New Year, New You Challenge



  • This would be my first challenge as well, I would love to join! Especially since by the new year is exactly 8%, which is where I am aiming to be in the first place! I wish you all good motivation in this-- I am already inspired by some of the posts I've seen.

    Created by - Free Weight Loss Tools
  • 4thehardman
    4thehardman Posts: 731 Member
    Would it be possible to join in too? I have been doing it for a week already........
    I'm new so it would be my 1st challenge other than deciding to lose weight.
  • andeben
    andeben Posts: 33 Member
    I'd like to join if I can. I'm looking forward to to a new me this new years :)
  • traceybett
    traceybett Posts: 206 Member
    Is there a limit to how many you will let in? I've been mia since about July, but this challenge is JUST what I need. Please let me know if I can join?
  • RocksFlower
    RocksFlower Posts: 74 Member
    I'm a week behind, but is it too late to join? I really need a challenge to keep me focused throughout the holidays. If it is too late to join I understand. Best of luck to everyone!
  • KiniWoman
    KiniWoman Posts: 29 Member
    Greetings! I am hoping that it isn't too late to jump on board this challenge?!? I just found it and realize its already a week into it, but I need something to help me stay focused on goals.

  • Is it too late to join???? I need this kind of a challenge.
  • anacsitham5
    anacsitham5 Posts: 810 Member
    Lot's of newbies...welcome all!

    Great job Gretchen! I don't know how you keep track of it all :happy:
  • Duelltolose
    Duelltolose Posts: 119 Member
    Totally want to do this! Keep me posted.

    I need a way to get through Thanksgiving and Christmas food
  • Sign me in!!
  • libland
    libland Posts: 284 Member
    Better late than never. I'm in.
  • libland
    libland Posts: 284 Member
    Can you send me a copy of the spreadsheet?
  • I want to join
  • kizzym
    kizzym Posts: 250
    i would love to join myself too...just let me know if it's too late or not to join please
  • Is it too late to join?
  • jennifero469
    jennifero469 Posts: 67 Member
    I would love to join to. I have to get serious about losing this baby weight now. She is almost a year old already.
  • Better late than never, I am IN!!
  • cappslife
    cappslife Posts: 2 Member
    still ok to join challange? Thanks