Starting 30 Day Shred Tomorrow - Anyone wanna join



  • StormieL
    StormieL Posts: 78 Member
    Welcome to anyone who's started a couple days behind (it's no big deal) good luck to everyone. It's hard work but we're so going to be buff in 30 days..or at least buffer :)
    I like that it's 20 minutes because it's really easy to fit into the day after the baby goes down for the night. I almost got my husband to do it with me last night but he wimped out at having to do jumping jacks. I'm gonna try again tonight.
  • Decided this morning that I wanted to start the 30DS again. I tried it before, but was unsuccessful at completing it.

    Just finished L1D1 and I am impressed with the workout. Not too intense where I feel like I can't do it and not too easy that I don't feel like I am not getting a workout.

    Looking forward to finishing this program this time!


    Hips - 40.5"
    Waist - 34"(narrowest) 37.5" (navel)
    Bust - 39"
    Current weight 146lbs
  • hojo94
    hojo94 Posts: 140 Member
    I don't know about you guys... but I am a little sore today!!! YIKES! Tonight, L1D3...UGH, Not looking forward to it! BUT, here is to feeling, and looking better!!! BRING IT ON!
  • toadie31
    toadie31 Posts: 1 Member
    hi. i started the 30 dsy shred yesterday. So i will be starting day 3 in tomorrow. Hope its not too late to join.

    Im not from america and so therefore my measurements will be in kg and cm. Hope thats ok

    Hips 52
    Waist 41
    Bust 43
    Weight 94kg

    Im really enjoying the excercise, u used to swim alot, and thought i was pretty fit. However i am finding that this programme is proving me wrong.

    good luck to everyone...
  • Firstwwjd
    Firstwwjd Posts: 11 Member
    I'm in. Thanks for allowing us late comers to join in. I did a couple days of shred early last week but am committing to doing every day starting tonight. I am at work so will have to take measurements when I get home. I guess I'll count today as day 1 since I am just starting on a daily basis today.
  • slc150
    slc150 Posts: 41 Member
    Is it only one dvd the whole time? Or is it a series? I'm in if I can find it at target tonight!
  • luhluhlaura
    luhluhlaura Posts: 278 Member
    It's one DVD, called "Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred". All you need is hand weights and a mat if you're on a hard floor. There are 3 different workouts on the one dvd, and you do each workout for 10 days each.
  • getfit009
    getfit009 Posts: 11 Member
    Thanks for all the encouragement!! A big hello to the new people who have joined.

    I woke up this morning and my muscles were sooo sore from D1!! But it wasn't a bad king of sore, it was a good kind of sore. I just completed L1D2 and I got through the workout better than I did yesterday, although, those push ups at the start always kill me. I feel really great and what a great start to the day. Good luck to everyone and which ever day they are up to today!!
  • hlor0729
    hlor0729 Posts: 13 Member
    I just went and bought myself the 30 Days Shred DVD today, so I'm in too. :)
  • getfit618
    getfit618 Posts: 41 Member
    I'm starting it today! please add me and we can go through the process together!

  • StormieL
    StormieL Posts: 78 Member
    I'm so excited that there are so many of up doing this together!
    Day 3 was hard but I'm definitely getting through the cardio easier walking to work this morning was a bit of a killer but it's good for me so i can't complain. Bring on day 4 guys (or whichever day you're on since we have a few new comers)
  • Laineegrrl
    Laineegrrl Posts: 80 Member
    just did a search and found this thread! I started it tonight! Feel free to add me though I'm not doing measurements.
  • clarebrad
    clarebrad Posts: 188 Member
    cheers was wondering what it was. Anyone else reconmend her other ones or thoughts on the ripped one>

    Going to buy one today.

  • clarebrad
    clarebrad Posts: 188 Member
    cheers was wondering what it was. Anyone else reconmend her other ones or thoughts on the ripped one>

    Going to buy one today.

  • L1D2 completed. Was a bit sore this morning but in a good way. I did the vid again tonight and it felt a bit easier. Broken down into good small goals, loving the set up and mix. OK keeping the momentum and looking to day 3 tomorrow!
  • luhluhlaura
    luhluhlaura Posts: 278 Member
    L1D4 done. I can't believe it but I already hurt myself lol. I think I went too fast and strained in the bicycle crunches--it feels like one of my rib muscles got pulled. But it's not bad and hopefully I'll be okay by tomorrow!

    Note to self: DO NOT WAIT until 10:30pm to do your workout. I had way less energy to complete the workout. But I got through it.
    Good job everybody :)
  • StormieL
    StormieL Posts: 78 Member
    be careful ma'am :) I totally get what you mean though it's hard to do it late at night. I end up doing it at about 9pm every night because I have to wait for the baby to go down for the night.

    Onwards we march
  • PerfectPout
    PerfectPout Posts: 195 Member
    I will join you! I just got my copy today and want to start tomorrow also!
  • I started it on 11-4-11...It is a very good workout for beginners or advanced fitness levels. I love it. It has 3 levels so you can decide where you are as far as your fitness level.
  • I started last night... well lets say tried I only made it throught the 2 circuit up to the abs, OMG.... I am going to keep trying until I get it. Question how do you guys track this in your exercise journal?