Do we have a Tabata thread?

I want to incorporate Tabata back into my life, lol. But all I have are Burpees in my reportoire.... Anyone want to start an idea thread for Tabata drills?


  • UpEarly
    UpEarly Posts: 2,555 Member
    I just did 45 minutes of Tabata drills tonight! I hate them while I'm doing them, but I love the calorie burn and the way I feel when I'm done. :-)

    I got Amy Dixon's 'Breathless Body' DVD workout. She has eight different drills from jacks to speed skaters to pogo jumps and volleyball blocks (and yes... burpees are in there too)

    I love her workout because she offers three options for each drill cycle. You can pick easy, medium or hard, although even the easy option can be pretty hard on some of the drills.
  • violon
    violon Posts: 74 Member
    bump - i love tabata!
  • missikay1970
    missikay1970 Posts: 588 Member
    i just read about it today in a magazine and raced home to google it. looks great, and a variation of what i was already doing on the bike. i am going to start it next week, looks hard but effective! esp when time is limited, this will be a good way to get the heart-rate up and obtain a full work-out without taking half my morning.
  • MamaBear05
    MamaBear05 Posts: 100 Member
    Some of the exercises I do in my tabata routines are burpees, mountain climbers, box jumps, squat thrusts and jump pull-ups. It's been a while since I have done them (I've gotten lazy the past couple of weeks) but I love them and they get you into shape quickly.
  • jt3n1
    jt3n1 Posts: 16 Member
    I am looking to do some tabata after I finish the Ripped in 30 by Jillian Michaels...I am curious though, how are you able to sustain enough energy to do tabata for 45 min? In the past when I tried it, I gave my all for 2 min, and I was done. I still haven't got all the way up to the recommended 4 min for the protocol. (BTW, I was doing jumping jacks)
  • UpEarly
    UpEarly Posts: 2,555 Member
    I am looking to do some tabata after I finish the Ripped in 30 by Jillian Michaels...I am curious though, how are you able to sustain enough energy to do tabata for 45 min? In the past when I tried it, I gave my all for 2 min, and I was done. I still haven't got all the way up to the recommended 4 min for the protocol. (BTW, I was doing jumping jacks)

    45 minutes of Tabata *kills* me. I can do it, but there is nothing easy about it.
  • pamelapeldo
    pamelapeldo Posts: 47 Member
  • jt3n1
    jt3n1 Posts: 16 Member
    WOW!!! Thats impressive!!! I will work my way up to it, now that I know its possible!
  • scarletleavy
    scarletleavy Posts: 841 Member
    I love Tabata!

    I do the full 4 minute protocol, but usually only 2-4 sets of them at any given time, never more than 20 minutes. That's about all you can sustain if you are really pushing to your absolute max during each work interval.

    I like to mix up the various exercises within my interval, mentally it makes it go faster if you're doing 4 exercises 2 times each rather than 1 exercise 8 times. I also like to throw some jump roping in there, like jump rope high knees or low jacks.