21-Day No Junk Food Challenge: November Edition! (open)



  • kjloiselle
    kjloiselle Posts: 101 Member
    I started on thursday (11/3) and it hasn't been bad, but I have so much chocolate in my house that is tempting my willpower, but i remember that it's only 21 days and the cravings will subside and my willpower will get stronger we I go (I hope anyways lol).

    All or nothing for me or else i'll cheap from here to the moon and never get rid of cravings i i continue to indulge them.

    good luck everyone and keep up the good work!
  • KayteeBear
    KayteeBear Posts: 1,040 Member
    I already failed...my boyfriend's mom passed away on Thursday so we've been getting lots of sweets so I've had a couple brownies and some beer...and wine...but right now I'm not caring. Once the funeral is over and life slows down to normal again then I'll try to get back with it.
  • kteeter
    kteeter Posts: 6 Member
    I'm in! To much Halloween candy last month!
  • jfrog123
    jfrog123 Posts: 432 Member
    I started Tuesday, and I will admit that I had some Popchips the last night. I was really craving something salty & crunchy and they were in the cabinet. Honestly I do not feel too bad though, because my favorite barbecue potato chips were in that same cabinet and I reached for the healthier option. There is a candy dish right outside my office at work, and for the past few days whenever I linger near it I remember this challenge and it helps me walk away without giving in to temptation. So overall, I think I am doing pretty well. Hope you all are having success!
  • I am in. Though I will modify slightly. I dont consider Subway junk food. I dont get any mayo or cheese or bad sauces. Plus for my work it is a lifesaver sometimes. Other than that, will be going by list.
    Hugs and good luck to all!
  • elly68
    elly68 Posts: 39 Member
    i'll join tomorrow lol going out tonight so no point in lying ,will be good for me i suspect might even stick to my 1200 calories
  • kateroot
    kateroot Posts: 435
    Yesterday, I had an Edy's strawberry fruit bar.. which I would definitely consider junk food.. But I had a pretty intense ice cream craving, and the fruit bar satisfied it for 80 calories. So I'd say so far, I'm doing alright!
  • sarahkatara
    sarahkatara Posts: 826 Member
    continued from the first 21-Day Challenge, here: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/358510--open-21-days-no-junk-food-challenge


    This is the November edition of the challenge!
    Take what you want from this list, add to and/or subtract from it to suit your needs and your definition of "junk food".

    So my 21-Day No Junk Food Challenge starts tomorrow, Sunday, November 06. I haven't had a chance to look at this and specify the rules for myelf yet, so here are mine.

    The Rules

    What I CAN'T have
    1. No candy or chocolate
    2. No cookies or pastries (especially Oreos)
    3. No potato chips or other crunchy, munchy, salty snacks
    4. No fast food (excludes Subway)
    5. No Starbucks or Dunkin Donuts (only acceptable drink at Sbux will be iced green tea sweetened with Equal. Zero cals and green tea to boot)
    6. No processed snacks (excluding protein bars for before and after workouts. I find they work well for me.)
    7. No mayonnaise.

    My POSITIVE goals for intake this month
    1. at least 1 fruit at each meal (including dinner) and always have vegetables with *lunch* and dinner.
    2. 2-3 servings of lean dairy (yogurts, cottage cheese, skim milk)
    3. Lower my taste for salt (i put it on everything) by not adding any to my foods unless it actually makes sense to add it.
    4. Make my food for the whole three weeks. This includes lunches for work and dinners. Make sure to have enough smoothie ingredients on hand just in case a quick pick-me-up or small meal is necessary. No eating out.
    5. Snack on things i make myself, like hummus. Also, snack on raw foods like fruits and veggies or light, filling snacks such as popcorn.
    6. Eat enough to support the intense workouts I am doing.
  • Today was my 2nd day, 19 more days to go!! I did make provisions to my list though (My No Fast Foods does not include subs(subway mainly) and salads) but everything else is the same.

    Day 1 was extremely hard. I wanted cookies, smoothie, ice cream and candy!!!... But I made it without any junk food.
    Day 2 was waaay better than day 1, not as many temptations but this halloween candy didnt make it all the way easy.
  • jadam6
    jadam6 Posts: 121 Member
    I completed four days and stuck to it fine but today I failed. I knew weekends would be the test so I'm going to treat it as a trial run and start again tomorrow as I still can have 21 days of no junk for this month x
  • SabrinaJL
    SabrinaJL Posts: 1,579 Member
    Today was my 2nd day, 19 more days to go!! I did make provisions to my list though (My No Fast Foods does not include subs(subway mainly) and salads) but everything else is the same.

    I totally should have thought of that. Yesterday we were at the mall around lunch time and I was really hungry. I thought a turkey on wheat from Subway sounded awesome. Then I remembered that I said no fast food and Subway is definitely fast food. I was disappointed.

    This is difficult. I do ok normally. I don't eat a whole ton of junk. But when I put it off limits, I want it more. Last night my daughter brought down her halloween candy and her and my husband were sitting there stuffing their faces with candy that I couldn't have. That sucked.
  • VeganGal84
    VeganGal84 Posts: 938 Member
    Yesterday was day 1 for me, and it went pretty well!

    This is going to be a healthy week. :bigsmile:

    I have definately kept peanut butter in my diet though.
  • asltiffm
    asltiffm Posts: 521 Member
    I started this challenge on the 2nd. The first couple of days were rough and I snitched some sesame chicken that had a sugary sauce on them. So really, I am on day 5 since sugars (except for fruit) are on my list. Last night, I was at my in-laws and they were all eating cake and ice cream. I was ready to steal the pan and dig in...but then I opened the fridge and pulled out some sauteed peppers and onions and had a small serving of those instead and they were good and helped me get over the jealousy. I am still tempted but I think I am past the worst part of the temptation.
  • kjloiselle
    kjloiselle Posts: 101 Member
    Ahhh, this challenge is tempting my willpower more than anything ever before. I am good on pretty much everything, except the chocolate. I have been craving chocolate like nothing else and today is onl day 5 for me. I even convinced myself that 1 m&m would be ok, but resisted because I knew that it was still a major fail for me if I did that.
    I did do well/something stupid. I went to the natural food store where I live a bought a bag of exotic chips (made with all kind of different root veggies) and currently have then sitting in my pantry staring at me until this challenge is over but at least it is keeping all the chocolate company i guess lol.
    I hope this gets easier as the days go on.
  • asltiffm
    asltiffm Posts: 521 Member
    Ahhh, this challenge is tempting my willpower more than anything ever before. I am good on pretty much everything, except the chocolate. I have been craving chocolate like nothing else and today is onl day 5 for me. I even convinced myself that 1 m&m would be ok, but resisted because I knew that it was still a major fail for me if I did that.
    I did do well/something stupid. I went to the natural food store where I live a bought a bag of exotic chips (made with all kind of different root veggies) and currently have then sitting in my pantry staring at me until this challenge is over but at least it is keeping all the chocolate company i guess lol.
    I hope this gets easier as the days go on.

    It will get easier...just hang in there! Maybe you could try putting all the things you can't have in one cabinet that you won't open until sometimes after the 21 days is up? If you're like me, and they have to be out so everyone else can have them, keep a couple of allowable snacks around just in case. For me, apples is my safety snack, or toast with apple butter.
  • :cry: FAIL! :explode:

    I caved and ate chocolate today. I have all the excuses under the sun why I did. :grumble:

    I know I can do this I did it last month so back on the wagon as of NOW.

    To be quite honest I feel sick cause I am not use to so much of a sugar rush:(

    START DATE: 8th Nov FINISH DATE: 29th Nov
  • SabrinaJL
    SabrinaJL Posts: 1,579 Member
    Wow, this is hard when you're not used to it. Yesterday my daughter offered me some of her Pop-Tart. I took a bite without thinking about it, but as soon as I did, I remembered I wasn't supposed to and spit it out. :ohwell:
  • jadam6
    jadam6 Posts: 121 Member
    I'm back on it today too. I know if I don't stick with it, it will be a fail again. The cravings for chocolate (or anything sweet) have been really strong. I hope it will pass x
  • RuchikaPal
    RuchikaPal Posts: 313 Member
    i'm definitely inn!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :drinker: need it badly!!!!!!! :embarassed:
  • kjloiselle
    kjloiselle Posts: 101 Member
    Ahhh, this challenge is tempting my willpower more than anything ever before. I am good on pretty much everything, except the chocolate. I have been craving chocolate like nothing else and today is onl day 5 for me. I even convinced myself that 1 m&m would be ok, but resisted because I knew that it was still a major fail for me if I did that.
    I did do well/something stupid. I went to the natural food store where I live a bought a bag of exotic chips (made with all kind of different root veggies) and currently have then sitting in my pantry staring at me until this challenge is over but at least it is keeping all the chocolate company i guess lol.
    I hope this gets easier as the days go on.

    It will get easier...just hang in there! Maybe you could try putting all the things you can't have in one cabinet that you won't open until sometimes after the 21 days is up? If you're like me, and they have to be out so everyone else can have them, keep a couple of allowable snacks around just in case. For me, apples is my safety snack, or toast with apple butter.

    Thanks, no it's just me and they mostly are in teh same cupboard (all the snacks), but I have ones that have to stay in the fridge or freezer, but they're mostly shoved to the back now so that's good. and I have chocolate chips and stuff in my other cpboard for baking, but those are in a container.
    Yesterday was much better, I thought about that m&m once and it passed (funny I want it so bad since I rarely eat them). i'm hoping that it just gets easier and easier and when thanksgiving day comes and i've completed my 21 days I won't need to rush back to the chocolate.