hello to all

Started with this weight loss deal as a result of a small wager at work between the guys. Then I realized that I was really in need to lose weight wager or not...i have lost 12 since starting this program. I love the site, specially the food database. I still have about 50 pounds left to lose. Just want to lose the weight to avoid back surgery and knee surgery (again). Overall to get healthy for my wife, kids, grand kids, and great grand kid.:happy:


  • Welcome! I'm just getting started again myself. It really helps to track "everything" you eat. Which is why my total calories for the day is TERRIBLE!!! But you have to start somewhere. I love the food database here too, one of the reasons it keeps me coming back. Ready to get healthy!! Welcome!!
  • cirellim
    cirellim Posts: 269
    Welcome to MFP!!!
  • pholbert
    pholbert Posts: 575 Member
    Welcome, you come the right place. But you should add yourself to the list of people you are doing it for.
  • TRIMoses59
    TRIMoses59 Posts: 86 Member
    Welcome to MFP. I love this site! I too have some wonderful reasons to lose this weight. I am a newly wed, getting in shape for my daughter and future grand babies. Just graduated from college in May, stopped smoking 1 1/2 years ago. Starting life anew at 52! :happy:
  • Mybabie
    Mybabie Posts: 239
  • tlhpruitt
    tlhpruitt Posts: 18 Member
    Welcome and enjoy the journey!