I gained 11 pounds

in about two months.
I've been eating RIDICULOUSLY. It's been depression, stress and all those other excuses driving me to et. I also burned myself out with the first 55 pounds, which is now down to 44. :(
I have a lot of really helpful supporting Friends but I need as much support as I can get and now that I'm back to mfp, I'll definitely be giving it back
I've had health issues that have prevented me from exercising as well and now I'm off of wok and school for three months because of it which means I have time to workout. All the time.

So that was a nice little story; the point is. I'd love more friends so please feel free to add me cause In feeling pretty much like a failure at this moment.


  • codycaca1
    codycaca1 Posts: 35 Member
    Hey it happens!!! It looks you had a great start by losing 55 pounds!!
    The main thing now is that you are aware of your short comings and that you have gained back only 11 pounds. ( it could be much worse). NOw that you have some time off really focus on excersing and eating well. But keep in mind that you are not going on a diet but you are creating a new life style. Its ok to treat yourself once in a while in moderation!!
  • mrmarius
    mrmarius Posts: 1,802 Member
    youre far from a failure babe, just keep pushing
  • MrsODriscoll
    MrsODriscoll Posts: 127 Member
    That's really not all *that* bad you could've gained a lot more - try to draw a line under it, try some new foods or recipes, try to get some exercise in and you'll soon lose it again :-)
  • denisecc
    denisecc Posts: 72 Member
    i would focus on a new day, week and so on. Think of what you accomplished, it's positive right?? You set your mind to it and you will do it...:smile:
  • briar_rose
    briar_rose Posts: 149 Member
    Life happens, the important thing is that you are back and thinking about the journey to get healthy again. I have seen the scale creep back up in the past few months due to stress in my life but I am re-starting my weight loss again. Feel free to add me!
  • Tweety379
    I think you have done amazing to lose 55 pounds. Even if you gained some of it back, you are still down 44. Take your successes no matter how big or small! I am working on 5 pounds in the last 2 months. I'm proud of it! I know how hard it is to work out when you don't feel well or can't. I was only out of work and exercise for a week due to an injury and it is hard to get back on track. Good luck and I will be adding you so we can support each other!
  • Evy79
    Evy79 Posts: 30
    Please don't feel like a failure, 44lbs is absolutely amazing! Yes you've had a bit of a slip up but don't let that ruin what you have already achieved.

    You're clearly a strong lady as you've already lost an amazing amount of weight! You've had a bad time of late but it doesn't mean that's how it's always going to be. There's always tomorrow, so start afresh :)
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    HI! You did it before you can do it.I had times I would gain and loose the same 20 lbs-due to health issues,surgeries etc.
    You can do it.Take it 1 day at a time and do the best you can.
  • tracylee679
    tracylee679 Posts: 189 Member
    I totally feel you on the recent gain. I have been feeling the same way. Mine is pretty much do to stress, life and the change in weather. I get so depressed this time of year thinking about all the cold weather and snow!! I have lost a total of 35 pounds and started to slide but we have to turn this around. We can do this and the quicker we realize that we are worth the effort that we put forth to make these changes the better. We can do anything as long as we put our minds to it. I am not going down without a fight and obviously since you posted this topic neither are you. I look forward to hearing about your progress. I am going to add you as a friend if you don't mind.

  • MayLan
    MayLan Posts: 1,523 Member
    Hey there

    You are awesome and gaining 11 pounds is nothing compared to all you have lost so far. I appreciate your company and we all have bad times some times. I'm here for you!