Shaun T's Insanity?

Hey everyone, so ive cut back my workouts for the past 4 days because i had mini "get fit" i laugh now but it was soo not fun at the time :( very sad, however that is now behind me and I was up late one of those nights and seen the tv ad for Shaun T's Insanity! I think its what i need with the cardio! ive been doing JM's workouts sence Jan, and i think its time for a change...dont get me wrong thanks to myself watchin what i put in my body and Jillian i wouldnt have lost almost 30lbs! However a new face on my tv every day could help me change it up to lose the last 10lbs.
So my question is, has anyone out there done Shaun T's Insanity for the 30 -60 days? or any amount of time, and has had some kind of result? How did you feel? etc.????
Im starting it today, and im very excited to get to move around and burn off the fat! :)


  • Go for it!!! It's an awesome program and it will kick your *ss!
  • IronmanPanda
    IronmanPanda Posts: 2,083 Member
    I loved it. I still hate Shaun T. though... :tongue:
  • wdwghettogirl
    wdwghettogirl Posts: 559 Member
    I totally LOVE Insanity!! I completed my first round this summer (got my "I Earned It" shirt!) and just started my second round this week. It's freakin' awesome!! I had amazing results the first time, so I'm hoping for even better ones this time around. Good Luck! You can totally do it!
  • snuffmomma77
    snuffmomma77 Posts: 84 Member

    insanity is awesome, extreme and hard at first but if you love a challenge its awesome.. There are a few others doing the insanity work outs now, if you add me as a friend we can all do it together some what and encourage each other to keep pushing it. You will feel results in places you didnt know, lol.. See ya on the threads...
  • jilleebean777
    jilleebean777 Posts: 219 Member
    It is a CRAZY workout!! (i guess that's why its called Insanity lol) I did it for 2 weeks before I got the flu and fell off the wagon. I loved it!! I lost MANY inches in just 2 weeks. I really wish I could have continued. My husband signed me up for the gym, so I still have it on the shelf waiting for me to start up again.

    I def. recommend it!! Good Luck to you!!
  • coqui2010
    coqui2010 Posts: 25 Member
    I did it last year for 3 months and lost 13 pounds and felt great. At first it literally will kick your *kitten* and you will be more sore than you have ever been lol But that passes and you will feel stronger! I would suggest taking it slow and make sure you are doing the moves correctly; I messed my knee up I believe because I was being a little careless with the moves. The 2nd round dvds were not my favorite so I continued with the first round dvds. I think if I would of done the 2nd round I may have seen better results but overall a great workout for tone, cardio, and resistance training. You will enjoy it! Good Luck =)
  • Stooooo
    Stooooo Posts: 1,191 Member
    I completed Insanity. First month I lost nothing, but I was not strict to my eating plan. 2nd month when monitoring what I was eating I lost 18 lbs. I say go for it, it is crazy, but so worth it and so much fun.
  • StrengthIDidntKnow
    StrengthIDidntKnow Posts: 543 Member
    Do it. I didn't see a huge difference in my weigh but did see the changes in body fat, inches and my overall appearance. I have also noticed a big change in my endurance and what I can do. Before Insanity I was doing the 30 Day Shred and struggled even with some of the modified exercises. I did the 30DS last night and could keep up with most of the advanced movements.
  • Well i have done one of shun t's videos ROCK N BODY talk about a work out get ready to sweat and burn but i must admit he is fun to watch as well i saw a preview for insanity looks to be one step up from ROCK N BODY those 10lbs might just melt off in a few days shaun t is no joke ...
  • Stepmom1
    Stepmom1 Posts: 155 Member
    Good for you! Insanity is very intense and it will give you results in different ways. It is different for everyone. I lost only 2 lbs because I had not much to loose, if any, because I reached my fitness goals long ago! However, my core area did get tighter and I developed wonderful cardio endurance.

    Follow the eating as close as possible to the nutrition plan he gives you and you will obtain great results!

    Good luck!

  • grimms11208
    grimms11208 Posts: 146 Member
    I absolutely LOVE it! I feel better when I do them I have seen great improvement in how I feel and how I look. I did the first month through and got about half way through the second 30 days and had to stop. I found that the hour long workouts at such high intensity were to much for me but the 40 minute ones were perfect. I did that about 2 months ago. Last month I tried to switch up workouts and mainly try and just stay within my calroies and I hated it. I felt like I lost all my muscle tone and I had no energy. I started doing the Insanity workouts again on Monday while eating within my calories(Insanity 3-4 days a week, P90X Weight training videos 2 days a week) and I feel fantastic, I can already see a difference in my arms and stomach, I have more energy and even id I don't work out every day or do exactly what I am supposed to do I have figured out that doing Insainty at least 3 times a week is the best thing for me.
  • Malloryrae1211
    Malloryrae1211 Posts: 60 Member
    It's a great program and Shaun T will definitely whip you into shape!! :)
  • snuffmomma77
    snuffmomma77 Posts: 84 Member
    ? for everyone do people do Px90 first then Insanity or does it matter? I did find when doing insanity and trying to do something else Im like thats it really thats easy.. Just wondering. thanks
  • ChitownFoodie
    ChitownFoodie Posts: 1,562 Member
    Ummmm.....lost all the weight and gained a whole lot of muscle, but I am in a love/hate relationship with Shaun T. I had nightmares of him yelling at me when I did it the first time. Now that I am on my 3rd, he's not as scary.
  • Stooooo
    Stooooo Posts: 1,191 Member
    ? for everyone do people do Px90 first then Insanity or does it matter? I did find when doing insanity and trying to do something else Im like thats it really thats easy.. Just wondering. thanks

    I usually do recommend that people do P90X first before Insanity.
  • kellyss20
    kellyss20 Posts: 24 Member
    I have had great results with it. I did 2 rounds last summer & lost 15 lbs. I got down to about 130. I am about 5'6" or 5'7". I had a baby since then so I am just now wrapping up round 3 & trying to get back to where I was a year ago. I would advise you to take body measurements & photos about 2 times per month. It is amazing to see the progress if you stick to the program.
  • Melissag1984
    Melissag1984 Posts: 61 Member
    Ive tried P90x and i didnt have the room for the workouts and for the upper body bands to be hung from my ceiling i had no way...but im on day 2 of Insanity and i LOVE it!
  • Stooooo
    Stooooo Posts: 1,191 Member
    Ive tried P90x and i didnt have the room for the workouts and for the upper body bands to be hung from my ceiling i had no way...but im on day 2 of Insanity and i LOVE it!

    Awesome, good luck!
  • beanie1119
    beanie1119 Posts: 150 Member
    Yes I tell him I hate him everytime I do the workout! LOL