Does any one ever use diet pills??



  • smj60
    smj60 Posts: 18
    Hydroxycut is a waste of money, doesn't work at all!!! No diet pills do, a pill didnt make you gain the wait, so how is it supposed to make you lose it. That's the way I always look at it.
  • aWashCloth
    aWashCloth Posts: 198 Member
    I have an amazing pill you take and it will help you lose weight. .. well.. actually its a skittle.. and it only works if you work out hard and eat right the rest of the time.. On the plus side.. its a Skittle.
  • Thomasm198
    Thomasm198 Posts: 3,189 Member
    Diet pills = money-down-toilet.jpg

    They're a quick fix and can be dangerous. 

    A friend of mine who is a jockey took them to try and lose weight for a horse race. He didn't sleep for two days. 
  • shakybabe
    shakybabe Posts: 1,578 Member
    I used Capsiplex to get me started in June... cos I had severely low energy.. I was getting nowhere.. I struggled to manage 30 mins and was never getting into fat burning mode.. I saw some pills on ebay that said to take 30-60mins before exercise and would burn more calories.. I looked them up on official site and said it just contained capsicum which is naturally in chilli's.. so gave them a go.. just to get me started to burn enough to start losing.

    I do best first thing before I've had chance to stiffen up so wake up at 5am take a capsiplex then get workout gear on and get started.. I was managing 2 hours and it helped me have energy to exercise for longer and start burning some fat off.

    Weight loss was still slow however.. I didn't relaise I was meant to take them on non-workout days too and to start with was only taking them before a session when I managed it 2-3 times a week and was still eating lot of carbs... once I cut gluten and went low carbs and combined that with 2 hours sessions I've been losing alot quicker the last 7 weeks... I still only take them on workout mornings as tried them other days but don't really feel or see any difference.

    I have managed to do an hour workout myself recently without using the capsiplex so it has helped me get fit enough to manage this now without 'help'.
  • trud72
    trud72 Posts: 1,912 Member
    my g.p put me on Xenical many yrs back and i noticed no difference at the time,he said they were working in that case!! lol

    but that was another one of those help i fed up with being fat phazes!(one of many many thousand)lol

    best way i have found is healthy eating and EXERCISE!
  • spennato
    spennato Posts: 360 Member
    I tried Alli once when I was being lazy. It's like playing Russian Roulette when you fart.

  • Lift_hard_eat_big
    Lift_hard_eat_big Posts: 2,278 Member
    Saying that ECA doesn't work, is like saying anabolic androgenic steroids (aas) doesn't work to help build muscle.
  • Lift_hard_eat_big
    Lift_hard_eat_big Posts: 2,278 Member
    If you have to take sketchy supplements that are nothing more than fancy forms of speed, you're doing it wrong.
    I take it you don't drink coffee?
  • CraziiPrettiiMILF
    It's the surplus of calories that made the weight come back, not the fact that you stopped taking alli.
    exactly what they said.
  • kmbrooks15
    kmbrooks15 Posts: 941 Member
    Ever notice how pills claim to work with "diet and exercise"? So does just diet and exercise. It's a scam =/ a very dangerous, expensive and unhealthy scam.


    Pretty much every pill out there is going to require you to diet and exercise in order to have success. You can do that without paying for expensive and possibly dangerous diet pills. There's a reason so many of them get pulled from the shelves.

    My primary care doctor will not prescribe diet pills except in extreme cases (people with excessive amounts to lose). When she does, she requires that the patient come in every single month for a checkup and labs. She'll only write a 30-day script, and they have to come in and have bloodwork and a checkup before she'll write more. She also requires them to visit a nutritionist before the first script is written, then have regular consultations with the nutritionist before she'll write more. These stringent requirements usually cause people not to go the diet pill route.
  • Lift_hard_eat_big
    Lift_hard_eat_big Posts: 2,278 Member
    Actually exercise isn't required in any case to lose weight. I can easily lose weight by reducing my caloric intake and not working out. I just did this week cause I've been sick, haven't worked out and still lost weight. There are some pills that professional body builders and fitness competitors take that don't require diet and exercise to lose weight. Look up DNP for example.
    Ever notice how pills claim to work with "diet and exercise"? So does just diet and exercise. It's a scam =/ a very dangerous, expensive and unhealthy scam.


    Pretty much every pill out there is going to require you to diet and exercise in order to have success. You can do that without paying for expensive and possibly dangerous diet pills. There's a reason so many of them get pulled from the shelves.

    My primary care doctor will not prescribe diet pills except in extreme cases (people with excessive amounts to lose). When she does, she requires that the patient come in every single month for a checkup and labs. She'll only write a 30-day script, and they have to come in and have bloodwork and a checkup before she'll write more. She also requires them to visit a nutritionist before the first script is written, then have regular consultations with the nutritionist before she'll write more. These stringent requirements usually cause people not to go the diet pill route.
  • Buzzerman
    There all a fad!...Apart from eph+25 which is now a banned substance but still available on the net from some sources. Does have side affects though. Best way is lower your carb intake especially in the evening and up your protein intake then train also. It will come off quiet quickley for a start. Diet is 80% mental aptitude and training make up only 20%. Small protein packed meals and good fats inc nuts fish and some cheese's. Good luck. Ps if you need more info pm me and i can give you a basic meal plan so you get the picture.
  • opalescentmirage
    Here's my take on diet pills... Are you planning to take them for the rest of your life? Sure, they may help you lose weight faster, but in the long run, is that really better? I pretty much feel the same about "diet food" as well.

    Stick to a healthy diet with the right calorie intake to reach your goals and exercise. Those are things that you can do for the rest of your life.
  • femmerides
    femmerides Posts: 843 Member
    So yes, some of them do work. And no, dieting and exercise are not the only way they work. So I took some a few years ago and what they did was give me quick weight loss results which then motivated me to lose more weight by adding in exercise and cleaning up my diet. The only reason I gained back weight was because I got pregnant. I took them again the beginning of this year but they gave me headaches this time around so I stopped. The weight I lost though, I didn't gain back because I made sure my diet was spot on. The rest of the weight took 3 times as long to lose, however, it is much more satisfying to know that YOU lost each pound all by yourself and you have no one to thank but yourself. :)
  • WendyWeighsIn
    WendyWeighsIn Posts: 26 Member
    If diet pills worked, we would all be thin!
  • Strive2BLean
    Strive2BLean Posts: 300 Member
    DIET PILLS? No way! Nothing unnatural goes into my body including artificial sweetener. I believe it's not healthy to put junk into yoiur body. Somewhere down the road there will be consequences. Just sayin
  • CoraGregoryCPA
    CoraGregoryCPA Posts: 1,087 Member
    DIET PILLS? No way! Nothing unnatural goes into my body including artificial sweetener. I believe it's not healthy to put junk into yoiur body. Somewhere down the road there will be consequences. Just sayin

    What about air?

    Sorry, I just think it's funny how people try to be organic or "no toxins" in the body, however the air we breathe is definitely not organic or free from bad components.

    Try all of the diet pills, let us know how it goes! Everyone is different. I don't take them, but I use to (12 years or so ago) took Metabolife 356 before they banned the one good component. That stuff was awesome! But there is always one person that has to ruin it for everyone. Too many kids were getting a hold of the pill and overdosing in dangerous levels :(
  • deesrow
    My friend did use ECA 25 , 90 cap and burn 20 kg in 2 months.Personally i dont have experience but if quality of the products is good then there will be no problem. He purchased that product from here