advice please!

Ok so heres a question thats been really bugging me! well actually quite scary aswell.....42lbs lost i am now 140lbs through mfp, i used the gym 3 times a week and never ate my calories back which worked for me! now i work 5 days a week and have no childcare to go the gym so i withdrew my membership! all of a sudden i was worried that i wasnt going to lose weight because of not going! i have 1200 calories a day sometimes a few less never more! i can feel my clothes loosening but still don't think i will lose weight what is wrong with me!! i find myself worrying because im in a routine i love and am easily losing the weight im scared i'll plateau and wont get over it! this is the smallest ive been but according to my bmi im still in the overweight part by 1 number! so
So the qestions i need to ask are:

will i still lose weight on 1200 cals

do you plateau when your body thinks it doesnt need to lose weight?

im so confused! please help guys!


  • daisy076
    Well I think you would do good to work out at home to a dvd, or if you have cable such as comcast you can do plenty of workouts on the fitness Chanel. I think you would do well to eat 1400 calories a day, 1200 is a bit low and the difference may be just what your body needs to start losing more weight. Change up your workouts every 2 to 3 months so your body does not hit plateau's. You are doing great! Keep up the good work!