Team Power Hungry ~ Motivation Matters Challenge ~ ** Closed



  • mamamc03
    mamamc03 Posts: 1,067 Member
    YAY!!! Good to cyber-know you!! ;) Sounds like you have a full life with 2 that age!! Glad to have you as part of the team!!
  • mom12
    mom12 Posts: 39 Member

  • lep_623
    lep_623 Posts: 193 Member
    Ok guys, I was thinking... The miles are a great thing and I tried them today but it kind of burned me out after last week... so I think if you can do the 2.8 miles a day then do it! if you don't think you can do the miles walking then do it on the bike but try to double it so that it kind of equals out, that is what I did tonight. I did 4 miles on the bike and 1 mile on the treadmill, and LOTS of stairs (stair climber machine( I did 24 flights on that stupid thing... I also did 125 modified jumping jacks and 50 weights/bicep curls, plus 3 burpees which I just can't do so i think I would get more out of doing the alternatives to those from now on, and tossed a weight ball back and forwarth with a friend like they do on biggest loser. so I did ALOT OF WORK TONIGHT!!! :D also, here is the link to the groups spreadsheet so that you can update it each night, you can still message me if you want but this should make it easier for all of us! :D Keep up the great work!!
  • mamamc03
    mamamc03 Posts: 1,067 Member
    She's getting demanding!! I like it!! ;)
    Yeah, I kind of agree about the miles. PLus my stoopid anxiety has had me frozen for a good bit of today. (means I cant find motivation) BUT tomorrow I'm planning to be back on a roll. Cant wait to check out the spreadsheet. BUT to get work out clothes!! BTW....I bought smaller jeans today!! YAY!! 24's!!!!! Plus I realized I need a smaller bra, yay!! (Sorry Ryan)
  • lep_623
    lep_623 Posts: 193 Member
    lol that's great hun!!! I don't think ryan cares as long as your happy!! I wish I was going down sizes... I have lost 30 lbs all together and still have not gone down a size... yes some of my smaller things are fitting but they are still the same size :(... lol thanks glad you agree bout the bikes/walking miles! :D
  • mom12
    mom12 Posts: 39 Member
    too bad we didn't have a clothing exchange thing on as you go down you donate you bigger clothes to others who are that size..I don't have the time to do it, but if I didn't work 40+ hours a week I would take it on! i had a big explosion with my poor kids last night..STRESS...just getting them to do what I ask, they weren;t and they were playing on the stinking computer so I tore all the connections out and put it out of sight. argh! sometimes I really question myself, and wonder if I am doing the right thing, but I guess every parent does. I maybe over analyze..anyways, the jjs weren;t too bad, I will crank some out today and I have the link to the spreadsheet so I will fill in my own stuff. Hope everyone has a great day! M:frown:
  • mom12
    mom12 Posts: 39 Member
    wow...did I start a trend or something?? nothing on here since I posted!!! today is going to be a better day with more excercise! hows everyone else doing?
  • lep_623
    lep_623 Posts: 193 Member
    I know what you mean Molly... I live with my brothers and we had a big blow up about dishes and chores around the house and it was not good and I got my feelings really hurt and he got really mad... it wasn't pretty... You just need to think out what you want to do as far as discipline and then just follow out what you want to do... You are the mother and therefor the boss, you should not have to unplug the computer and everything everytime, just make them get off, or even just turn the internet off. Don't worry, they may not like you at that moment but they will realize eventually that being a mother is hard work and that you were right all those times :) I learned from my mom, and while she still pisses me off even though I don' tlive with her anymore, she is still right majority of the time and I have learned to listen to her even if I don't like what she says b/c eventually I will have wished I did. :) Keep your head up, you can do it!
  • mom12
    mom12 Posts: 39 Member
    hey..we havent really been using this page at all...let use it! how is everyone that is POWER HUNGRY???
