Need some MFP Friends =)

Hey All! 24 y/o female here. Looking for some MFP friends to motivate with feel free to add me!


  • kayrtrainor
    kayrtrainor Posts: 2 Member
    Hi, I'm 57 and struggling a little bit. I started out strong and have hit a wall. Are any of you all struggling and or how did you get past it?
  • Welcome to MFP...............Add me if you want support or if you want a good laugh :laugh:
  • cheekydeeky
    cheekydeeky Posts: 146 Member
    feel free to add me! :)
  • kamenges
    kamenges Posts: 1 Member
    Hey I'm a 19 year old Female from Kansas.... pretty new to MFP. I would love a friend for motivation!
  • Sunlight2011
    Sunlight2011 Posts: 75 Member
    Hi. Feel free to add me. I have no friends so far (ahhhh!!!).
    Good luck. Marie.
  • AccordingtoTodd
    AccordingtoTodd Posts: 197 Member
    I am new this week! I am loving My first few days! You can do it!
  • Looking for friends to weather this journey with. That way if we slip & fall someone will be there with a kind word to get us back on track. Feel free to add me!
  • Puffins1958
    Puffins1958 Posts: 614 Member
    Welcome to the group. I've found it very helpful just keeping track of my food. I hope that you have a wonderful experience here. ENJOY!!!! Feel free to add me. if you'd like.....

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • Looking for friends to keep me encouraged and on track! 29 years of age...young and full of life just want to get rid of the extra weight...I'll be looking for those requests guys!!! TTYL!! Oh and I"m not super new...I just found my 2nd wind in this thing called weight loss journey...LATERZ!
  • Hi guys, I'm new to My Fitness Pal...looking forward to share and learn from you! :)
  • goldfinger88
    goldfinger88 Posts: 686 Member
    Hi everyone. I'm 67, female, and I've put on about ten extra pounds. Actually, I've put on three of them within the last couple of months. I'll be happy to befriend anyone who might benefit from my progress. Actually, I work out quite a lot. I lift weights and am fairly active. But, as we get older, our metabolism slows down badly. Taking weight off as we age is very hard to do. I've taken off one pound. That was probably water. But, I'll take it.

    I also find I'm losing motivation and tend to munch without thinking --- something I recently started to do. When I stepped on the scales and realized I was packing on weight again, I decided to find something to help me and came to this program. I also ordered a Jawbone Up.

    I'll be happy to share this experience that we're going through with anyone who might want to have a buddy to get back in shape with.
  • Hello,

    Welcome and Good Luck. Please feel free to add me as your friend. :D
  • Hello! I am brand new to My Fitness Pal and could use the motivation and accountability as well :)
  • goldfinger88
    goldfinger88 Posts: 686 Member
    I'm from Kansas too. Did you feel the earthquake last night?
  • wmlpd6
    wmlpd6 Posts: 135
    Hi there...I joined mfp to support a friend and I have learned a bit from here myself. Feel free to add me as a friend if you like.
    My name is Will
  • tstorr
    tstorr Posts: 56 Member
    i am new as well, I will add you as a wishes Traci
  • ejohndrow
    ejohndrow Posts: 1,399 Member
    I'm not new, but anyone and everyone is always free to add me if they wish.
  • keekee1804
    keekee1804 Posts: 102 Member
    Ok, I didn't realize anyone commented on this since I got to many friend requests the other day and didn't realize you didn't get notifications when someone comments! But I think I've added everyone here now! Thanks for all the requests, invites, support and encouragement! MFP is Awesome =)
  • I too am struggling, and don't quite understand it, wish i could help but i have no idea - hopefully we will find our answers here with all these great knowledgeable members
  • I too am struggling, and don't quite understand it, wish i could help but i have no idea - hopefully we will find our answers here with all these great knowledgeable members

    forgot ... add me if you would like