LiveFit program

Hi Friends! I just recently started (I'm on day 2) Jamie Eason's/ LiveFit 12 week program.
Has anyone else recently started this program and want to be accountability partners?? I want to make this the FIRST program I complete to the end!! (Other than my marathon training)

Or is there anyone out there that is almost through with it and can tell me their results or some tips??

Thanks in advance!!



  • smuehlbauer
    smuehlbauer Posts: 1,041 Member
    I'm on day 26. It's the same as any other 12 week program. You're going to get out if it what you put into it!
    So far I like it. Day 29 starts phase two for me. (I might be off on the day #'s)
    I dont like the four day stretch if no lifting. Driving me crazy.

    I just watched the video for phase two. Wish I would have watched it for phase one too! LOL
    Also looks like phase two has just one rest day!
    And read it more closely....bawahahahaha!
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    I did the first month of it and loved it because I gained a lot of strength. What didn't happen was weight loss or fat loss as my inches and pounds stayed the same. I am not sure why. I switched to Tom Venuto's plan from BFFM and I saw an immediate inches drop. Haven't stepped on the scale yet, but I don't care as long as the inches go down.

    I am not saying anything bad about LiveFit at all. I just personally need a good combo of weights and cardio throughout the whole program because of my body type.

    I love the weight training routines and plan to go back to them later. Good luck!