Signing up again;) Low Calorie or Low Carb this time??

Petal765 Posts: 6
Hi Everyone,

Haven't been online in a while, and decided to give this ago again. I have tired the low
protein diets in the past, but really can't stick to them. I get so bored eating meat all the time:(
Id rather do low calorie since I feel I can stick to that kind of plan more. However I do have
PCOS which makes more difficult for me to lose weight because of insulin resistance.
Doesn't it all boil down to calories in calories out anyway? I'm tired of the confusion!
I feel like I am eating way more calories when I am eating the high protein meals anyway!
Thank you!


  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    Whichever you decide is right for you needs to be something you can commit to for the rest of your life.
  • Caitie1986
    Caitie1986 Posts: 72 Member
    Forget low calorie, low carb, and low-brains diets. What matters is that you eat real food and do real exercise. It's about making sure that you have a sustainable life style change- not a gimicky diet.
  • Thena81
    Thena81 Posts: 1,265 Member
    i read an article that said that meat hinders weight loss and you should eat a lot of veggies. also, apparently milk is not so good for you and cancer has been linked to both. not trying to scare you, just passing on some info
  • kit_katty
    kit_katty Posts: 992 Member
    I suggest you do what MFP suggests, eat fewer calories than you burn in a day. But healthy calories are the best, lots of veggies, enough protein etc. As was mentioned in an earlier post, it's about a lifestyle change, so I wouldn't suggest fad diets or cutting back severely on anything like protein or carbs.Good luck!
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    Forget low calorie, low carb, and low-brains diets. What matters is that you eat real food and do real exercise. It's about making sure that you have a sustainable life style change- not a gimicky diet.

    Yay! Yep - eat food, do workouts, win game.
    i read an article that said that meat hinders weight loss and you should eat a lot of veggies. also, apparently milk is not so good for you and cancer has been linked to both. not trying to scare you, just passing on some info

    Sounds like vegan propoganda. lowfat or nonfat dairy is a really useful weight loss food if you are not allergic or intolerant to it. I am not aware of any SCIENTIFIC study which links dairy consumption to cancer.

    And if meat 'hinders weight loss' how do low carb dieters lose weight?
  • i read an article that said that meat hinders weight loss and you should eat a lot of veggies. also, apparently milk is not so good for you and cancer has been linked to both. not trying to scare you, just passing on some info

    lol don't believe everything you read on the internet. Consider the source
  • CaptainGordo
    CaptainGordo Posts: 4,437 Member
    Whichever you decide is right for you needs to be something you can commit to for the rest of your life.
  • I feel as though I've tried everything - low carb, low fat, weight watchers, etc. I have never seen results like I have seen with MFP (and the help of a dietician). I eat everything in moderation. I try to eat lean protein before carbs or fats, and I watch the sugar, but I still eat bread. I have lost 12lbs in the first month of being on this program. I agree that it's about calories in versus calories out and accountability for what we put into our bodies. We need balanced diets. Food is fuel. This is a program that I can maintain for the rest of my life. I hope that you have the same success as I do.
  • CaptainGordo
    CaptainGordo Posts: 4,437 Member
    i read an article that said that meat hinders weight loss and you should eat a lot of veggies. also, apparently milk is not so good for you and cancer has been linked to both. not trying to scare you, just passing on some info
  • robin52077
    robin52077 Posts: 4,383 Member
    i read an article that said that meat hinders weight loss and you should eat a lot of veggies. also, apparently milk is not so good for you and cancer has been linked to both. not trying to scare you, just passing on some info

    WTH is this crap?
    Milk and meat both cause cancer?

    Are you from PETA?

    OP: NOT "low calorie"...just a reasonable deficit, a few hundred calories lower than maintenance.

    ANd anything with the word "diet" in the title is a crock....hell, anything with a TITLE is a don't need ANY "plan" or "diet".
  • Hello I'm new! My name is Princena and I am from Indiana
  • psmd
    psmd Posts: 764 Member
    Agree with all of the above. I looked at your profile too and saw you run. Definitely pick up strength training this time around too, I promise your body will take to it very well. Although keep in mind food is more important than exercise in terms of losing weight. I think if you follow the calorie guidelines here (and whatever guidelines you have to follow for PCOS) you will do well. Good luck!
  • Thank you everyone for the inspiration! I use to track my calories back in college and it seemed to really work....It gave me strength and I definitely saw the numbers on the scale go down. I seem to be more successful in that sense. I am an avid runner and love to exercise, so that won't be a problem. I just have gotten off track this past year:( Has anyone ever tried the Lean Cuisine diet?? It's basically calorie/portion control, like weight watchers smart ones. I enjoy Progresso soups as well, being that they are low calorie..I just want to be able to track everything.....
  • bliss78
    bliss78 Posts: 11 Member
    Forget low calorie, low carb, and low-brains diets. What matters is that you eat real food and do real exercise. It's about making sure that you have a sustainable life style change- not a gimicky diet.

    Completely agree!! Just make better food /exercise choices daily, one day at a time ...before you know it you'll be at goal. My only real goal is healthy but to answer your question personally, finding my calorie number and saying under (healthy choices) works for me. best wishes!
  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
  • I think the South Beach Diet looks pretty good?? Low carb and Low calorie....about 1200 calories a day. Do you do both? Any sample menus out there that I could possible follow? Thank you so much.
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