advice please!

Hello! I am wondering if anyone can give me some advice here...I'm just getting "serious" about losing weight, and plan on going to the gym 3-4x/week. I'm not sure what I should be focusing most on- cardio or weights? I have been sticking with 45 minutes of my workout on cardio and then doing a quick 15 minutes or so on weights. I haven't noticed a difference yet, although my routine has just begun. Should I incorporate weights into my routine as I lose weight? Or do equal parts weight and cardio? Any advice would be appreciated :)


  • Puffins1958
    Puffins1958 Posts: 614 Member
    I joined a gym about 1 month ago. I see a PT 6 times a month. Every time I go to the gym it's either 30-45 minutes of cardio. I then do machines that work on my arms, legs and midriff. So far it's been working. I've lost 8 lbs in a month.
    Feel free to add me, if you'd like.....

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • meeshroy
    meeshroy Posts: 11 Member
    yeah i do the machines too. sometimes i feel like they aren't doing anything! i've been exercising on and ( off for probably 5 years, but i kind of stick to the same things. i really want to be able to run for 20 minutes without having to stop, so maybe i will make that a goal to reach. right now i usually do 30 minutes elliptical and then 15 or 20 on the treadmill, walking briskly.
  • Jade_Butterfly
    Jade_Butterfly Posts: 2,963 Member
    You need to be doing a good balance of both. . as the more muscle you build the higher your resting metabolism will be. . But just simply doing cardio is not going to cut it. . I would talk to a PT if you can. . If not look up some good upper body and lower body routines online.. .:smile: The best of luck to you.
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    You need to do both. I personally recommend 3-4 days of weights per week. This prevents you from losing lean body mass (muscle) while doing the cardio that you should be doing to burn body fat. Doing just cardio you can lose muscle, so even though you are losing on the scale, you aren't losing just fat. Doing just weights will make you stronger and leaner, but most people say that this takes more time since while you are working out, weights don't burn as many cals as cardio.

    I personally go to the gym 5 days a week. I do weights on 3 days, and I do cardio on all 5 days. That works for me. Some people may not need as much cardio as me, but I am an endo-mesomorph body type that likes to hang on to I pretty much have to do cardio, lol.
  • nmohammed
    nmohammed Posts: 3 Member
    I agree with Jade_Butterfly. You need to mix both cardio and weights. I found doing group exercises were the best as you they're far more enjoyable than just doing the machines. Have you ever tried spinning classes? They're awesome for losing weight and building stamina. So my advice really is to join a mixture of classes - things that you enjoy doing and do them every week.

    Also drink loads of water. It honestly helps.
  • meeshroy
    meeshroy Posts: 11 Member
    thank you guys :) i am going to try a spinning class tomorrow i think! and i do enjoy class workouts, but since i work such erratic shifts it's hard to find classes that meet my schedule sometimes. i will definitely be doing BOTH cardio and weights from now on!
  • RAFValentina
    RAFValentina Posts: 1,231 Member
    You could get away with just cardio, but you won't tone up everywhere! For example, I run/x-train mostly and have been injured for 4 weeks (broken ribs) I've still managed to do cardio over this time, but no weights/resistance training due to the injury. However, I have lost 2.5Kg as a result in this time. Why? Because I have used the large muscle groups in my legs and burned a shed load of calories on long endurance runs/sessions. So you can lose weight and fat from CV which is also good for your heart, but you may end up with a weak core (the muscles that support your back, spine, abdominals etc and whole body really!) and you won't have very much arm definition. You can combine the two however by doing things such as circuit training! :)

    When I'm fixed, I'll be adding some kettlebells back into my workout post CV session to get some nice defined slender shoulder/back muscles so they look good in my dress at the Christmas ball! :)
  • PBJunky
    PBJunky Posts: 737 Member
    A mixture of both, but your focus should mainly be on weightlifting (compound exercises)
  • Jo2926
    Jo2926 Posts: 489 Member
    I agree with everything that has already been said - a mixture of both will lead to the quick (and best) results.

    Most gyms offer a service where they write out a programme for you to follow, if you speak to the staff they should be able to put something suitable together for you.

    Good luck (and try the Couch to 5K running plan - it uses a run a bit/walk a bit method to get you running 20mins constantly in about 8 weeks)
  • mmk137
    mmk137 Posts: 833 Member
    Again ditto to what everyone said.

    Try for 30 mins cardio, and then 30 mins weights.
    By building muscle you'll burn fat more effectively in your cardio workouts.
  • meeshroy
    meeshroy Posts: 11 Member
    yes i saw the couch to 5k website the other day! i'm going to work that into my cardio routine.
    my only thing with running on treadmills is that my knees KILL me. i need to invest in better shoes, which i will be doing, but i injured my left knee about 2 years ago and it's never been the same. any advice for that??
  • carolinagirl7
    carolinagirl7 Posts: 435 Member
    yes i saw the couch to 5k website the other day! i'm going to work that into my cardio routine.
    my only thing with running on treadmills is that my knees KILL me. i need to invest in better shoes, which i will be doing, but i injured my left knee about 2 years ago and it's never been the same. any advice for that??

    Better shoes are a must. I would recommend going to a store where the staff can evaluate your gait, stance, and activities and recommend the correct footwear for you. GO SLOW if your start running with your previous knee injury, listen to your body and consult a trainer if you have problems. As far as the treadmill goes I would ask a worker at the gym for giving you tips on your stance on the treadmill. I develop horrible and instant shin pain...I have come to realize it is because I lean too far forward in fear of falling off the back of the treadmill...I have tried to compensate, but have never I avoid them treadmill and walk/run on the track in my facility, and outdoors
  • meeshroy
    meeshroy Posts: 11 Member
    i ran on the treadmill today!!!! (yesterday? i'm working nights so it's all the same to me lol) ..haven't tried in about a year, but i think i did pretty well! i alternated between walking briskly and running. i found i could do about 3 minutes of running before getting too winded...i also think i might see a doctor about a ventolin inhaler as my chest became quite tight and i have been coughing since my run. i used to take ventolin as needed for exercise when i was younger, so i'm wondering if i still have the same issues as before, or i'm just super out of shape lol.
  • cutiepie2628
    cutiepie2628 Posts: 415 Member
    You need to do both. I personally recommend 3-4 days of weights per week. This prevents you from losing lean body mass (muscle) while doing the cardio that you should be doing to burn body fat. Doing just cardio you can lose muscle, so even though you are losing on the scale, you aren't losing just fat. Doing just weights will make you stronger and leaner, but most people say that this takes more time since while you are working out, weights don't burn as many cals as cardio.

    I personally go to the gym 5 days a week. I do weights on 3 days, and I do cardio on all 5 days. That works for me. Some people may not need as much cardio as me, but I am an endo-mesomorph body type that likes to hang on to I pretty much have to do cardio, lol.

    i agree.... i totally feel like weight lifting get a bad rep.... and ur so correct regarding losing muscle while doing cardio.... love that u know ur stuff.....:wink:
  • Reaper049
    Please always remember that it takes time. Sometimes very long depending on your build already and the amount you want to lose. If your doing things right, all you need to do is be patient and you will definitely see results. Goodluck and all the best with your weight loss:smile:
  • stacyb521
    It's also a good idea to mix up your workout routines so that your body doesn't get used to one thing.
  • deekaydee
    deekaydee Posts: 158 Member
    Definitely focus on weight-lifting in addition to cardio. I was doing the machines at my gym for a long time (over a year) and realized it just wasn't doing it for me. At the time I was primarily focused on cardio and just kind of added on the machines when I felt like it. The trouble with cardio only is that it is very easy for your body to get more efficient at it and so I think it can lose its effectiveness quickly unless you are diligent about switching it up regularly. Plus, as others have mentioned, you're likely to lose more muscle while losing weight.

    I signed up for 4 sessions with a trainer at my gym and got some ideas for full body strength-training sessions I could do on my own. I also just bought the book "The New Rules of Lifting for Women" and I highly recommend it. The author doesn't put much stock into cardio for weight loss, but you can develop a workout incorporating both. I currently am doing two full-body strength training sessions a week (he recommends three but that doesn't work in my schedule), two days of steady-state cardio for about 45 minutes, and one day of interval cardio.
  • manjingirl
    manjingirl Posts: 188 Member
    Hello! I am wondering if anyone can give me some advice here...I'm just getting "serious" about losing weight, and plan on going to the gym 3-4x/week. I'm not sure what I should be focusing most on- cardio or weights? I have been sticking with 45 minutes of my workout on cardio and then doing a quick 15 minutes or so on weights. I haven't noticed a difference yet, although my routine has just begun. Should I incorporate weights into my routine as I lose weight? Or do equal parts weight and cardio? Any advice would be appreciated :)
    Serious about losing weight - then you'll need to look at enerygy in, weight loss is 80% food intake, 20% exercise. Exercise is great for so many other things so doing some cardiovascular training will be good for your heart health, weights will be good for strength and co-ordination, and some weight-bearing exercise like team sports or running will be good for your bones. Once you've shed the kilos you want, exercise will help you to maintain your desired weight.

    I love the gym and do both cardio and weights nearly every visit.