Nutrition in November Week 6

O.K. Guys, I finished it. I am going to need some ideas for next week... I am trying not to duplicate challenges from past weeks, unless you guys don't mind.

Weigh day is today!

Week 6:

1. Invite someone to work out with you. Anyone, kids, dogs, parents, friends… Sometimes the gym will let you bring a friend to “try” it out. Check it out next time you go. Walk around the block with the kids. They get to see the fall colors, and you all are learning to get fit. Play I spy as you walk!

2. Check this site out for info on sleep and weight loss. Try to keep a record of how much sleep you get. From what I have read getting up at the same time every day and going to bed the same time is also better then swinging your hours.

3. Invest in a pedometer. They really are great to track how much you are walking. You can get a average of steps over a week or so, then try to step it up a notch.

4. Vitamins anyone? What are you taking? Do you think they are working? What have you taken that doesn’t work?

5. What are your plans to stay on track for the holidays? Are you cooking? Or going to someone’s house? Maybe we can come up with heathy er items to cook? Let’s brain storm!

6. Steps. Lets see how many steps we can do. You can count every step in your home, work, everywhere. Even the 1 step into the house, ect. You can get a stool and go up and down it. Let’s shoot for 200 steps a day!

7. Share your creative workouts? When you are short on time, how do you fit in a workout?

8. 100 jumping jacks a day. Get that blood pumping! Do them on a commercial break, if you have to! LOL

9. Walk, bike, jog... Let’s keep track of how many miles we do this week. If you have a smart phone, runkeeper is a great tool. Or track it on the treadmill. Brisk walking is, oh about 20 minutes for a mile. FYI. Share your total, or share daily, it doesn’t matter.

10. Add more fruits and veggies to your diet. It really helps with the sodium count, and makes you “regular”. lol


  • mkaluzny
    mkaluzny Posts: 508 Member
    Wow, just looking at the list, I can see that I am negligent in a number of areas.
  • mkaluzny
    mkaluzny Posts: 508 Member
    I am already planning on having to exercise a lot more this week to balance out the extra food. Tuesday, I have a 5 course dinner and wine thing at a local resort. Wednesday is a pizza tasting date to plan a baby shower, and Thursday is a dinner and sales speech at a dinner club. Overall, it will be light lunches and breakfasts for a few days.
  • iuangina
    iuangina Posts: 691 Member
    I like the challenges this week! Thanks.
  • Pam37841
    Pam37841 Posts: 286
    well, I am pretty disappointed in myself. I didn't loose any this week but I know it is my own fault. Can't blame anything except stress and laziness. One think I realized is that I have to exercise before I destress or I get too lazy. LOL!

    Overall in October I lost 9 lbs and 6.5 inches. I am not going to be where I hoped to be when I pick up my man but I will be under 200. I have 45 days! I am moving next weekend so If I don't post it will be because I didn't get a chance to jump online.

    Wow, Moving, Job Hunting, preparing for my reunion!! Talk about adding stress!! Wish me luck!
  • RunConquerCelebrate
    I lost 3lbs this week, TOM was visiting last week so I think it took three pounds when it left this week.
  • BeccaB1981
    BeccaB1981 Posts: 456 Member
    Today's weigh in..... 187.6!! Another 2.2 down!! 10.8 lbs lost so far in this challenge :bigsmile:
  • iuangina
    iuangina Posts: 691 Member
    Forgot to post weight - no change this week.
  • SaishaLea
    SaishaLea Posts: 333 Member
    I put in my weight on the spreadsheet as usual...bu the percentage did not I doing something wrong?
  • knkmfp
    knkmfp Posts: 295 Member
    Great challenges.
    I'm sooooo pleased, I'm finally overweight. Rather than obese that is. I went to the gym today and to the sauna, and weighed afterwards, so some of it might be fluid loss, but the scale showed BMI 29.4, and that has made me one happy bunny.
  • Pam37841
    Pam37841 Posts: 286
    I put in my weight on the spreadsheet as usual...bu the percentage did not I doing something wrong?

    Congrats! That is wonderful!
  • jennmoore3
    jennmoore3 Posts: 1,015 Member
    Great challenges.
    I'm sooooo pleased, I'm finally overweight. Rather than obese that is. I went to the gym today and to the sauna, and weighed afterwards, so some of it might be fluid loss, but the scale showed BMI 29.4, and that has made me one happy bunny.

    I am close to being over weight, too. Good job!
  • fiftyandfit
    fiftyandfit Posts: 349 Member
    A BIG THANK YOU to you Jenn! :love:
    You do a great job keeping this thread going...
    just wanted to let you know I appreciate the time
    you put into it!

  • jennmoore3
    jennmoore3 Posts: 1,015 Member
    A BIG THANK YOU to you Jenn! :love:
    You do a great job keeping this thread going...
    just wanted to let you know I appreciate the time
    you put into it!


    Thanks so much Pam!
  • agingwithfitness
    agingwithfitness Posts: 1,404 Member
    For holidays the best advice for me is portion control just taking small bites if there is a lot of choices. We are alone at thanksgiving and so I am not making that many options and I make individual choc soufflés for dessert no left overs, and it is small amount no whip cream on top and only 300 cal but you don't feel like you haven't had a treat. We live far away from relatives and kids so that by itself can be hard so if I try to diet that day I know it will cause more problems.

    We are going to my cousins for xmas and then just plan to follow my portion control plan.
  • mkaluzny
    mkaluzny Posts: 508 Member
    Just knocking things off my to-do list for the challenge. Today I invited two guys from work to walk with me. It turned more into a challenge of who could jog the fastest. I did not win. I also looked at the sleep disorder and weight link. Today was a strange day to look at it, because it is the end of daylight savings time here, and we all get an extra hour of sleep (or as my son reminded me - the bars are open an extra hour. - Oh to be 23 again)

    I have gotten in the jumping jacks and fruit so far this week.

    As to vitamins - I take 1200 mg of calcium each day, but that is it. I am sure I will have weak bones and don't want the to weaken more.

    My plans to stay on track for the holidays are threefold:
    moderation in portion size
    avoid between meal snacking
    and keep logging in so I can see how much exercise I need to burn off WHEN I fail at the first two items. I had to say when, there is no doubt I will fail once in a while.

    Enough for now, I am going to get into sleep mode. G'Night
  • brandynicole28
    brandynicole28 Posts: 102 Member
    looking forward to this weeks challenges!! Great job Jen!! :D my weight is up for the first time. I'm up two lbs. will just try harder this week!!

    Hugs to everyone!!
  • amitcham4
    amitcham4 Posts: 14 Member
  • sninny
    sninny Posts: 132 Member
    great challenges this week! thanks Jenn!
  • Malumyangel
    1. I bring my dogs on workouts twice a week. Everyone else I invite declines. :( Damn lazy family, LOL.
    2. Gotta check out the sleep thing.
    3. I know I'm late on this, but I will catch up and look for a pedometer.
    4. I take a prenatal multi-vitamin; I am trying to get pregnant. I also take a Glucomannan capsule with 16oz water 10 minutes before a meal I didn't plan like when my parents say come out to dinner with us. It makes me feel full so I eat less of whatever restaurant crap I ordered. It really does work. No matter how good those sweet potatoe french fries are I am just tooo full.
    5. I will likely cook this holiday, so I will cook healthy and make a no sugar added coffee cake. It's made with fat free sour cream, sugar substitute and applesauce to cut calories. Also, I will take the Glucomannan to make it easy for me to consume less.
    6. There are no stairs in my lfe so ix-nay on that. I tried to join the stairway to heaven challenge this week, but my knees can't handle the variation for no stairs.
    7. I bicycle to work 3 times a week. I only work 2.2 miles away,and I can bike it in the time it takes to drive.
    8. Ok I totally forgot about the jumping jacks, I will start today. oOPs
    9. Wow I exercised 11 miles this week. It feels great to count it out, I never think of it in these terms, usually just think of minutes exercised. I only have a dumb phone so no apps for me.
    10. I bought some honey crisp apples because everyone's been raving about em on here, I can't wait to try em.

    Thanks Jenn

    Congrats to everyone keeping it up!

    As of 11/04 I weighed 206.6 lbs, a total loss of 7.6 for this challenge, thanks for the support everyone.
  • Malumyangel
    Here's the cinnamon swirl coffee cake from splenda's website. No copyright infringement intended:

    I use off-brand sweetner, fat free sour cream, and a "healthier" butter spread instead of the suggestions below. It's not super moist, but my family likes it. I started making it because my dad-in-law is diabetic and there are few premade desserts out there for him, let alone ones he likes.

    Cake Batter:
    3 cups cake flour
    1 tablespoon baking powder
    3/4 teaspoon baking soda
    1/2 cup butter
    1 1/3 cups SPLENDA® No Calorie Sweetener, Granulated
    1 egg
    1/4 cup egg substitute
    2 teaspoons vanilla extract
    1/2 cup unsweetened applesauce
    1 1/2 cups light sour cream, divided

    3 tablespoons brown sugar
    1 teaspoon ground cinnamon

    Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Spray a nonstick bundt pan with cooking spray. Set aside.

    Sift cake flour, baking powder, and baking soda into a medium-sized mixing bowl; set aside. In a large mixing bowl, cream the butter with an electric mixer. Add SPLENDA® Granulated Sweetener and egg. Beat until smooth. Add the egg substitute and vanilla. Beat briefly to incorporate. Add applesauce and half of the sour cream. Beat until smooth. Add the sifted flour mixture and beat at medium speed just until smooth. Add remaining sour cream and blend just until incorporated and batter is uniform. Set aside.

    Make Filling: Place 1/4 of cake batter in a small bowl. Add brown sugar and cinnamon. Stir well.

    Place 1/2 of the remaining cake batter into prepared pan. Top with filling. Swirl with knife. Top with remaining batter.

    Bake 50 to 60 minutes or until a toothpick inserted near the center comes out clean


    Servings Per Recipe: 16
    Amount Per Serving Calories: 200 Calories from Fat: 80 Total Fat: 9g Saturated Fat: 5g Cholesterol: 40mg Sodium: 180mg Total Carbs: 27g Dietary Fiber: 1g Sugars: 5g Protein: 4g