New Here

Well, I have started this journey many times before but here it goes again. I had lost 15 pounds earlier this year but put it back on with stress and other factors but I want to take it off and keep it off. I know I like food way too much and I need to get back into the gym. My back has been bummed out for about 4 days now so I am hoping it will recover so that I can get in there and at least walk. Wish me luck everyone, the journey is rough but I know it is possible!


  • Moms3Kwa
    Welcome. I recently moved from ND to WI. When I was in ND I worked out with a Buddy all the time. And I started my own "Biggest Loser" group. When we moved in Sept it got really hectic. I worked out when I had time. I joined MFP 1 week ago to get back on track and I love it. Today your new journey begins and I know that you can do it!!!! This was the first step!!!!
  • amielover
    hello, my name is amy im 180 pounds, 130 is my goal weight, i'm 19 years old . i really really need help, i don't have a job right now so i have nothing better to do then just watch tv and eat. i try to motivate myself to workout and start healthier eating but it just doesn't work. my family isn't overweight so when they eat their eating stuff that makes me want some and i shouldn't. can someone please help me out . my brother and cousin have both really nice bodies and it makes me ashamed to go out somewhere with them. i really want this weight to be gone by newyears eve, theres dance and i want to have a nice body and dress beautiful to. any suggestions? please help me.