Hey, I need help!!

bexi44 Posts: 7
edited October 4 in Introduce Yourself
Hey guys,

Have just started this not long ago and shocked at how many calories I am consuming each day!! Def need to watch what I eat more.

I just went and tried on clothes for a party tomorrow night and nothing fit!! The ones that did made me look horrible! I need help or hints on ways to loose the weight. This will be my third summer where I dont feel comfortable in wearing singlets etc.



  • libland
    libland Posts: 284 Member
    Welcome to MFP. And I feel your pain. I lost 47 lbs last year and gained it back and then some. None of my fall clothes fit. I started the 17 Day Diet last Monday. It seems to work for me. I eat a lot of protein and all the veggies I want. So far no cravings and I feel pretty good. Feel free to add me as a friend.
  • Heya,

    Thanks for the reply!! Its really quite depressing isnt it. I hate it. What is that diet that you are on? I need to do something. I am walking my dogs everynight but it still doesnt do anything.
  • Mommawarrior
    Mommawarrior Posts: 897 Member
    I say, log everything, that will help you. After seeing that I ate 1270 calories from Mayo alone in one week, just on sandwiches, I cut out all mayo unless it is in a recipe. When I see how I eat way too much of something it always makes me give it up. I want to be healthy EVERY MEAL.
  • CathiAnne
    CathiAnne Posts: 193 Member
    Do you track your calories, carbs, fat, protein, etc. on MFP? I stay within my calorie, carb and fat counts and I've lost 19 pounds. Good luck.
  • anacsitham5
    anacsitham5 Posts: 810 Member
    I was where you are now in January. I have since lost 50+ and am thrilled. Went from a size 14 to a 4 and am thrilled. Finally got up enough nerve to post my before and after photos this week. You can definately do it using this site. Suggestion: log everything before you eat it. If it doesn't fit in the diary without putting you over - don't eat it. Watch your calories, fat, carbs, sugar and proteins - they are the most important. Good Luck! Let me know if you need anything!
  • TnTHawkins
    TnTHawkins Posts: 285 Member
    Not sure what singlets are, but MFP friends can get you in them again. Friend me if you like, I will try and keep you motivated.
  • JaredBergeron
    JaredBergeron Posts: 379 Member
    Welcome! If you are getting good walks in, you have some options... Diet and more exercise. I am not the best calorie counter but it works for many.. I do the plate method at dinner, half a plate of veggie, 1/4 carb and 1/4 protein... it did help and you dont have to spend alot of time writing junk down ;)

    Does your dog like to run? Consider some intervals with him...start out where you jog for a block walk for a block...work up to 2 then 3... intervals will really help jump start the fat burning and the pup may really enjoy it as well!
  • Hey guys, thanks for all the feedback. I wil def log all my food everyday. think I will try the one whenre i log it first before i eat it. could be good for me. found a new craving which are smoothies (though I cant have it with dairy) which has filled me up so if i just have that at lunch i would be fine haha.
    I lke the idea of doing intervals with my dogs so that could be a good idea thanks.
    I know this weekend i have not done so great, i never do on the weekends, but am getting better. I just have bad habits that need to die!!
  • chris_elizabeth
    chris_elizabeth Posts: 49 Member
    Hey Bexi!
    Welcome to MFP!
    I think it is important to make it a life style not a 'diet'. Dieting is always stressful haha! I think we can all agree to that, if you work on changing your lifestyle, and doing so gradually you will see way more changes.

    Plan your food ahead! This not only helps you stay focused on eating healthy, but helps during the week (less stress figuring out what to eat)!

    Eat lots of veggies, protein etc!
    Intervals are really important for cardio and weight loss as well (just like Jared said)!
    If you need some friends and support/ideas - feel free to add me!
  • KyleB65
    KyleB65 Posts: 1,196 Member
    Welcome to MFP!
    When I first started logging what I ate. It blew my mind, how many calories I was consuming each day.
    My first suggestion, stop eating any and all "junk" or "fast" foods. By cutting out sugar loaded soft drinks, burgers, fries, chips, etc, etc. You will see a big improvement in your calorie count and the beginnings of weight loss.
    Second, as you are in the process of adjusting/modifying your daily menu. Start or increase your exercise regime. Try to get in some form of cardio every second day. Adding to the intensity as you become accustomed to the training.
    As things start to roll, you will figure out what combination of food and exercise works best for you.
    Best of luck on your journey.
  • HI gymgirl, thanks for that. I agree with you, it should not be a diet as most the time I have done them I have failed. It is def more of a lifestyle change. I have epilepsy and had a seizure about 9 weeks ago (first one in 4 years) but there has been a good out come of that, I have stopped smoking, I drink only on occasions and only 3, as i drink beer i used to drink so much of it now i can only handle a couple of drinks, so there is a big loss in carbs, but it has not really changed my weight, if anything it has made me put on more weight!!!!

    I will def plan my meals for the week. Because i work in town, all i can smell is the deep fried food which draws me to that at lunch haha. So I nedd to start leaving the wallet at home haha.

    Yummm I love my veges. I have to have them more. Maybe cut down more on the meat. Will def need support and ideas. that way it will keep me more motivated. My sister that I live with is super skinny so she cant really help me haha.

    @kyle - LIke you, I was amazed at how much calories i was consuming aswell. On my first log, i went over by 653!!! I was shocked. I am actually really shocked at how much bread is, even though I eat wholegrain.

    I have stpped all fizzy drinks, if I do I have a coke zero and that is my fix haha but that is only maybe once a week.
    I have to try and do my taebo more as that would be a good workout, i have done it a couple of times and it is very good!

    Thanks so much for your guys messages :)
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