Its been one week!

Hi I'm Sherry and I'm delighted to have found this site! I am making progress and I'm eating things I like, I feel that I could really live this way. That's good since they keep telling me that its not a "diet", its a life style change, I think I finally get that idea after 30 something years. I always went for the quick fix stuff, Atkins, Jenny Craig, short lived success. When I went back to eating what I wanted to I gained more and then some. I didn't think that a 1-2 pound loss per week would work, I just didn't have faith in it. I thought it would be too slow. Well, after week one of doing the 1.5 lb loss per week calorie plan, I have lost 6-8 pounds. I am not sure why, maybe water weight, and I know that I can't expect that every week, but its a great start. I'm feeling satisfied. I am motivated and this site helps me with everything I need to make some great life changes.


  • A_New_Horizon
    A_New_Horizon Posts: 1,555 Member
    Welcome aboard. Congrats on the weight lost so far. Just remember that this is a process and it takes time. 1 - 2 lbs/week is the way to go. You will find alot of amazing people around you to help support/encourage you along the way.
  • sinistertitan
    sinistertitan Posts: 603 Member
    Sounds like you're off to a great start! Welcome!
  • lilblndcowgirl
    lilblndcowgirl Posts: 18 Member
    Welcome and congratualtions on the first steps to a journey that will chenge the rest of your life. People here are very welcoming and love to help each other. Especially when you hit a wall and want to give up. Friend me if you want...I would love to help you with this and thus you can help me.
  • shesgrand
    shesgrand Posts: 27 Member
    Thank you for the encouragement! :)
  • nedbun
    nedbun Posts: 36 Member
    Great job! As soon as you start to see that the small changes you make have a huge impact in the long run, that's when you really start to stick to your plan!

    I'm happy to hear that you're satisfied and working on it step by step. I know you'll keep going and reach your goal with time and dedication. :)
  • liveinthemix
    liveinthemix Posts: 360 Member
    Welcome aboard! Nice start!!
  • Levedi
    Levedi Posts: 290 Member
    Welcome! Keep it up - it's worth it. :)
  • phendrick
    phendrick Posts: 24 Member
    Welcome & it is a life style. I enjoy this site and MFP. Please feel free to add me if you like.