
    i think people who are at the coffee places do their best to make sure your drink is the way you asked for it. For one thing, like most of the people said, people can tell when their drink is wrong. It isn't fun to get cussed out over a wrongly made coffee. Plus there could be a health reason for why someone asks for a certain things, and no one wants to get in trouble for making someone sick by just making whatever they feel like. im sure they don't do that
  • macpatti
    macpatti Posts: 4,280 Member
    I can totally taste the difference. You can always walk in and stalk the barista at the end of the bar while she makes your drink!
  • taurie
    taurie Posts: 225 Member
    I'm paranoid too. Thought I was the only one. I've caught someone before using whole milk in my drink and then deny it. This was at Costa Coffee. I always keep a close eye, but it has put me off going there. I don't like the coffee at Starbucks as much but I trust them... except for maybe when they are really busy and the baristas look under pressure.
  • sprinkies
    sprinkies Posts: 309 Member
    i always watch them make the drink, and i've caught them use whole milk before (or probably it was 2%, it was a while ago and i don't remember) and when i say something about it they deny that they're wrong. i hate whole milk, it's too thick to me and i just can't drink it. i can definitely tell when my drink is wrong. i've forgotten to ask for skim before, tasted the drink, hated it, and they've re-made it.
  • laurenatholen
    I have the same paranoia when I go out to dinner and get a diet soda, because for me I can't taste the difference between regular and diet and I've been to places where they put the wrong stuff in a dispenser and also I've gotten the wrong drink because they all look the same so I always end up making someone who doesnt like a diet drink try it and if they don't like it then i know I'm good :p
  • DisneyMommy
    I agree with those that say you can taste the difference. I can't tolerate any type of milk other than skim. So I can tell right away if it's not right. It's happened a few times and they remake the drink with no problems. I typically only frequent Starbucks during this time of year, Gingerbread lattes (non-fat, no whip) is something I'm not giving up.
  • Celinya
    I like making my own lattes with almond milk.

    Super Skinny Vanilla Latte:
    1 cup unsweetened Blue Diamond vanilla almond milk (40 calories)
    2 TB SF Vanilla Syrup (0 cal)
    1/2 cup coffee (0 cal)
    Only 40 calories, 2 g carbs, 4 g fat, 1 g protein

    You can add 2 TB of Smuckers Caramel sauce for 110 calories & that puts you at 150 calories for a Caramel Latte.
  • awoutlaw