How often do you weigh in?

I'm still fairly new to this, been at it for a week. How often do you weigh in? Daily, weekly, monthly? I'm not quite sure I would want to daily, dont want to get my self down if I dont see any change.

Wanted to see what others were doing.


  • brucedelaney
    brucedelaney Posts: 433 Member
    I'm still fairly new to this, been at it for a week. How often do you weigh in? Daily, weekly, monthly? I'm not quite sure I would want to daily, dont want to get my self down if I dont see any change.

    Wanted to see what others were doing.

    I weigh daily but only record once a week. It's really up to personal preference though...
  • I had to train myself over the last several months to NOT weigh myself everyday. It was becoming destructive because I'd get depressed over watching the numbers go up by a lot and down by only very little. Now I weight myself every monday morning before I eat breakfast and I try not to pay attention to the scale numbers as much as I pay attention to my actual measurements.
  • angee1126
    angee1126 Posts: 185 Member
    I weigh in weekly.......daily kinda messes with my emotions! lol.
  • Once a week..on Mondays.
  • xAdrianax
    xAdrianax Posts: 269 Member
    i weigh myself daily

    if you know you will get upset/discouraged by daily fluctuations then i would seriously recommend not doing this

    I dont, i learn from my fluctuations and like to see different daily activities and eating habits affect my weight.

    Majority would say pick a day and stick to it weekly :)
  • karenmi
    karenmi Posts: 242 Member
    Just once a week, every Friday morning at the same time. If I weighed more often it would flucutate too much (I'm almost at goal) and those ups & downs would mess with my head too much!
  • THANK YOU!!! Like most of you said it plays with your emotions and thats how I was when I tried a diet before.. Weekly sounds good. Thank you!!
  • Daily for me and I keep a record of my weights, some people say once a week is entirely up to you.
  • redfroggie
    redfroggie Posts: 591 Member
    I weigh daily but record only one day a week. I like to make sure that I am heading in the right direction ;)
  • leeshults
    leeshults Posts: 223 Member
    I do it daily just to keep me on track.... I don't believe I would think about my food as much if I didn't and that would be a BAD thing!! :)
  • I'm the same, weekly on Friday mornings before eating... trying not to become a slave to the scale, and pay more attention to measurements, and how my clothes feel.
  • StressedChaos
    StressedChaos Posts: 86 Member
    i weigh myself daily

    if you know you will get upset/discouraged by daily fluctuations then i would seriously recommend not doing this

    I dont, i learn from my fluctuations and like to see different daily activities and eating habits affect my weight.

    Majority would say pick a day and stick to it weekly :)

    I do this too! It's motivaiting to me to see how the previous day affected my weight. If my weight is the same or even higher then the day before it makes me want to work that much harder today so that I can see a change tomorrow. This doesn't work for everyone, but it is my prefered way of doing it.
  • Once a week has been ideal for me; for consistency you should pick a day, a time (+ or minus an hour), and scale that you can always have access to and establish a routine. This will yield more accurate results, or at least get you fairly close.
  • rickk1
    rickk1 Posts: 2 Member
    i weigh once a month. weight fluctuates too much and seeing it that often can be depressing and make someone feel like it is a lost cause. i attended 3 weeks at the biggest loser's fitness ridge in ivins, utah, and they suggested to weigh only 1 time a month too.
  • Because so many factors can happen daily with your body its best to probably weigh weekly. Daily weigh ins would definitely have you on a emotional rollercoaster - and possibly give you a reason to not do well on a day your weight is up...however there may be a reason your weight is up that day (water intake, bowel movement, etc)...and it may come back down the next...but you've already done the damage. Most resources I've read have said pick a day of the week, and stick to that day. Weigh yourself at the same time (most times before breakfast) on that day each week and you should see accurate numbers. Some people like to weigh in before the weekends (Friday) so they can see where they & can adjust there weekend fun accordingly. While others may feel doing it at the start of the week or after the weekend works best (Sunday or Monday).
  • SueGeer
    SueGeer Posts: 1,169 Member
    Weaning myself off daily weighing. Now only weighing Mon, Wed & Fri. Not sure if I can ever drop to once a week tho......:noway:

    Sue :smile: x
  • I weigh myself daily. I don't get upset if the figure goes up a little I just keep working hard at making it go down. I guess I'm not dependant on the figure on the scales, I can see the changes in my tummy etc
  • MoonLiteDancer
    MoonLiteDancer Posts: 9 Member
    Periodically through the week I may jump on the scale just to check how things are going. However I only record and count one weight a week which is Mondays for me :)
  • KelLifts
    KelLifts Posts: 99 Member
    I weigh daily... but I take my measurements weekly. I find when my weight is at a standstill, I am losing inches. Good luck!!
  • Every Friday morning but I do take sneaky peeks a couple of times in the week. Not that it makes any difference. I was on my way to losing a pound when I took a peek on Thursday morning by the time Friday morning came I'd gained a pound. I'm beginning to think that you can't trust the scales no matter how often you weigh.