Drinking a Cup Of something Hot After A meal true Or False??

A Very Loved Family Member Told Me Today That If I Drink something Hot after I eat Like (coffee ,Hot Tea ,Ect) It will Suck Up Fat instead Of Turning to a Fat soild or Something to that affect is that True OR False?? Thanks:)


  • Uhh that sounds a little crazy to me lol
  • mrsredneckmorris
    mrsredneckmorris Posts: 119 Member
    I heard something similar, the analagy was it's like pouring bacon grease down the sink drain, if you run hot water down after it keeps it melted and flushes it out of the pipe before it solidifies.
    I have no idea if the same applies to humans. I'm curious to see what the mfp'ers have to say.
  • sunshinethompson
    sunshinethompson Posts: 106 Member
    I've heard the same thing as well. I was told that the Chinese ppl only drink hot tea after dinner for the same reason and that's why you hardly see them over weight!
  • yeah, i don't think that works. at all.
  • I have no idea if that is true, but I heard that if you drink/eat something cold it burns more calories because your body has to exert more energy to get it to a certain temp to digest it.... no idea if that is true either... this is when google comes in handy :P
  • rjo132
    rjo132 Posts: 6 Member
    I have heard that too but don't know if there's any truth too it! You know how it is, what is said to be so today is not tomorrow! ;)
  • k80fox
    k80fox Posts: 92
    I don't know about it "sucking up" the fat but I believe it helps with digesting it. That's why Chinese and Japanese restaurants usually serve tea with their meals. Chinese food is loaded with fat!
  • A Very Loved Family Member Told Me Today That If I Drink something Hot after I eat Like (coffee ,Hot Tea ,Ect) It will Suck Up Fat instead Of Turning to a Fat soild or Something to that affect is that True OR False?? Thanks:)

    And how do you type like that?? LOL Seems like it would be pretty difficult ;)
  • jvmay1703
    jvmay1703 Posts: 42 Member
    I think Dr. Oz said this a few weeks ago on his show. It was the one where he wanted you to do 7 things. I think it was one of them.
  • jvmay1703
    jvmay1703 Posts: 42 Member
    I think Dr. Oz said this a few weeks ago on his show. It was the one where he wanted you to do 7 things. I think it was one of them.
  • jvmay1703
    jvmay1703 Posts: 42 Member
    I think Dr. Oz said this a few weeks ago on his show. It was the one where he wanted you to do 7 things. I think it was one of them.
  • A Very Loved Family Member Told Me Today That If I Drink something Hot after I eat Like (coffee ,Hot Tea ,Ect) It will Suck Up Fat instead Of Turning to a Fat soild or Something to that affect is that True OR False?? Thanks:)

    And how do you type like that?? LOL Seems like it would be pretty difficult ;)

    LOL I was thinking the same thing, and looking for hidden messages ;)
  • Jelliefishie
    Jelliefishie Posts: 13 Member
    I've heard old people telling me something similar. They say to drink something warm - not hot! - which does include something like tea or boiled/microwaved water. The reasons they give me:

    - the heat will help melt the grease you just ate from your meal, so that it doesn't cling to the insides of your body. You will be able to digest what you just ate more easily. They tell me that drinking ice cold water after/during a meal will "freeze" the grease and make it tougher to digest. I'm not sure I believe this one.

    - it will be less taxing for your body. Your body is always trying to maintain homeostasis, and your insides are always at a constant temperature. Since your drink is already warm, your body will not have to spend energy to warm it up once you drink it. This is especially good for you to do if you are sick, and you need your body to maintain all the strength it can muster.

    I think I believe the second point more..nevertheless, I usually drink lukewarm/hot beverages during and after a meal.

    Specifically, a very good tea to drink during or after a meal is Chrysanthemum tea (technically it's a flower boiled in water, an herbal tea, not one made from tea leaves). This is known to aid in digestion, or at least that is what my traditional Chinese family tells me :) Be sure not to drink anything very hot, it's not good for your throat and there have been case studies that show if you drink something TOO hot...like steaming...it may increase your risk for throat diseases. I guess because it damages your throat tissue or something.
  • heykatieben
    heykatieben Posts: 398 Member
    I did read somewhere today that if you drank all your water (8 glasses) ice cold, it would burn an extra 70 calories per day... that sounds like a lot of trouble for 70 calories though :)
  • comeback0903
    comeback0903 Posts: 114 Member
    It helps with digesting your food..... Which helps in losing weight good digestion... but it does not magically burn your fat...So I've read.....
  • DakotaKeogh
    DakotaKeogh Posts: 693 Member
    Interesting exchange on the subject: http://forum.bodybuilding.com/showthread.php?t=3041821&page=1

    An alternative is to take Psyllium husk before the meal so it's in your colon to absorb fat and pass it out of you.
  • poisongirl6485
    poisongirl6485 Posts: 1,487 Member
    I did read somewhere today that if you drank all your water (8 glasses) ice cold, it would burn an extra 70 calories per day... that sounds like a lot of trouble for 70 calories though :)

    I think of it as a perk since I don't like lukewarm water anyway. LOL. I have to have ice otherwise it tastes gross.
  • gp79
    gp79 Posts: 1,799 Member
    My neighbor tried telling me that if I did one minute of squats after I eat, I wouldn't gain any weight. I just said ok. It wasn't worth the argument.
  • photo_kyla
    photo_kyla Posts: 322 Member
    I heard something similar, the analagy was it's like pouring bacon grease down the sink drain, if you run hot water down after it keeps it melted and flushes it out of the pipe before it solidifies.
    I have no idea if the same applies to humans. I'm curious to see what the mfp'ers have to say.

    Interesting side note I was told about pouring fat down the sink: If you use hot water, the fat solidifies when it hits the cooler sides of the pipes. If you use cold water, it will solidify BEFORE it sticks to the pipe and wash on through.
  • photo_kyla
    photo_kyla Posts: 322 Member
    A Very Loved Family Member Told Me Today That If I Drink something Hot after I eat Like (coffee ,Hot Tea ,Ect) It will Suck Up Fat instead Of Turning to a Fat soild or Something to that affect is that True OR False?? Thanks:)

    You're probably better off eating more fiber with the fat since fiber traps some of the fat molecules in digestion so they don't get absorbed. Your body works to bring your stomach contents up to body temp and it takes about 3 hours to digest your food fully. Your tea/coffee will have cooled off long before that. (Warning: Fiber plus fat can equal hurried trips to the bathroom) :drinker: