Meeting calorie goals with varying appetite

I'm struggling to meet my goal of 1900 calories. Either I end up insanely under or I go over. I get that these things average out, but I also find that my eating patterns swing over a period of 4-6 weeks, where it feels like I do nothing but eat, and then fluctuate to not particularly feeling like eating.

As I'm trying to gain weight, what would people suggest for me to get my daily calorie intake, but not feel like I have to stuff myself stupid or feel like I'm starving myself?


  • Nikstergirl
    Nikstergirl Posts: 1,549 Member
    Planning ahead would really help. Write out a food diary with what you know is about 1900 calories of food you enjoy. Then break it up into 3-5 meals.

    You also need to start the day with a good hearty breakfast. Making sure you have protein at every meal would also keep your energy up and level out the blood sugar. Good carbs are key, whole grains and such.

    I guess my best advice (coming from someone with the opposite struggle as you) is to just eat every couple of hours. Waiting to eat until lunch or dinner is going to make it tough to get in the proper nutrition your body is screaming for!!!

    Good luck to you!!!!
  • If you like nuts, you could eat several handfuls and get a healthy wallop of calories and good fats! You might consider coming up with a smoothie recipe where you can add greek yogurt, honey, a tablespoon or two of some kind of oil - flax or olive - and/or some type of protein powder. Think healthy and higher calorie. I'm no expert on gaining, I'm trying to lose and maintain, but I know nuts usually take a big chunk out of my daily calorie allowance. I hope this helps, I wish you the best.
  • I also have a problem eating my calories every day..either because I am working or just not hungry...I find that using a protein shake is the best way to fill in the gaps as they are quick to make.

    I have also divided my food diary into 6 sections - breakfast, mid morning snack, lunch, afternoon snack, dinner and extras...I have also put a time period on them as it reminds me to try and eat something at regular intervals.

    Having quick snacks to hand such as nuts, rice or corn etc..also means I can grab something healthy when needed.

    It really is a matter of planning your shopping so that when you are hungry the right food is to hand.