Does anyone else workout 5-6x a wk?



  • Jeff92se
    Jeff92se Posts: 3,369 Member
    I have found that even while charting my daily intake, the ONLY way I can seem to lose weight is that I HAVE to work out at least 5-6x a wk. 3x a wk does nothing for me. I don't know if my metabolism just really sucks or what. My caloric intake is not too low or too high. I'm wondering how your body is doing if you are working out 5-6x a wk? I am really tired, my workouts that I choose are not easy ones, they are pretty intense, and sometimes I find it depressing to think that I even after I reach my goal weight, I will have to be a slave to working out 5-6 days a wk. I have to mentally push myself to work out this often, but know that if I don't work out often enough, the weight will creep back. Is it ok for your body? I find that if I have less than 24 hrs btwn workouts, the latter workout suffers.

    I try to work out 4-5 days. I find that the workouts is the only way to consistenly hit my calorie intakes.

    But I don't do the SAME workout. I lift heavy 2x a week, try to do a very light weight lift 2x a week and maybe one cardio only(ie. b-ball) But every workout has some cardio though supersetting, jumprope, treadmill etc.
  • ShapeUpSidney
    ShapeUpSidney Posts: 1,092 Member
    Overtraining will kill you. I'm a serious athlete and I have destroyed myself overtraining several times. You just break down the body too much, and you need calories and rest to build it back up. Recommendations:

    1. incorporate more cross training (dont do elliptical and treadmill every day - switch it up with bikes, swimming)

    2. discipline your diet so you can afford to rest without going over calories (or plan 1-2 "spike" days per week)

    3. try to fit in low-intensity calorie burning activities on rest days (household chores, take a walk)
  • KellyShredFit
    KellyShredFit Posts: 6 Member
    I workout 6 days a week, but I'm a Fitness Instructor and teach many classes a week. I did a blog a while back, you may be interested in. I once felt like weight loss would never happen unless I was perfect with my "diet" and exercise. I changed my focus and lost 40 + pounds and changed my body comp drasticlly.

    Feel free to peruse my other blogs for more tips and insite that I've learned over the years! =]

    Be Well,
  • up2me2lose20
    up2me2lose20 Posts: 360 Member
    I think this depends on your goals and your mindset. I workout 6x a week with an active rest day on Sunday ( meaning I don't train, but I do something active with the family ). I am training to be in the best shape of my life. I want to be defined by muscle. :happy: I don't overtrain. Yes, I will always do this because this is the life I want. I want to be healthy and active from now until the day I die. I don't want to live having said, "someday" and then someday never comes. I want to live saying, "I did that". If you want it bad enough you'll find a way to get it.
  • fitcounselor
    fitcounselor Posts: 53 Member
    Yup! But the key is switching up your routines!
  • alyssa92982
    alyssa92982 Posts: 1,093 Member
    Yes but I'm also following p90x program which is 6 days a week of cardio and strength in there. I notice I really have to watch what I eat and how much sleep I get for energy. My weight is in maintenance so I'm not as strict with my diet
  • mrschappet
    mrschappet Posts: 488 Member
    yes Most of the time I work out 6 days a week.. unless one of those days involves strength training that really strains my muscles.. then I will take two consecutive rest days for recovery... Although my doctor says I can do cardio every day if I wanted too... but I like to have at least one rest day :-)
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I workout 5 - 6 times per week. Sometimes 7. It's the only way I lose weight.
  • UrbanRunner81
    UrbanRunner81 Posts: 1,207 Member
    I exercise 6 times a week for more than an hour each day. 5 days of cardio and I add 3 strength training routines (so sometimes I end up working out for 2 hours when I do strength and cardio in the same day).
    It keeps me sane and helps me burn stress. It isn't too lose weight anymore.... I will be honest I like to eat so the more I burn the more I get to eat. :wink:
  • JamesBurkes
    JamesBurkes Posts: 382 Member
    I'd like to (and plan to) work out 6 times a week, but looking back over my diary I seem to be hitting 4 or 5. There are some days I always do, like the weekend and Monday (as I get to work out during a deliberately planned extended lunch break) but I've found some of the other days tough to stick to as I work 16 hour days on them. Besides, some days I have deliberately taken off as I could just feel my legs getting worn down and I decided it was better to rest (I do a lot of Plyo, spinning and running).
  • Thanks everyone for the replies. I am 38, moms of 3 young boys, 5'4" and am currently at 160 lbs. I have always been one of those ppl who looks fatter than I really am, even at my lowest wt as a teenager of 115 lbs, ppl thought I weighed 130 lbs. I actually do a variety of exercises, but am hoping to integrate more weight training. Currently, i do....

    Workout class 2x a wk, this includes running and strength training and toning. It's pretty intense and lasts an hr.

    I go to a zumba class 1x a wk that is an hr and then she does a pretty intense abs class for an extra 10 min on top of the hr long class.

    I try to run 3 miles 1x a wk on my own. I completed C25K over the summer and just try to run a 5K once a wk, so I don't have to re-train again whenever there is another 5K I want to run. If I don't get to run, I will do an exercise video, usually they are 30-45 min long.

    The other days left are a variety of different exercise videos that are usually 30-45 min long, and they aren't all just pure cardio, they include strength training too.

    I believe in whole foods, so usually avoid processed foods and I don't use artificial sweetners. I am still breastfeeding my toddler a few times a day, but had to cut the extra caloric allowance for breastfeeding, since I wasn't really able to lose much weight doing that. Right now my daily intake is btwn 1300-1500 a day.
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    I have found that even while charting my daily intake, the ONLY way I can seem to lose weight is that I HAVE to work out at least 5-6x a wk. 3x a wk does nothing for me. I don't know if my metabolism just really sucks or what. My caloric intake is not too low or too high. I'm wondering how your body is doing if you are working out 5-6x a wk? I am really tired, my workouts that I choose are not easy ones, they are pretty intense, and sometimes I find it depressing to think that I even after I reach my goal weight, I will have to be a slave to working out 5-6 days a wk. I have to mentally push myself to work out this often, but know that if I don't work out often enough, the weight will creep back. Is it ok for your body? I find that if I have less than 24 hrs btwn workouts, the latter workout suffers.

    You sound like an endomorph like me. I weight train 3 times a week, but I have to do cardio at least 5 times a week to see fat loss in any measurable way. Less than that prevents me from gaining, and I might see more definition in my arms or something, but the cardio most every day is exactly what I need to get the losses.
  • Valechka
    Valechka Posts: 192
    I work out 5-6 times a week.... because I am addicted to it :))))
  • mumof5
    mumof5 Posts: 328 Member
    i work out 6 days and i am very actice during the rest of the day. it is normal to get tired when you first start exercising and it does get better, you just have to stick with it. If you haven't just started maybe you need to look at you diet, do you have a high protein diet? if you work out that often you might need to increase your protien, maybe until you work things out or settle into a routien you should try a protien shake after a heavy workout, perhaps you could also see a personal trainer, after a heavy workout the muscle group that you just worked on needs 48hrs rest. so you might be overworking them.
  • mumof5
    mumof5 Posts: 328 Member
    as a breast feeding mother you need more callories, i used to add the breast feed in as a cardio workout, you can google it to work out roughly how many calouries each feed uses - you'll be surprised. don't beat yourself up, now that i read your full story i think you can be diagniosed with a common problem that causes chronic tiredness.....motherhood.
  • mendola77
    mendola77 Posts: 6 Member
    OMG! I just started in September going 6x- 7X ... 2 1/2hr day.. I joined the new Bally's sports in my neighborhood... eventhough I dread working out everyday... I have found a Sexy motivator that goes the same time I do, the only problem is I don't know his name yet! but I'm working on knowing his name very soon.
  • mendola77
    mendola77 Posts: 6 Member
  • mendola77
    mendola77 Posts: 6 Member
    Lol, I workout 6x-7x @ 5am-7:25am every morning, I included upper and lower body.. and 90 Cardio. First, I do 60min. Cardio, then 60 min. weights (diffrent muscles) and cool down for 30min cardio.. I am trying to lose weight and Tone at the same time.. My goal was to lose 100 lbs by Febuary, since I stared working out everyday in September 2011, I have only lost 13 lbs.... Yes, thats healthy.. but not fast enough.. I figured out I have to burn atleast 3500 cals in a day which eguals 1 lb... and add another 1200 Cal for food intake. That = 4700 Cals I need to burn everyday to lose atleast 100 lbs by Febuary 17th, 2012. To be exact 109 lbs on Febuary 17th, 2012. LOL, It's easier said then done. Reality is On burn 1050 on the elliptical daily, who knows what I burn on weights... What's insane is I would have to work out 7 hrs a day.... 3.5 hr in AM and 3.5 hrs pm... That could work, the only problem is my gym opens at 5am....though I also belong to a 24hr gym... So maybe I work out at 4am- 7:25am then 4pm-7:25pm= 7hrs aday... That could work... That's INSANE!, right?
  • I feel the exact same way. If I don't go almost every day with one or sometimes 2 rest days....don't like having 2........ I will drop so far behind on my goals. I really wish I could get 2 intense classes in every day but need to get to 4-5 each week with a few visits on my own in the gym doing my own thing.
  • I work out 7Xs a week rain or shine.... sometimes I'll get tired or TOM and rest, but more often than not... it's something for 30 mins or more (usually 45-60 mins) every single day. I get a lot of complaints on here that I'm 'doing too much', but I like to work my body and exercise also helps control my stress levels.

    ditto :drinker: