Different by 2012 open group

Hey guys. So I really want to start up a challenge. I need people to join. I find that I am most motivated when I am motivating others.

This is more of a weightloss group but if you have other goals just let me know.

Weigh ins will be every Wednesday starting this week.
I will keep the stats and chart them up for everyone

I also believe a little friendly competition always helps.
Therefore the top three winners of most percentage lost will win a fabulous prize either weightloss or health related or maybe Ill get fancy and make tshirts haha

So help yourself and help me stay motivated to lose weight and be healthy over the holiday season.

Post here or message me if you would like to participate. On wednesday we will have everyone's starting weights this gives people time to join. I wont reveal your weight if you dont want me to but I will tell everyone if you have a monumental loss because it should be celebrated.

Thanks guys. JOINME
~ amanda


  • ngcgurl03
    ngcgurl03 Posts: 207 Member
    i want it . Lets do this. Lets get this weight off i have alot to lose.
  • aflaherty
    aflaherty Posts: 22 Member
    i'm in! I like that we get to way in the day before Thanksgiving so we have some time to burn off those T-day pounds :)
  • Tsrwalker
    Tsrwalker Posts: 164 Member
    Im in.
  • CeeJourney
    CeeJourney Posts: 149 Member
    I'm in :)
  • Scatterdragon
    Scatterdragon Posts: 225 Member
    I want to join!
  • Count me in!
  • gods_gal
    gods_gal Posts: 301
    I'm in. I totally need others to help me along this journey! :smile:
  • I would like to join! My weigh in days are Wednesday anyway, and I am trying to lose a few sizes by Christmas.
  • DaniellePF
    DaniellePF Posts: 308 Member
    Count me in
  • Ill join! I love a challenge
  • dvm_meggles
    dvm_meggles Posts: 19 Member
    I'm in! I'm in my third year of grad school, and I've really been struggling to make good decisions vs the easy ones. Knowing that I will have to report myself each week should hopefully help. Thanks for starting this :smile:
  • rocketmouse
    rocketmouse Posts: 143 Member
    Man I wish I had a scale, I would love to get a handmade super prize t-shirt. With you all in spirit
  • determinedcrystal
    determinedcrystal Posts: 75 Member
    im totally in but im in another challenge right now and i cant weigh myself for 3 more weeks so il give you what i weighed before i started that challenge i hope you dont mind
  • andshrinking
    andshrinking Posts: 91 Member
    Awesome. You guys are the best!
    Im charting up the excel with everyone's names.
    Be sure to check back in on Wednesday and either post your weight or message it to me.

    Thanksgiving is allowed on any diet in my opinion. We have a rule in our house that you can't sit around all day but you can eat whatever you want. We usually go for a long walk. Have done a 5k before
    This year I think we will have enough people to play football or something like that
    plus the pre cleaning and after cleaning counts as a workout.
    Amp it up and do lunges while you vaccum or squats as you dry dishes.
    Every little step counts to a munch bigger goal

    Plus the way my stepmom cooks thanksgiving and well any food in our house she substitutes so many things.
    Let me know if you guys need any healthy recipies for the next months or feel free to share your own tips
  • andshrinking
    andshrinking Posts: 91 Member
    dont mind that at all but let me know your final weight. Ill give you an averaged out starting weight so it doesnt messup the stats
  • tracylee679
    tracylee679 Posts: 189 Member
    I would love to join you! I have been really struggling with my motivation and commitment to this lately and I just feel like giving up sometimes. I have lost about 35 pounds total (27 with MFP) and I would like to lose about 15 to 20 more. I am not even sure what I weigh right now because I haven't weighed myself in a couple of weeks. Too afraid of what all the snacking, late night binging and just flat out free for alls have done to my progress. I usually exercise 6 days a week, but I hurt my knee last week and have not exercied for the last 3 days. I don't know if I will be ready to start again tomorrow or not. I don't want to make things worse. Thanks for letting me join!

  • andshrinking
    andshrinking Posts: 91 Member
    I'm a pretty great motivator. I just need to listen to myself sometimes haha. Honestly though any of you can add me Ill accept and Ill be there with you every step of your journey.

    Don't make things worse if you are injured that is definetly not a good idea.
    If your knee is in pain why not work on some upperbody strength?
    Grab some free weights and do curls while your sitting.
    Even an old phone book or a jug of milk works
    When you have an injury it;s also a great time to work on your posture
    Stomach muscles tight and shoulders back whether sitting or standing.
    Rest days are perfectly fine.

    Thank you
    and to everyone else who joined
  • andshrinking
    andshrinking Posts: 91 Member
    I'm a pretty great motivator. I just need to listen to myself sometimes haha. Honestly though any of you can add me Ill accept and Ill be there with you every step of your journey.

    Don't make things worse if you are injured that is definetly not a good idea.
    If your knee is in pain why not work on some upperbody strength?
    Grab some free weights and do curls while your sitting.
    Even an old phone book or a jug of milk works
    When you have an injury it;s also a great time to work on your posture
    Stomach muscles tight and shoulders back whether sitting or standing.
    Rest days are perfectly fine.

    Thank you
    and to everyone else who joined
  • I would like to join!
  • andshrinking
    andshrinking Posts: 91 Member
    you're more than welcome to as is anyone else