Turbo Jammers 4/13-4/19


Welcome back all you Dance fans (let me hear you clap your hands!) I hope you all had a wonderful guilt free Easter weekend. I have to say that I did pretty good as far as food AND exercise go. We had a birthday BBQ here at the house on Saturday and even though I ate a big ol' burger I had lots of green salad with it. I did have a SMALL helping of potato salad and of course I had to have some cake and ice cream, but the cake was a very small piece and the ice cream was Breyer's Double Churn Free. I'm feeling no guilt from this weekend at all.

Let's make it another great week!



  • Lyn_Matthews
    Lyn_Matthews Posts: 902 Member

    Welcome back all you Dance fans (let me hear you clap your hands!) I hope you all had a wonderful guilt free Easter weekend. I have to say that I did pretty good as far as food AND exercise go. We had a birthday BBQ here at the house on Saturday and even though I ate a big ol' burger I had lots of green salad with it. I did have a SMALL helping of potato salad and of course I had to have some cake and ice cream, but the cake was a very small piece and the ice cream was Breyer's Double Churn Free. I'm feeling no guilt from this weekend at all.

    Let's make it another great week!

  • getfitwithange
    no guilt here just back in the grind and making it do what it do...

  • megan0313
    megan0313 Posts: 394
    Good Mornig Jammers!
    My Easter weekend was guilt free...at least in the sense that I feel no guilt for all the junk I ate! :laugh: But I'm glad to be back in the routine this morning with CP2 and Lower Body Jam.
    Have a great day everyone!
  • Beeks5
    Beeks5 Posts: 41
    Good morning Jammers!!

    Well I survived Easter weekend! Not completely guilt free but hey you only live once right!! I am looking forward to another great week of jamming and of course MY BIRTHDAY!!! Woot Woot!! Finally get my shopping spree at Old Navy (just a little spree cause I will hopefully be skinnier for my next birthday!):smooched:

    Hope you all have a great week of jamming, healthy eating, and great friends!! Talk to ya later!!:drinker:

    Later JamStars!!:flowerforyou:
  • Dragonfly11
    Dragonfly11 Posts: 672 Member
    Good Afternoon Jam Family,
    Easter weekend was guilt free because I did my work ~ so I enjoyed a delicious shrimp pasta w/ loads of veggies (no cream sauce,:laugh: ) and a WW ice cream sammich and 2 100 cal packs of girl scout cookies that were just delish!
    This morning I had about 20 jelly beans -but I did do PK and J before work which was great!

    Hope everyone stays out of those leftover Easter Baskets and gets their work out in.

    Have an awesome day!!

  • Lyn_Matthews
    Lyn_Matthews Posts: 902 Member
    I'm happy to hear that everyone had a great weekend.

    Checkin in with CP and Ab Jam so far. I'm off to do Lower body next.

    Becky what day is your birthday?

    Great workouts Janet and Megan!

    Enjoy your day!

    Oh a bit of excitement for me....the new Hungry Girl cookbook comes out tomorrow! I preordered mine (and my mom's). They should be here tomorrow (if not today). I'm SO excited!!!! I haven't even tried all the recipes in the other one since I got it for Christmas....but I was pretty obsessed there for a while and tried a lot of them. I'm sure my hubs is currently mentally preparing for another couple weeks of hungry girl mania! LOL
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,697 Member
    Hey all. Just a quick check in. Getting ready to do 20 minute and then at least part of the turbo sculpt if not all of it. Goal is to work out 3-5 X this week with TJ being at least 3 of those.
    Gotta get to it!
    Happy Monday!
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,697 Member
    Okay, I managed to do all of both. I sweated a lot but I wonder just how much of a difference this is going to make. I really don't feel like I am working out. I know that's the point.
    Gotta go!
  • mamiof3
    mamiof3 Posts: 39
    Not too motivated this morning to TJ so I hopped on the elliptical for 35 minutes. Totally guilty free weekend - I ran 5 1/4 miles on Saturday! I deserved the low fat trifle I made for Easter!
  • wmcnicol
    wmcnicol Posts: 144
    girlies.... you will not believe it!! but with my husband's help I made it all the way through turbo sculpt and it feels great!!!!! I am def. going to feel it tomorrow. I could feel my arms getting sore while I was doing it. haha.
    I also did the 20 minute work out at lunch then the cardio party before turbo sculpt with my husband. :):) Def. good work out day for me :):) trying to get these last stubborn pounds off before I go to the river at the end of may!!!!!
  • Beeks5
    Beeks5 Posts: 41
    Checking back in with Turbo Sculpt!! Feel the burn!! haha!! :devil:

    Hey Lyn .. my birthday is on Friday the 17th!! When is yours .. I remember saying your birthday was soon!! Take care my fellow jammers!:smooched:

    Well I am off to bed .. talk to ya tomorrow!!:drinker:
  • Lyn_Matthews
    Lyn_Matthews Posts: 902 Member
    MM and Whitney Great job with your workouts ladies!
    MM I remember going thru TS and not really feeling anything....but now it burns every time. I don't get it...I was outta shape then and it didn't hurt. I'm in much better shape now and it hurts. Doesn't make any sense but I know it's working!!

    Becky, my birthday is next Saturday, the 25th. My sis in law's was Saturday the 11th. We are exactly 14 days apart....My hubs is 5 yrs younger than me. :happy:

    See you all tomorrow!
  • Dragonfly11
    Dragonfly11 Posts: 672 Member
    Hey Family,
    Everybody's doing so good with their workouts!! I am proud of all of you guys!! Got in PK & J yesterday and 20min + AB Jam and started off the day w/ CP2 @ 445 this morning - boy was I tired!! 20min + sculpt on for tonight - woo hoo!!.
    SOmeone mentioned stubborn pounds ... I feel your pain - seems like this last 20lbs have just been leaving at a snails pace despite my workouts - 1 week no loss next week 2 lbs or 1.5.

    We keep on keeeping on, right?

    Have a great day everybody :heart:

  • Lyn_Matthews
    Lyn_Matthews Posts: 902 Member
    Checkin in with CP2 and 3T.

    Janet I feel you. I'm on this "last" 10 lbs (probably not the last 10...I still have more to lose) and it's been coming off very slowly. I knew it would happen eventually, I just didn't want it to happen the month of my Goal. And your right we just keep keepin on hoping and praying that eventually it comes off. As of my goal date (my birthday, the 25th) I'm going to revamp my goals and my workouts and my eating etc etc. I've been working hard for months now and it's time to ease up just a bit. Maybe that will help me lose some more of this weight. I've been all cardio and very little strength/toning and I think I'm at the point where I need to balance it out. When I figure out my NEW goals I will post :smile:

    Where is everyone today? So quiet in here :cry:
  • megan0313
    megan0313 Posts: 394
    Hi Ladies!
    Checking in with CP2 and TS. I just love CP2 lately! I go through phases...for a while all I did was PK&J, then it was CP3, and suddenly I feel like I'm really clicking with the music and moves on CP2. I guess when I get tired of this I'll have to go rediscover CP1! :laugh:

    Those last 10 pounds are rough ladies...that was definitely my pattern, a week or two (or three :grumble: ) of no loss then a week when suddenly I'm down 1.5 - 2 lbs.

    Lyn, now that I achieved my goal weight I actually seem to lose easier even though I've upped my calories (alot!!!), so today I adjusted my profile a bit...one more pound to lose :tongue: That's kind of a freebie though, it doesn't really matter whether I lose it or not, but I like to have goals! The thing is though, I definitely think it's because I've been focusing so much on toning and strength training after hitting my goal. Still doing cardio of course, but adding in heavier weights with all of my toning. Like Chalene says, muscle burns calories...and I love it!!!

    I was just noticing today how close EVERYONE is to their goals!!! :drinker: This is one amazing team!!! Keep up the awesome work everyone...you're such an inspiration!

    Janet...you're amazing with those 4:45 workouts! I've got to try that someday just to see what it's like...NOT! :laugh:

    Have a great afternoon everyone!
  • megan0313
    megan0313 Posts: 394
    Hey all you FaceBooker's...
    I just became a fan on Chalene...not exactly sure how I got there (I got an email about it), but you can look on my profile and click on Chalene, or probably search for her!
  • Beeks5
    Beeks5 Posts: 41
    Hey ladies .. checking in with CP2 (Awesome!!) Such a great workout!! I've been dancing all day!! I also managed to get in two walks as well .. one with the kids and one with my walking buddy!! Feeling pretty good today!!:bigsmile:

    So happy to hear you all getting close or reaching your goals .. makes me believe that I will too reach my goal one day!! I will not quit this time! Feel the burn!! Burn calories!!:explode:

    Well hope you all have a great night .. talk to ya tomorrow ladies .. keep up the great work!:drinker:

  • gottaluvboyz
    gottaluvboyz Posts: 555 Member
    Hey, Turbo Jammers!

    Sorry I have been MIA...so much going on and lots of stress (ugh!!!). I have been working out and doing good w/ my calories, but seem to be stuck. My DH is currently on nights and will be for another week or so (has been for the last 3 weeks). Once we are back to a "normal" schedule I'll be back more often. Things just get crazy around here when daddy is gone. Take care, everyone! Keep on jammin' and I'm so proud of you!!:drinker:
  • Lyn_Matthews
    Lyn_Matthews Posts: 902 Member
    Kelly Thank you for checking in. I've been worrying about you. Good to know that you are still getting your workouts in amongst a hectic schedule. Sorry you are stuck, maybe once you have a chance to relax and relieve some stress you will see it come off again.

    Megan-thank you for sending me the Page suggestion on Facebook...did you get my flair??

    Becky-Keep up the good work and you will see your goal weight! You will not quit because you love your workout and that makes a big difference! By the way....you don't have a ticker...would you mind sharing with us your goals?
  • mamiof3
    mamiof3 Posts: 39
    Hello ladies,
    Just got CP3 in the mail! I can't wait to do it. Gotta find the time somehow today to do it. Crazy busy day of running around doing PTA stuff and the after school activities. Going to try real hard to get something in if it kills me! I tried getting up at 6 to do it but I just couldn't muster the energy. I wish I could do the early morning, before the kiddies get up routine. Any suggestions to motivate me to get up so early??