Food Addict!!

I love food!! I think that is probably the reason why a lot of us are here. I have this deep-seeded passion for all things food! I love to cook it, share it, eat it. . . but alas, it has become a not so great thing for me. I have done pretty well on my journey so far, having officially started it around October 1st. I started really trying to eat right, I even hired a personal trainer that I meet with once a week to help me with exercising. He gave me a range that he wants my macro-nutrients in, and then sent me on my way. Well that is all well and good except now, I don't know what to eat! I have spent a lifetime eating all of the wrong things with no one to tell me different, and now that someone has, they have offered up no suggestions as to how I am suppose to make it better. I am eating fine right now, but everything is the same pretty much. It's even worse when I go to the store. I'll grab something I think is healthy, only to learn that is has way too many carbs or calories, etc. It's frustrating. Like, I am practically bawling at the store because I don't know what I am suppose to eat, and I feel like a fool for not knowing, kind of frustrating. I love my pt, but he is so packed with clients, he doesn't have time to help me with things like this. Seriously folks, this is really challenging. Today, I came home from the store, empty-handed (aside from some peanut butter) and shed a few for a while. I am not really sure what I am hoping to gain by spilling my food-issues out for the community to see, but perhaps I will get lucky and someone out there will be able to give me some tips. I mean, I basically have to learn from scratch. I have two jobs, full time school and a family of four, so I don't have a lot of time to cook, but I will take whatever I can get. Thanks for listening (reading), hopefully tomorrow brings a better food day for me!!


  • Charloo1990
    Charloo1990 Posts: 619 Member
    Personally i think the best bet is to eat what you want but within ur cals. Like today, i had chicken salad for lunch and then super noodles for tea. Some people would think super noodles on a diet is unhealthy but i don't care as long as i enjoy it and its not over my cals. There's nothing worse than eating something ur not bothered for. Past 2 weeks i've lost weight and i've also had some of my fave meals like chips and beans (haha bad i kno) and chicken korma and it hasnt stopped me losing. I even have the occasional cake bar or choc bar. Basicly i say eat whatever it is u like within moderation, works for me :)
  • pinkstp
    pinkstp Posts: 220 Member
    I am a food addict too! I go between eating healthy and eating ****ty but I know the difference :) MFP has really helped for the calorie tracking side but Jorge Cruise helped me with recognizing carbs/sugars.

    I would start by writing down all the things you love to eat and then researching ways to make them healthier. I can list some of the basic stuff I eat (busy college student w/ part-time job, so like you I have little to no time to fully prepare meals) or you can message me for a bigger list :)

    Lean meat (I don't eat red meat, so chicken or turkey; I also LOVE Morning Star vegetarian chicken patties, burgers, etc.; they taste a lot better than some of the other brands in my opinion)
    Limit cheese (SO good but usually high cal - save it for special meals/occasions IMO)
    Find a hearty breakfast that is quick or I do an egg sandwich on wheat english muffin/bread or 2 scrambled eggs w/ toast. Oat Revolution has really great (QUICK!! and easy) oatmeal, the apple cinnamon kind is delicious.

    I have tons of other go-to foods (PB2, wheat tortillas, Pirate's Booty snack bags, etc.) but I'd be writing you a novel ;) I think a good take away is to look for things low in sugar (if it's >9g I used to not even look at it, but find a range that fits within your MFP food goals), up your vegetable intake and experiment with recipes, tweaking them to fit your dietary goals :) Again, if you want to message back and forth I can show you what I started doing before MFP (and lost 30 lbs!!) and you can see my food diary on MFP now too :)

  • Occultus

    I feel for you, I have done the same, but essentially I do not sweat macros, count calories, make sure you are honest, set goals for rate of weight loss and eat what you want within the limits you have set yourself. Please check my food diary because as you will see I don't eat "healthy" I eat less and treat myself a little each day.

    3 stone in 5 months despite eating carbs there is no trick a calorie is a calorie.

  • Charloo1990
    Charloo1990 Posts: 619 Member

    I feel for you, I have done the same, but essentially I do not sweat macros, count calories, make sure you are honest, set goals for rate of weight loss and eat what you want within the limits you have set yourself. Please check my food diary because as you will see I don't eat "healthy" I eat less and treat myself a little each day.

    3 stone in 5 months despite eating carbs there is no trick a calorie is a calorie.

    Couldnt agree more therefore u should eat what u enjoy :)
  • RTricia
    RTricia Posts: 720
    to start: foods with one ingredient.

    Spinach, eggs, steak, chicken, strawberry, tomato.
  • bear_nakey
    bear_nakey Posts: 367 Member
    I do ok with staying under my cal goal, but my pt wants me to have certain macros: <75 carbs, 100+protein, <50 fats. The carbs is what is killing me. EVERYTHING has carbs, especially the things that I love. In full perspective, it is not that hard of a thing to figure out, but I guess everyone has their days. Today was just one of those days where I felt consumed and overwhelmed with things. I mean, this should be a lifestyle change, and I guess I just want it to change over night, and I my brain is ticked because I keep hitting brick walls! Mostly, I think today was just one of those nutty moments. . . still, I need to learn how to eat though, because if I had it my way, the only use for a zucchini is battered and deep fried! :p
    p.s. I am focusing more on body fat than weight, I don't know if that makes a difference!
  • Occultus
    < 75g Carbs is a huge ask to get to from scratch you will need the tools to do it recipes, ingredients, a range of low carb snacks you like available, an understanding on how to work around the carb issues without finding it insurmountable. Start slow work up, if low carb is what you want to do then your body will need time to get use to it.

    Always try to remember you are trying to get to a point where food is not an issue where eating normally is eating right and you have the rest of your life to get to there. If you fail one day, pick yourself up, dust yourself off and go forward, where you are now only defines the starting point not the direction.
