New here

Hello all! So, I'm just starting here. My Mom pointed me to this site, and after stepping on the scale the other day for the first time in months, I figured I really needed to start turning things around. I'm 24, over 200 lbs and hoping to make some changes. I'm pretty hopeful so far and the last few days with tracking what I've been eating has certainly been enlightening. :)

So, hopefully I'll be sticking around here for a while.


  • hailzp
    hailzp Posts: 903 Member
    Hello. Well done for starting! This site is awesome for enlightenment and motivation. Add me as a friend if you like.
  • Hello newbie here was told about this site from my neice. Looking to lose weight and get healthy.
  • .
  • GossInABox
    GossInABox Posts: 58 Member
    Thanks for the welcomes! Hopefully I'll be able to stay on track with this. :P

    But I suppose I should say a little something about myself. My name is Jenn, I'm 24 with two kittens. The one in my avatar there is my little troublemaker by the name of Alice. The other one is Tiger Lily and they're just very adorable. I work in web design, like playing video games and creative writing, and need to find some hobbies that will make me a bit more physically active.

    I'd love to make some friends. :)