

  • Ittee
    Ittee Posts: 285
    My goals are mostly a repeat of last week's:
    Chalean, six times this week: abs count as .5
    3 fruits/veggies: I'm still not even close for this becoming a habit
    Protein higher than fat: For whatever reason I'm struggling, I am going to be all over with calories however, as I'm trying to find a nice balance to maintenance.
    Don't let my anyone drag down my eating habits: need this to become a habit if I'm to ever stay healthy and fit.
  • aorosco0110
    Oh I want in! Okay this will be my first challenge... more so of "get back on track" ^_^

    1) Log everyday
    2) Workout 4 times a week
    3) Stay away for sodas/sweets
    4) Lose 1 pound?

  • fitnessmonthly
    fitnessmonthly Posts: 68 Member
    Thanks MAK_01 for starting the new thread,
    Goals for week of 11/6- 11/12

    Goal1- water 8 cups/64 oz 6 days
    Goal 2- walk- 60 minutes 6 days
    Philosohea love the goals for this week . Everyone have a fabulous ,focussed week.
  • KrisPage
    KrisPage Posts: 539 Member
  • Ittee
    Ittee Posts: 285
    My goals are mostly a repeat of last week's:
    Chalean, six times this week: (last week I accomplished this at least)
    3 fruits/veggies: (about half the time last week) no, only 2 :(
    Protein higher than fat: (failed as a week, it looked like when I first started MFP) whew, way over in calories! But anyhow, not even close to this tonight. Tomorrow I need to refocus.
    Don't let my anyone drag down my eating habits: (accomplished more than failed last week, but not even close to a habit) failed all day at this, I blame my husband (cause I'd hate to blame myself of course :tongue: )

    Welcome all new mini goalers!

    Love all the continuing ones, thank you for your outstanding support!

    I need to get my head in the game, last week after a fender bender, I just quit for a few days. It's that kind of pattern that will keep me from being healthy and fit. And now I'm at the part which I dreaded (and am excited about): maintenance. This is where I very slowly start putting on the weight in the past, and I want to be good.
  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    Plan to keep my goals the same this week.
    Finally remembered to get a box of Puffs Plus Sat. a.m. ugh! But every time I've used one since has been worth the wait.:wink: I do hope I near the end of the flu soon as it's quite distracting to eating healthy, just plain eating and keeping regular hours. No appetite runs into appetite but no smell so nothing sounds good ...and wow, can't believe how hard it is to get the water down while not feeling well! The most important time of all and I do love my water but seems getting a bottle down is not easy.

    So off to a new week for me! Not much to log about for today, was consciously eating but nothing had any taste so it was quite strange. Took the day off from working out, need to refuel my focus and restart my goal to continue to succeed!! I've missed you all in the last few days, seems I couldn't even make it on to check off #4.:blushing: :sick: But back now and I'll make it work even on days I'm still on the mend, it means a lot to me to see you all and check in on how everyone is doing!:smooched:

    Goals for this week (11/6-11/12)

    1 - Be more aware of my food choices & keep my water intake up
    2 - Workout 4-5 days each week
    3 - STAY FOCUSED on the benefits of what making healthier changes is doing for me!
    4 - Check in EVERY DAY no matter what type of day I've had!

    NEW WEEK = Party Time!! bath.gif OOPS!! Wait that was supposed to be balloons!:blushing: :laugh: :laugh: :wink: :bigsmile: Made ya smile, huh? huh? I thought so!:flowerforyou:

    2vsj1nm.gif Welcome to All our Newest Members and all our wonderful regulars as well!!:love::flowerforyou: balloons.gif

    bighug.gif:heart: Here's to the BEST WEEK YET!!:heart:bighug.gif
  • MAK_01
    MAK_01 Posts: 553 Member
    Welcome to a new week everyone!! Glad to see we have so many new mini goalers joining us, as well as some familiar faces. Feel free to check in as little or much as you like. Make the mini goals work for you!

    Mrogers - WOW you are on top of things today!!! You beat me to posting my goals. I hope you have a great week. Good luck with your goals.

    La_nanita – Good luck to you this week. I know you can accomplish more than one of your goals this week. Keep up all the hard work.

    BirthdayGirlie – Good luck to you this week!

    EvelynCouch – Great goals! What a great idea to print out your goals and post them where you can see them. Good luck staying on track when you are out of town!

    Dancer4lyfe0330 – Welcome, glad you are going to give the mini goals a shot. I really like your goal #4!!!

    Angie – Great goals for the week! Good luck to you. Cheers to drinking more water! :drinker:

    Bonny272 - Excellent goals. Good luck staying on track with your hubby on vacation that can be tough!

    Melainemelaine – Yes let’s do this indeed! Great mini goals. Good luck with zig zagging calories.

    Mpontorno - Welcome. Looks like we have a couple very similar goals!! AM workouts can be tough, but I’m in the same boat, if I don’t get them done in the morning, I can sometimes have trouble getting them done after work.

    Brahma22 – Welcome! Really like your goal #3, something I know a lot of us need to remember. Good luck this week.

    TOBUNNZYE – Oh yeah sometimes we all get over whelmed thinking about the end goal. Hope the mini goals help you out. Take things one day at a time, one week at a time.

    Aflaherty – Another 30 day shredder! I finished last Sunday. I ended up really liking level 3! Good luck with your out of town traveling and making good choices while you are gone.

    Philosohoe – It is a workout week for you isn’t it. You’ve been doing so great, even though you don’t have any food goals, I know you still will do great.

    Jenna – YAY!! So glad you’ve joined for the week. Fellow mini goalers I’d like you all to meet my MFP pal who kept me honest and sticking with my month of 30DS!! I couldn’t have done it without you!!! Great goals, good luck with the carb limit, that is a tough one!

    Jowans2004 – Thanks for the friend request! Know all about the emotional eating, it can be tough. Glad to hear you’re ready for the challenge :smile:

    Jennyph2006 – Glad to see your back for another week! How do you like level 2? It was my least favorite.

    Clarissa08 – Welcome to the thread. Good luck with your goals, especially the late night snacking, it’s a tough one… that’s why it’s one of my goals too :laugh:

    Ittee – Welcome back for another fun week with the mini goalers :smile: Keep working on the fruits and veggies, I know you can make it part of your new healthier lifestyle. Good luck finding your balance. I’m with you time to get my head back in the game.

    Aorosco0110 – Welcome back, I hope you are refreshed, refocused and ready to rock, which I know you will do :smile: Hope you have a fabulous focused week as well!!

    KrisPage – Welcome back Kris :smile: Glad to see you’ve come back for another week of mini goals.

    Hearts♥Desire – HAHAHAHA!! Loved your little smilies, too funny! Thanks for the smile. Glad to hear you got your box of puffs plus. Hope the nose is feeling better. It’s not fun when you eat and it doesn’t taste like anything it’s a very weird feeling. Good luck with your focus.

    Sunday check in:
    1. 6 am workouts of my choice – Didn’t get an am workout in, but I did get a work out in, which is the good news.
    2. Be more aware of my food choices – Not so great today. Could have made better choices, but
    3. Log all extra BLTS (bites, licks, tastes, and sips) – Did more recipe testing today, ate some cookies that didn’t get logged.
    4. Water, water, water - more water less other beverages – not bad but not great.
    5. No eating after 8:00 pm – check still full from dinner, so I should go looking for any late night snacks.

    Weekends are still a bit of a struggle for me. But it’s a work in progress right! Good luck this week every one. We can do this!
  • klbeal
    klbeal Posts: 20 Member
    Me too please!!!!!!
    This is my first week on MFP and I think a Mini challenge is a great idea.
    My goals for the next week:

    1. 30 Day Shred 6x this week
    2. 64 oz of water daily
    3. No snacking after supper (my achiles heal)
    4. Lose 1 lb

    We can do this, thank you for being here for me!
  • Abelrose
    I can do the food diary, the caloric restrictions & daily exercise but drinking 8 glasses of water a day is tough. Anyone have suggestions which might help me succeed at that? Thanks!
  • glossybl3
    My goals for this week.. starting tomorrow..:bigsmile:

    1. try to exercise everyday :tongue:
    2. seriously going to keep track of my food intake
    3. no overeating :mad:
    4. not gonna get dissapointed if i don't lose weight by the end of the week
    5. try to be more patient

    i think 5 goals are enough to begin with :laugh:
  • philosohoe
    philosohoe Posts: 272 Member
    I can do the food diary, the caloric restrictions & daily exercise but drinking 8 glasses of water a day is tough. Anyone have suggestions which might help me succeed at that? Thanks!

    Welcome Abelrose! Water is a tough one for many of us mini-goalers. Here are some tips that I have picked up:
    1) keep a bottle (either 16oz or 24 oz) around you at all times. It takes four bottles of 16 or 3 bottles of 24 to meet your goal.
    2) lots of beverages count as water as long as they are clear, under 40 calories, don't contain sodium (be careful with zero calorie sweeteners as some of them do have sodium) and no caffeine. Sodium and caffeine are DE-hydraters, so they work against your bodies hydration.
    3) Try to set time goals as to when you will drink your water (like first bottle by 10am, second by 2pm, third by 6pm) That way you will be finished with your water long before bedtime, so hopefully no swimming dreams or waking up all night to go to the bathroom.

    Hopefully those help! Good luck on your goal this week!
  • philosohoe
    philosohoe Posts: 272 Member
    Sunday night check in to close last week
    1) Sodium under 2000mg: 1901 today 5/7 (daily average 1948 for the week!)
    2) Monitor macronutrients to hit Carbs 50%/Protein 25%/Fat 25%: 53/20/27 (Avg for the week 49/21/30)
    3) Achieve a 3500 calorie deficit for the week between food and exercise 186/day & 3639/week
    4) Three Zumba workouts this week: 3/3 Rest day today!

    Good luck with Monday everyone. I know this is going to be a great week for us!
  • dmborders
    dmborders Posts: 18 Member
    Great idea! I can get overwhelmed easily so I can do a week!
    1. start 30 day shred
    2. drink water at least 64 oz a day
    3. Log all of my food intake
    4. stop drinking soda NO MORE : )

    This will be a great start for me!
  • TheBestRevenge21
    I am in again!

    Only managed to reach one of my goals (1), so the same goals for me again:

    1. Eat no more than 5 tiny sweets a day until Friday.
    2. Lose 500 to 800 grams until Sunday. If I am really good, 1 kg.
    3. Do sports 3 times within those days. Not too hard so I won't lose motivation.
  • Cityperks
    Cityperks Posts: 69 Member
    I like this mini goal thing......this will get me back on track!

    2 litres of H2O a day
    4 x 45 min exercise sessions
    Stick to 1400 calories a day
    No adding salt to anything I eat

    I want to see the numbers 52 on my scales by mid December!
  • arwaleenah
    arwaleenah Posts: 42 Member
    1. continue with 30ds
    2. no heavy meal after 8pm 2 fruits/day and snack on granola once/day
    4. keep track of water intake, i think sometimes i dont get enough and confuse it for hunger
  • stufie
    stufie Posts: 142 Member
    Since last week I was majorly derailed by a wicked cold (and didn't get very far ahead), I am trying the same goals again this week:

    1. Drink more water
    2. Work out on my elliptical at least 3 mornings
    3. Utilize this site everyday by journaling my foods and exercise
  • Ittee
    Ittee Posts: 285
    HeartsDesire: so sorry you aren't feeling well, glad you rested and hope you feel better soon. I do love your goal 3, I may need to be more conscious of this to keep my focus.

    MAK: thank you for starting this thread again and for your continued support. Even though you didn't get an am workout in, glad you found time later for one. And yeah, weekends...grr

    klbeal: welcome to both the goals and MFP, good luck with the very accountable 1 lb.

    glossybl3: I like your goal 4 and 5, it was definitely something that I struggled with a month or so ago. And I think 5 goals are plenty to start out with!

    Philosohoe: I'm floundering now without you! Fantastic job that you are doing so marvelously!

    dmborders: What a cutie lil one in your picture!

    TheBestRevenge: well for starters, like the name. I really like how you give yourself a number and still allow the sweets, perhaps that's a strategy I need to incorporate.

    Cityperks: hell o my new friend, good luck. Your goals of food and exercise seem very like my own (with the exception of salt) that I keep rotating. You got this!

    arwaleenah: how nice to see you again! Yeah, confusing water with hunger sucks, what an unnecessary waste of calories, eh?

    stufie: noticing that you change your decisions based on journaling everything? Or are you staying the same mindset?
  • melainemelaine
    melainemelaine Posts: 127 Member
    I've cycled 16km today, to and back from my friends house :D so very proud, according to my exercise calories I earnt about 700, will enjoy a cocktail with the ladies tonight I think!
  • bhurley1424
    bhurley1424 Posts: 927 Member
    I found you! :laugh: Ok, so I am going to keep the goals I had last week but I am adding 'Log every day'.

    1) 3 servings fruit/veg - I start off great but slack off on the weekend.
    2) Sodium/Sugar - Be more careful with the foods I'm eating
    3) Log every day - NO EXCEPTIONS!!! I have been getting very bad about logging every day so this has to come back!

    Seems there was another goal but I don't remember what it was at the moment. :ohwell:

    I am ready to kick it up a notch this week!! Let's hope I can stay on track this coming weekend; we hare having my daughter's 1st birthday party! :bigsmile:
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