Looking for friends who have 50+ to lose and SAHM's



  • ypena78
    ypena78 Posts: 236 Member
    Look girl. I know you can do this. It isextremely hard. but you cant say you are dieting, cause dieters always gain it back..You need to change your eating habits & learn to control yourself when you treat yourself to something special, usually its your weakness, but you need to say I am going to taste this not eat the whole thing. Its really all about self control.. & I had a lot of trouble in that department, until I stood up to myself & said "NO MORE" I have been at it for some time & of course with bumps on the road, everyone hits them, & even though no matter how ashamed I was to put what I had eaten or gained, I was held accountable for my own..We are not perfect, & that is why we are all unique in our own way, that is why some things work for one person & not the other.. Hang in there girl. I know you can do it.. Lets becareful the "H O L I D A Y S" are coming, so we need alot of self control...:flowerforyou: :wink:
  • Look girl. I know you can do this. It isextremely hard. but you cant say you are dieting, cause dieters always gain it back..You need to change your eating habits & learn to control yourself when you treat yourself to something special, usually its your weakness, but you need to say I am going to taste this not eat the whole thing. Its really all about self control.. & I had a lot of trouble in that department, until I stood up to myself & said "NO MORE" I have been at it for some time & of course with bumps on the road, everyone hits them, & even though no matter how ashamed I was to put what I had eaten or gained, I was held accountable for my own..We are not perfect, & that is why we are all unique in our own way, that is why some things work for one person & not the other.. Hang in there girl. I know you can do it.. Lets becareful the "H O L I D A Y S" are coming, so we need alot of self control...:flowerforyou: :wink:

    Thanks, I know that I can do it too. I have changed the way I eat in every way possible. This is a lifestyle change to me. I measure all my food and I make sure that I stay within my calories. I have learned self control and if I tell myself that I will not eat that and I will not eat this. I have fell down and I have picked myself back up. I will do this thing if it takes me forever. I am just taking it one day at a time and one step at a time. Thanks so much for the very encouraging words. I really appreciate it so much.
  • :flowerforyou: bump
  • heaverchell
    heaverchell Posts: 513 Member
    I am also a SAHM with about 70ish lbs to lose. I have a daughter 7 years old and a son 6 months old. I have been fighting this weight for a while. I was actually on the journey to lose some weight and get healthy prior to getting pregnant. I had already lost about 30lbs when I found out. I watched what I ate and ended up only putting on about 26lbs through my 9 months. I lost the baby weight quickly and really just picking up where I left off.

    I always take it one day at a time....and never think of a day loss because of a slip up.
  • I am also a SAHM with about 70ish lbs to lose. I have a daughter 7 years old and a son 6 months old. I have been fighting this weight for a while. I was actually on the journey to lose some weight and get healthy prior to getting pregnant. I had already lost about 30lbs when I found out. I watched what I ate and ended up only putting on about 26lbs through my 9 months. I lost the baby weight quickly and really just picking up where I left off.

    I always take it one day at a time....and never think of a day loss because of a slip up.

    Hi, I accepted your friend request. I look forward to getting to know you and going along on this weight loss journey. Your son is so cute. I miss those baby days.
  • snoopage
    snoopage Posts: 8 Member
    Hi there! My name is Adrienne and I definitely have 50+ pounds to lose. I am also a SAHM. My kids are 16 and 11 and we homeschool.

    I, too, am sick of the yo-yo, especially since the end result is that dreaded gain back "and then some". I am in it to win it and I LOVE MFP!! I am logging everything every day, no matter what I have eaten. One thing that I have seem to have overcome is my all or nothing mentality. I finally realize this is a process of changing my overall choices and patterns. Would I like to wake up tomorrow at my ultimate goal? Well, of course...but I know that is not going to happen and I can wait to do it and do it right and to do it in a way that I can make these change real and lasting.

    I am measuring everything too and getting real about portion sizes and how many calories and other nutritional factors are in everything I put into my mouth! I am not depriving myself. I am just looking at the big picture and taking my goals into consideration when I think about what I want. If I still want it...I TRACK it. I am eating consciously and it has really been an enlightening experience so far.

    Anyway, I am just getting started here too so I would love to add some friends from this thread.

    Let's do this!!!!! :)
  • luvinlaurakate
    luvinlaurakate Posts: 145 Member
    Hi, I had 78 pounds to lose from where I started, and have a little over 50 left, so I am right there with you. I am a SAHM with 4 kids, only one of which is in school. I will send you a request. It is always good to have people who can relate to what is going on in your life to encourage you!
  • Hi there! My name is Adrienne and I definitely have 50+ pounds to lose. I am also a SAHM. My kids are 16 and 11 and we homeschool.

    I, too, am sick of the yo-yo, especially since the end result is that dreaded gain back "and then some". I am in it to win it and I LOVE MFP!! I am logging everything every day, no matter what I have eaten. One thing that I have seem to have overcome is my all or nothing mentality. I finally realize this is a process of changing my overall choices and patterns. Would I like to wake up tomorrow at my ultimate goal? Well, of course...but I know that is not going to happen and I can wait to do it and do it right and to do it in a way that I can make these change real and lasting.

    I am measuring everything too and getting real about portion sizes and how many calories and other nutritional factors are in everything I put into my mouth! I am not depriving myself. I am just looking at the big picture and taking my goals into consideration when I think about what I want. If I still want it...I TRACK it. I am eating consciously and it has really been an enlightening experience so far.

    Anyway, I am just getting started here too so I would love to add some friends from this thread.

    Let's do this!!!!! :)

    Hi, thanks so much for your post and your friend request. I agree with everything you said. I accepted your friend request. I look forward to getting to know you and going along this weight loss journey with you.
  • Hi, I had 78 pounds to lose from where I started, and have a little over 50 left, so I am right there with you. I am a SAHM with 4 kids, only one of which is in school. I will send you a request. It is always good to have people who can relate to what is going on in your life to encourage you!

    Thanks for sending me a request. I accepted it and look forward to getting to know you and go on this weight loss journey with you.
  • :flowerforyou:
  • Cysso
    Cysso Posts: 68 Member
    I'm a SAHM too, although with my first child. I got up to 260 lbs when I was pregnant, and after I was flat lining at around200. I found MFP almost 2 weeks ago and have lost 4.2 lbs so far. Hoping I can lose the rest of the baby weight. I can't add people from my phone (it freezes for some reason), but you can add me if you want.
  • utgrrl82
    utgrrl82 Posts: 24 Member
    I am not a stay at home mom but I am the sole provider for my son and have 100 exactly to lose. We can do this! We just have to put in the time and effort.
  • Mel36Run
    Mel36Run Posts: 114 Member
    Welcome back to MFP! I am a SAHM. I have at least 30+ pounds left to lose. Feel free to add me for support!
  • karenmetfan
    karenmetfan Posts: 62 Member
    I'm 2 1/2 weeks in and have lost 14 pounds so I am really proud of myself. I set a goal of 60 pounds for now since any other number just seem so unattainable. I was told at my physical for work that I had high blood pressure--in the past it was high, but I attributed it to having taken Sudafed and seeing the "white coat". This time it was 140/100 and then it was 150/100!!! That scared the crap out of me. My PCP put me on lisinopril for BP. Just saw the cardiologist the other day and he upped the BP meds and put me on lipitor as well--my cholesterol was only slightly elevated, but labs said I was spilling protein in my urine as well. Dr. said because of this he was upping the one and adding the other as a preventative measure. Stress test in 2 weeks. My goal right now is to get off the meds and avoid a diabetes diagnosis. My ultimate goal is to lose as much weight as I can. I'm afraid to put a real number on it because I'm afraid it will discourage me. I'm really glad I found MFP--it's easy to use and has helped to keep me honest. Love the message you get when you finish your diary for the day--letting me know how much I'd weigh in 5 weeks if I kept eating that way :)

    Just posted this in another topic as well, sorry for the repost. This is only my 1st/2nd post here. Time to add more:
    I'm a preschool special ed teacher and have been at it for 20+ years!!! Yikes, makes me feel old when I see the number LOL. I have a beautiful 4-legged yellow lab mix "son" whom I adore. I've been overweight my whole life, but with what I wrote above, it's time to lose the weight. I absolutely do NOT want to be on meds and do NOT want diabetes. I'm pretty proud of myself for losing the 14 pounds thus far and for sticking with the daily walking. I figure I will change my exercise once I feel like I will be able to do it. Right now, the walking is working for me and I'm taking my boy with me. We did 2.6 miles in the park today :)

    Haven't added any "friends" yet. Feel free to add me.
  • Wow, thanks everyone for all the responses. I really do appreciate and need all the support I can get. I know that I can do this but it sure does help to get support.
  • shaunagirl
    shaunagirl Posts: 149 Member
    Thanks for sharing your story! I, like you, am a SAHM of 2 kids. I was always thin until I had my son at 18 and then I just let being a mommy and wife consume me. Now that my oldest is nearing 14 and my baby nearing 3 I am taking back control of my life and losing weight for me. I'm sending a request to you and maybe we can motivate each other.
  • Thanks for sharing your story! I, like you, am a SAHM of 2 kids. I was always thin until I had my son at 18 and then I just let being a mommy and wife consume me. Now that my oldest is nearing 14 and my baby nearing 3 I am taking back control of my life and losing weight for me. I'm sending a request to you and maybe we can motivate each other.

    You're welcome! Thanks for the friend request. I accepted it. I look forward to getting to know you and going along this weight loss journey together.
  • :smile:
  • rubystemkowski
    rubystemkowski Posts: 16 Member
    I too have about 50 to loose, seems like so much and I hope if I keep telling myself one day at a time I will believe it!
  • I'd love to join in with you ladies because I have just started this journey of being a SAHM I feel like I will need all the help I can get in the coming weeks and months and I would love to lend a hand to anyone else if I can... 3 weeks ago today I gave birth to my beautiful and perfect baby boy after a lot of heartache and problems along the way. I am so grateful to have him and I wouldn't trade the experience for anything in the world, but I need to start thinking about getting 'me' back in order and starting on it sooner rather than later. I can't physically do much at the moment due to an unplanned C-Section (3 more weeks before I can get the exercise all-clear), but right now I am focusing on food and trying to get that in order first. I'm down 16lbs since coming home from hospital, but I still have a long way to go to lose the baby weight PLUS the extra weight I was carrying around before I even got pregnant. Let's get this started... Best wishes to all of you.