I just love to eat..pure and simple..does anyone else feel l



  • lisadlocks
    lisadlocks Posts: 212 Member
    Yes I love food! :drinker: And I love good food. But I now love vegetables, and I am experimenting with the 101 differrent ways to enjoy healthier choices. I find myself craving good veggies and other things that would not be on my plate 57 pounds ago! I can cook so that makes a world of difference and I am having a great time learning to LOVE ME as I change my relationship with food!
  • JOANIE69
    JOANIE69 Posts: 132 Member
    hello there i can so relate to your loving to eat as i am so fussy and do not have a lage variety of foods in my list to stick to,and the ones i try to stick with i get sick off so guess what thats when i have something i crave for and the more i try n stop myself the harderer it gets then i eat and am disappointed and hate myself that day .sometimes i close my eyes after putting my food diary in lol:sad:
  • RhiReeves21
    I hear people say that they eat to live; well, I live to eat I love to eat! !:love: I don't feel there's anything wrong with this, I'm just being a lot more mindful of what I consume, and more importantly, how much I consume. So instead of the bulking portions I oh so love, I reduce them and substitue by bulking up on veggies. Sometimes it's hard when I take trips to the farmers market and walk past the yummy baked goods like fresh brioche bread and flatbreads, or the specality cheeses or the numerous other options that they have available, but then I go to the produce section and loose myself in the yummy goodness that it has to offer. I don't deny myself, because then I'll have a tendency to overindulge, but I am a lot more mindful.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,723 Member
    You can eat whatever you want and long as you counter the calories. This is where exercise comes into play. I don't deny myself any foods (unless I'm really dieting hard to drop body fat to single digits) and eat whatever I feel like eating at that time. But I do control portions and stay within calorie limits each day.
  • catherine4211
    catherine4211 Posts: 944 Member
    I love food so much I have said a million times I'm shocked I don't weigh 500 pounds. I very feel confident that I could totally kick *kitten* in an eating competition.
  • debswebby
    Oh God yes. Food consumes my every waking thought and sometimes I dream about it too. I love it all, the healthy and the junk. After 3 years and 70lbs I can still eat till I'm almost sick.
  • debswebby
    I love food so much I have said a million times I'm shocked I don't weigh 500 pounds. I very feel confident that I could totally kick *kitten* in an eating competition.

    Absolutely! Me too. I would win the competition and still be looking for more. I just never seem to get full up. I don't think I even know how that feels.
  • HeidiMightyRawr
    HeidiMightyRawr Posts: 3,343 Member
    Sure, I love food!

    If you workout loads you should be able to eat what you want, within reason. It will definitely give you alot more calories to do as you please with that if you didn't workout.
  • chickybuns
    chickybuns Posts: 1,037 Member
    I am with you. I love food, and can for some reason eat a ridiculous amount of food and not feel full. My husband thinks it's gross..lol. But of course most of the time I refrain from pigging out. And I just workout a lot so I can eat more food.
  • debswebby
    I always say that I have no willpower but hubby tells me that I must have shed loads because I don't pig out all the time. Every day I resist stuffing my face and he knows how hard that is for me. It made me feel so much better about myself when he said that. I felt stronger and more able to carry on.
  • missmamselle
    missmamselle Posts: 25 Member
    Oh my gosh, I LOVE to eat. At times I tried telling myself that it was all senseless emotional eating.. but I adore sweets [ESPECIALLY gummy bears] and Chinese food. It's hard not eating them every single day, but I think that as long as you set some little mini-goals along the way, you can indulge and get that same feeling of satisfaction.

    Mmmm, thanks for reminding me. I forgot that I bought Haribo Gummy Bears the other day.Where did I hide them...oh yeah, now I remember!
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    You can eat whatever you want and long as you counter the calories. This is where exercise comes into play. I don't deny myself any foods (unless I'm really dieting hard to drop body fat to single digits) and eat whatever I feel like eating at that time. But I do control portions and stay within calorie limits each day.

    This is good advice.

    For myself...I'm much the same, but follow a rough pattern of intermittent fasting on top of it. Weight training 3x a week, and loosely following IF 5 days a week really has an impact. For example, my breakfast today was a 24oz coffee loaded with carmel and cream...and two maple long johns lol. Dinner last night was home made chicken and dumplings...which I can never seem to have just one helping of.

    Without strength training and IF...I'm 100% positive that I'd be 230lbs in no time lol.