first 5k...need advice

So Im running my first 5k this Sunday like I still want to exercise tomorrow (Saturday) but dont want to do too much until Im sore any suggestions? What should I eat for dinner on Saturday? After the race is the awards where many companies donated free food, what should I eat to recover? And how do I attach my bib to my shirt?

Sorry with all the questions...kinda freaking out


  • RTricia
    RTricia Posts: 720
    yoga and drink LOTS of water! Enjoy!
  • Shayyy01
    Shayyy01 Posts: 290 Member
    They have safety pins for the most part to attach bib to shirt. Im running my 1st 5k as well in dec, i am going to follow your post! Good Luck this weekend!
  • Cordy_in_CT
    Cordy_in_CT Posts: 134 Member
    bump for later. (running my first 5k Thanksgiving day)
  • momma3sweetgirls
    momma3sweetgirls Posts: 743 Member
    Go for a walk or slow jog the day before if you want. Eat whatever you normally eat. They'll give you safety pins to attach the bib. Good luck.
  • igora_soma
    I would take a rest day or else go on a walk. You want to make sure you conserve energy. Don't eat or wear anything new, you want to know how your body will react.

    They should provide you with pins at the race site for your bib.

    Good luck! :)
  • KimertRuns13_1
    Eat what you normally would the night before a run and the morning of.
    You could do some light cardio if you feel up to it.
  • lawkat
    lawkat Posts: 538 Member
    You don't need to do anything different for dinner than you normally do. What do you normally do after a race? Generally most races will have fruit and water or something else to snack on. I wouldn't do anything too strenuous on Saturday. Maybe go for a fast walk or just rest.

    There should be holes where you can pin your bib to your shirt.
  • Runs4Wine
    Runs4Wine Posts: 416 Member
    So Im running my first 5k this Sunday like I still want to exercise tomorrow (Saturday) but dont want to do too much until Im sore any suggestions? What should I eat for dinner on Saturday? After the race is the awards where many companies donated free food, what should I eat to recover? And how do I attach my bib to my shirt?

    Sorry with all the questions...kinda freaking out

    First of all relax and have fun!

    I never run the day before a race. Ever. In fact I don't do any WO routine.
    For dinner I usually have a protein filled meal - usually chicken of some sort.
    Make sure to hydrate well the day before.
    They will give you safety pins for the bib.
    Most races I've been at supply some sort of snack afterwards, banana, oranges, water/gatorade. I rarely bring anything, but I don't often stick around for the awards ceremony (I never place)
    Have fun!
  • Faintgreeneyes
    Faintgreeneyes Posts: 730 Member
    I would def suggest a rest day, especially the day before a race. You want your legs to be good and strong and your muscles well rested. I usually eat pasta the night before a race (mostly because I like it, but carbs are good too!)

    They give you saftey pins to attach your bib with, so don;t worry about that. After the race just make sure you hydrate, you can pretty much each whatvever you want afterwards. I also usually will eat a banana 1/2 hour before I run, to help with cramping!

    Good Luck!! You will do great!
  • missinmybiscuits
    missinmybiscuits Posts: 100 Member
    Drink Gatorade Recovery afterwards -- it's got tons of protein, electrolytes and tastes awesome! :)

    Also, in terms of preparing, just get a good night's sleep - you'll do great!
  • iuangina
    iuangina Posts: 691 Member
    Walk the night before. Two words are the answer to eat, wear questions - NOTHING NEW

    After - find some chocolate milk (if available), banana, orange, something salty
  • BeautifulScarsWECHANGED
    Bump! My first 5k is on Thanksgiving.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I typically walk or just do mild cross training, pilates or yoga the day before, but last time, I ran ~ 2 miles the day before and had my best race ever. You don't need to eat anything different, since you probably already do the distance while training. It's not like a marathon where you're pushing yourself far beyond your normal physical demands.

    Personally, I eat like a hungry hungry hippo during an after race ceremony. I'll eat whatever they have. Bananas and granola? Ok. Donuts and brownies? Fantastic!!! And seeing other runners doing the same thing - trim, athletic girls and nicely muscled guys enjoying a donut or bag of chips - really brought it home for me that even "bad" food is ok sometimes. After the last 5k I did, which was an un-timed fun-run (with zombies!), they had sandwiches, soda, candy bars, brownies, donuts and beer! Made me wish I was a beer drinker! :drinker:

    They'll have safety pins for your bib. Be sure to put it on the front. And if it's chilly and you're wearing a zip front jacket or sweatshirt, pin it on your shirt underneath, because I'm willing to bet no matter how cold it is, you'll be unzipped by the end of the race. :wink:
  • Leannek74
    Leannek74 Posts: 374 Member
    Relax and enjoy! Oh, and most races will give you something to attach your bib but you can bring safety pins if you're worried. Take it easy the day before and you'll have a better run!
  • 76tech
    76tech Posts: 1,455 Member
    Everyone else seems to have answered your questions nicely. I do have one more thing to add...low fat chocolate milk is a great post-run and post-workout recovery drink. It's easily digested so it won't upset your stomach, has a decent fat/protein/carb balance, and tastes great.

    After any run, I like to have a cup of chocolate milk, maybe a slice of toast with a bit of peanut butter if it's been a longer run. (6+ miles is considered long for me)
  • Bamacraft
    Bamacraft Posts: 175 Member
    So Im running my first 5k this Sunday like I still want to exercise tomorrow (Saturday) but dont want to do too much until Im sore any suggestions? What should I eat for dinner on Saturday? After the race is the awards where many companies donated free food, what should I eat to recover? And how do I attach my bib to my shirt?

    Sorry with all the questions...kinda freaking out

    Dont change much, if anything. Assuming its Sunday afternoon, very light day today, off Saturday, eat sensible Saturday. Hydrate . DO NOT experiment with new or heavy eating habits Saturday. depending on time, 2pm? i would eat a late breakfast if possible and maybe skip lunch or have a VERY light snack for lunch.

    Dont warm up too much but get there soon enough to get in a slow jog (get your HR up a little) in about 20-30 minutes prior, use the restroom and stretch lightly. RELAX, enjoy some tunes. Dont get caught up in the 1st mile sprint. Treat as just another day for a 3 mile run. After, walk a mile or so until awards and enjoy whatever you want to eat.
  • BerryH
    BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
    So Im running my first 5k this Sunday like I still want to exercise tomorrow (Saturday) but dont want to do too much until Im sore any suggestions? What should I eat for dinner on Saturday? After the race is the awards where many companies donated free food, what should I eat to recover? And how do I attach my bib to my shirt?
    A great way to ease your mins before a race is to go out in the exact outfit you plan to wear and go for a walk and just break into a jog for a couple of minute to assure yourself you can still do it!

    For dinner, the classic pasta is always a good choice. Don't haev anythng you haven't tried befrore for breakfast on eth mo

    Refuel immediately after the race wit a sports drink and some balanced carbs and protein like a sandwich. Then eat whatever you want at the dinner, you'll deserve it!

    To attach your bib to your shirt, use at least three safety pins (two top, one bottom) on the front. Make sure the bib's somewhere your arms won't rub.

    Good luck, come back and let us know how you did! :flowerforyou: