What am I doing to myself to cause this?

I had a really weird episode this week where I blacked out and took a face plant to the carpet. After the inital fall I had issues getting back to a coherant state of mind. I know that I have times of dizzy spells when getting up from the bed or a chair, but this one was more than just a dizzy spell. I went to the ER and all they could find was that I had a Bladder infection, which does not explain this issue at all. I do not have any symptoms of a bladder infection. I am really having a hard time wrapping my mind around what could be the cause of my blackout. It is affecting me in more ways than I think it should. I am almost scared to exercise for fear that some of my issue is exercise induced or that I will have an episode during the exercise. I just have this overwhelming blah feeling that I can not seem to shake. The EMT's and ER Dr. did blood work and my blood sugar was fine as well as my blood count. The only thing that relates is low blood pressure, but they did not seem to concerned with it. I have a Dr. apt on Monday and if anyone has any suggestions for discussion with the Dr. I would greatly appreciate it.


  • trinityj1
    trinityj1 Posts: 97 Member
    Low iron can cause orthostatic hypotension, blood that isn't sufficiently oxygenated, too... So can some medications.
  • kristilovescake
    kristilovescake Posts: 669 Member
    Could it have been related to dehydration, lack of sleep, or not eating enough calories? Have you changed the amount of exercise you've done lately?

    Really, I have no idea, but these are things that could be related to weight loss and dizzy spells. Glad you're seeing a Doctor.
  • rudegyal_b
    rudegyal_b Posts: 593 Member
    i once blacked out from dehydration, and it was so embarrassing and traumatic that any other time i felt like i was getting lightheaded, i would have a full blown panic/anxiety attack in fear of passing out. sometimes we take little things and blow them out of proportion. it could really be nothing serious, but you did the right thing and got yourself checked out. i would go back to the dr's if it happens again (it never happened to me again). no one here can really tell you what happened, but try not to worry about it too much
  • kmbrooks15
    kmbrooks15 Posts: 941 Member
    Not sure what you should ask your doctor, but I hope your doc will take time and listen to you. Sometimes ER docs don't pay as much attention to things like this, especially when they have gunshot wounds, drug overdoses, heart attacks. Not excusing their lack of followup, but just reality. Hopefully your primary care doctor will take more time and be more thorough. Is this a doctor you see regularly? If he brushes off your concerns, keep pushing for him to do something. Seek a second opinion if you have to. It may be nothing, but it could be something. Better safe than sorry!

    Hope you get some answers!
  • wildkatt7
    wildkatt7 Posts: 163 Member
    the only things I know that causes the dizziness besides a center of gravity issue is a blood sugar issue or a low iron issue. I used to have dizziness but when I balanced my diet, cut out corn syrup and most synthethic crap, I haven't had a dizzy spell... good luck
  • Leviram
    I was going to say the low blood pressure I wonder why they weren't concerned. Low Iron too. I onced blacked out too and it was due to low blood pressure. Dehydration too can be a culprit.
  • HolleeERL
    HolleeERL Posts: 313 Member
    I have no idea why you would be blacking out other than your low blood pressure. I think that could certainly be the cause. I think I would not do any vigorous exercise until you see your doctor who should hopefully give you some insight. Did you get an MRI at the ER? I think I would ask about that if your doctor doesn't order one. Can't imagine that he/she wouldn't. I hope you find some answers on Monday!
  • cee134
    cee134 Posts: 33,711 Member
    Just tell your doctor what happened and have a list of all the meds you take plus a general idea of your food intake. It could be anything, but you need someone that isn't an ER doctor looking at you, because an ER doctor only has time to see if you are in immediate danger. Try to get the results of the Blood test if you haven't already. Good luck.
  • susaneec
    susaneec Posts: 72 Member
    Hmm, I started randomly blacking out earlier this year. I was diagnosed with neurally mediated hypotension/syncope. What it boils down to is that some of the nerves that regulate my blood pressure operate incorrectly when triggered. They bottom out my already low blood pressure at rather inopportune times (standing up, walking, intense activity, etc.) I have to drink unbelievable amounts of water and have lots of salt in my diet (was on salt supplements but I weaned myself off them). I'm mostly better now, but still have the occasional random episode.

    All this to say, if this keeps up you must follow-up. It isn't normal and can be a symptom of something very wrong.
  • SiltyPigeon
    SiltyPigeon Posts: 920 Member
    You're pregnant.
  • FaithfullFit
    FaithfullFit Posts: 40 Member
    I am on medication for high blood pressure and in January I started exercising everyday which resulted in my blood pressure staying low (90's over 60's) and I felt dizzy light headed and tied until I went to the doctor and they lowered my medicine and I quit feeling that way.
    You're pregnant.

    Sadly that is not the case.
  • SiltyPigeon
    SiltyPigeon Posts: 920 Member
    You're pregnant.

    Sadly that is not the case.

    Trust me. As a complete stranger on the internet with no medical background whatsoever and who has never and will never meet you. You are pregnant. I'm not a doctor but I play one on MFP.