Holiday Eating..Plan A..or Plan B?? What are you doing??

I have come up with

Plan A...Choosing 3 designated...enjoy without logging days..Thanksgiving...Christmas...and one spare day..I am not going to be a pig about it but just enjoy anything I want for the day without logging...or guilt...

Plan B ....Change my weight loss goal from 1 pound a week to 1/2 pound a week to give me some extra calories for the next 6 weeks or so to get through the holiday and still enjoy them..

What plans if any have you come up with for this challenging time of year????


  • godroxmysox
    godroxmysox Posts: 1,491 Member
    I plan to spend extra time at the gym to earn more calories and continue eating in moderation.
  • colgosling
    colgosling Posts: 104 Member
    I haven't really thought about it yet, I've been falling off the wagon for the last month and am desperatly trying to get back on - Christmas is just an inconveince now, not that I won't enjoy it of course :)

    They both sound good plans and having one helps so thank you for making me think about it now :)
  • Kelly_Wilson1990
    Kelly_Wilson1990 Posts: 3,245 Member
    I am going to follow my eating plan through the holidays.
  • SergeantSunshine_reused
    Plan A

    I enjoy life too much to give up and restrict on the holidays:] My whole world can't revolve around weight loss 24/7!
  • judy20in2011
    judy20in2011 Posts: 143 Member
    I like plan a! We all need a guilt free/worry free day! Without binging I mean!! Just have a reasonably portion of all the favorites is my plan!
  • shydaisi
    shydaisi Posts: 833 Member
    I am going to follow my eating plan through the holidays.

    This! I plan to eat within my caloric goals, adding some exercise in so I can enjoy without deprivation! :)
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    The only plan I really have is exercise. I feel as long as I can keep up the exercise through the holidays I'll be okay. I'm sure there are days that I won't be able to log because I will have eaten dishes I did not prepare and don't know the ingredients of, but that's okay. And I'm sure there are days that I will go over my calorie goal, but as long as I keep up the exercise the damage won't be too bad and can be undone quickly after the holidays.
  • stuffinmuffin
    stuffinmuffin Posts: 985 Member
    Fortunately I made to maintenance for holiday or I'd probably be going spare just thinking about it!!! : ) I'd definitely up the cals over the period or even switch to maintenance calories for the can then just start back in the new year.

    However I don't want to dent the scales in the new year so will be fairly strict on the lead-up but fully enjoy works meals and drinks and no logging on Christmas day or New Year's eve! : ) I'll also try to exercise where possible but wont be stressing about it. x
  • CapeCodLover
    CapeCodLover Posts: 23 Member
    I'm looking at the holidays as ONE DAY - not a whole weekend or week. I plan on eating a small portion of everything that I enjoy. Since starting this lifestyle change, I do find it's extremely hard to overeat, because it doesn't feel good pretty quickly. I believe I've reset that internal switch that stays "stop, you ate enough". So, I won't pass on anything for that one day. Day after Thanksgiving, back to counting calories and working out. Good luck to all of you and whatever works for you!!
  • clarech82
    clarech82 Posts: 244 Member
    I'm just going to log as usual but allow myself the odd treat at Christmas luckily I don't really like Christmas food so should be ok and we don't have thanksgiving here in the UK so its just a normal day.
  • jcearth
    jcearth Posts: 46 Member
    Plan C ..... Stocking to my program, and not overeating on any day. I am running a 5k on Thanksgiving morning, and I will workout Christmas morning, like I do every day.

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  • kimbux
    kimbux Posts: 154 Member
    I plan to spend extra time at the gym to earn more calories and continue eating in moderation.

    DITTO - I am not using food as a reward... or tool to celebrate! If I eat it, I am earning it with exercise. Good luck to all~
  • garlic7girl
    garlic7girl Posts: 2,236 Member
    I like your plan A seems resonable (for me at least) thanks for the idea and then like the other MFPer do a little extra exercise!
  • Natley
    Natley Posts: 58 Member
    moderation!!! lol
    I dont count calories during the holidays but i DO keep in mind serving sizes...everything in moderation is what i Learn :)
  • jessilyn76
    jessilyn76 Posts: 532 Member
    Plan A for me!! I work hard and generally eat clean. I won't eat like a maniac, but I will enjoy everything in moderation!
  • colwellk
    colwellk Posts: 19 Member
    I plan to log everything, take extra care on days like thanksgiving and christmas when I know it'll be harder by eating a low-calorie breakfast and lunch. Aim to exercise more and look for ways to add extra exercise in. Visit with people by going on walks instead of sitting down and having cookies together. Also make sure to bring dishes that are good for making me feel full--quinoa salad is my go-to potluck dish, and I know I can have a bunch of it without worrying. I read somewhere that after five bites of something, your taste buds aren't really logging it anymore. So for things that are a lot of calories, I am going to try to stick to five bites and really make them count.
  • Vonnie2006
    Vonnie2006 Posts: 246 Member
    My plan is to not let one day sabotage my results. In order to do that, I must EARN what I'm eating and I'm only putting things on my plate that I REALLY want in moderation. I've committed to doing a turkey trot on Thanksgiving and I'm going to get as much cardio as I can in early in the day. I loss weight at Thanksgiving once before and I want to do it again.
  • love4fitnesslove4food_wechange
    Enjoy a couple treats on each of the holidays, exercise a bit more, eat lighter throughout the day so that overall my overage is not more than 100-200 calories. Then if I've gained ANY weight after the holidays, cut back 100-200 calories until my weight returns to normal.

    For you I'd say that you should do something similar. Don't change your weight loss goal until maybe the week of Thanksgiving (stick to maintenance or 1/2 pound loss per week). Then return to your current rate of weight loss for the time between Thanksgiving and Christmas. Then the week of Christmas through NYE change to maintenance or 1/2 pound loss a week. Then you'll get more calories during the holidays and not have 6 weeks of slower loss for no real reason.
    BRANDYLYNETTE Posts: 192 Member
    I work hard up to the special occasions. Labor day weekend...for example...had a family reunion. I did not log my food....ate what I wanted....but just didnt go nuts. I chose one piece of pie ..rather than a plate of every I use to do! lol For Thanksgiving and Christmas...I plan to do the same. Eat what I want...but not going nuts with every dessert. Im also making low cal have for my family to show that I am trying to make better choices. Im going to take it to my family get togethers...and hope they like it! I want to have choices....but, like I said, I will eat what I want on those days...and will not have any sort of guilt. I have changed my eating habits for 9 months now...and so proud of my progress. 56 pounds gone...and I feel great! Looking forward to the holiday meals....: ) I deserve it!!! lol Cant wait!!!! I like your idea of changing your goal to 1/2 pound a week through the holidays. It still keeps you focused....but, gives you a little more to enjoy!!!! : ) Best of luck!!!!: )
  • Fairysoul
    Fairysoul Posts: 1,361 Member
    My plan, log what I can, eat in moderation, I don't want to feel stuffed, only at the t-day dinner and christmas dinner, otherwise I am keeping it it at my original goals and settings.