150 lbs to lose and frustrated

I am frustrated. I've been dieting for close to two months and have lost 16lbs. Of course, I am happy to see 16lbs gone but wish it were more. Even more though, I wish you could tell a difference. I am sitting right around 300lbs and you can't tell I've lost a bit of weight. Does it seem that way to others who have a large amount to lose? I am having a hard time staying motivated without seeing results. Help!


  • bestdaysahead
    bestdaysahead Posts: 90 Member
    I recently lost 16 pounds (according to my doc) and don't feel like it at all. I don't have any more energy and am still always hungry. Sitting right at 250 and not enjoying it at all. Very frustrating and I feel your pain!
  • PrincessMorticia
    PrincessMorticia Posts: 96 Member
    Although I've gained some back, I went from being 285lbs to 202lbs. At 285, I definitely was discouraged. I wanted to weight 160, so in my mind I was saying "I have almost 130lbs to lose!". It seemed so unattainable. But don't let slow and steady progress get you frustrated. Progress is progress! If you let the stress of it all tear you up, you're headed for failure. Positivity and perseverance are what's going to get you through! Good luck!
  • smpreston
    smpreston Posts: 262 Member
    Losing more than 2 lbs per week is generally not healthy over the long term. Set goals for yourself that give you motivation. Give yourself a gift for losing 25 lbs. If you are exercising, log all of your reps and how you feel. you'll notice improvements over time that will motivate you. Take pictures and measurements every 30 days or so. You don't need to post them or show them to anyone, but use them to show yourself how your body has changed. That is motivation too.

    I've done P90X and TurboFire. I recorded all my reps, calories burned etc. The first time I was able to do a clapping push up or a full-on plyometric push up it felt fantastic. I put exclamation marks on my worksheet and posted to my P90X group about my success.
  • spacecase76
    spacecase76 Posts: 673 Member
    we are always the last to see our own results. 16 pounds in 2 months is a great start! Don't get discouraged, you CAN do this, you ARE WORTH this. Soon, family and friends will start seeing the difference, and your clothes will fit better! Just don't give up :flowerforyou:
  • CathiAnne
    CathiAnne Posts: 193 Member
    It's all about baby steps. One day at a time, one meal at a time, one step at a time. Just stay focused and on the path. Come here for encouragement and to give encouragement. You can do this.
  • momwallace4
    momwallace4 Posts: 2 Member
    Hello! Don't give up! Continue what you are doing just pump it up. I have been dieting strong and regiliously since September 15th and have lost 20 pounds. Well I guess you would not call it dieting I am just watching my calorie intake, not going over it and exercising 3 times a week. I am also using slim fast. Drinking one shake in the morning, another at lunch with a small snack and then dinner. It is my goal everyday not to go over my calories, even if some are added becuase I worked out. Keep trying and don't give up!:smile:
  • yesthistime
    yesthistime Posts: 2,051 Member
    Losing 16 lbs. and keeping it off is awesome! I am also over 300 lbs. and with so much to lose (and with it being SO much easier to gain than lose), I think taking off small amounts at a time and actually keeping those pounds off is quite the accomplishment. Now you can mentally reset your starting weight 16 pounds lower and get set to lose another 16 by New Year's. Best wishes :)
  • bjfmade
    bjfmade Posts: 543 Member
    Appreciate the small things that are happening. Be patient and it will happen.
  • kimcat73
    kimcat73 Posts: 687 Member
    I've totally been there and let me tell ya, you will start noticing probably at about 30 pounds. That seemed to be when I started getting compliments and people noticing. I've been consistently averaging about 2 pounds a week and it works for me. Don't rush it, you will get there. Just keep doing what you're doing! You can do this!!!!
  • danizaga
    danizaga Posts: 293 Member
    i feel your frustration. i'm sitting at 299.6 right now and i keep gaining and losing the same 8-10lbs but i've lost almost an inch in my hips and i can run faster. my mile pace has decreased from around 16:45 to 15:03. at this point i'm just focusing on goals i can see like my mile speed, how far i can run and how much i can keep up in spin.

    hope that helps.
  • shannieboo
    shannieboo Posts: 144 Member
    I understand how you feel with all my heart, as at one time I myself was over 300 lbs. Hang in there, just know you are going in the right direction. I know thats easier said then done as you sit there day dreaming about how you are going to look and feel without the weight.
  • Thena81
    Thena81 Posts: 1,265 Member
    wow im so proud of you to lose 16 lbs. that's quite an accomplishment. it always seems like the scale isn't moving enough but muscle outweighs fat and takes up less space which is why you'll lose inches and not lbs. try not to concentrate on numbers and focus on small goals. idk what you look like but i bet it's noticeable. 16lbs is a small dog or a box of junk lol be proud!! your doing awesome!! :)
  • chatterbox3110
    chatterbox3110 Posts: 630 Member
    Please don't get despondent - I've lost 69lbs, and it's literally only the last week or so that people have started to notice. It's also taken me all that loss to finally go down one dress size.

    I still have around 150lbs to lose, but its better to take it slowly and keep the weight off than lose a lot very quickly and suddenly find you can't keep the pace up.

    Also, I don't want to end up with loads of excess skin from quick weight loss, I'd much rather my skin shrank gently!

    Think about the tortoise and the hare..., it may take a little longer but you'll be the winner in the end!

    Good luck!
  • tcdawley78
    tcdawley78 Posts: 69 Member
    I've lost 120+lbs, and in the beginning, I didn't feel like there was a difference... I finally started noticing a difference in how I felt first... Around 25-30lbs... Then I started strength training, and really started to see a difference... I'm not bulky or anything, but I can feel my muscles under all my fat... :-D
  • Stormy65
    Stormy65 Posts: 49 Member
    I am right with you! Im not quitting! Every pound is a pound gone! Put a pound of fat something and just look at what your not carrying around anymore! Im going to run this race slow and steady! But I am going to succeed.... You can friend me and we can encourage one another if you like!
  • BlJohnston77
    BlJohnston77 Posts: 54 Member
    I am feeling you there. Don't give up though, remember you are doing the healthy way and thats the best way!!!! Add me if ya need extra support!!!!! :wink:
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,025 Member
    Losing 2 lbs a week now requires sympathy, interesting.
  • Kimdbro
    Kimdbro Posts: 922 Member
    At one time I weighed 250lb, I wanted to lose 100lb... it seemed like such a huge amount, an impossible amount. When I lost 5, then 10, then 20 I was happy but frustrated, because 20lb is a lot of weight. I remembered back to a time when all I needed to lose was 20, and how huge a deal it was when I did. It seemed in my mind that it should be the same, but 20/100 was so little. I was very discouraged because I kept seeing the big number. I found that if I stopped thinking about the big number and focused on how some peope lose 20lb and are elated and consider that their goal. So that became my goal. "My goal is to lose 20lb" and then when I did I had reached a goal, I had attained the thing I was reaching for. I had won. This was way better than focusing on what I hadn't done yet. So then I'd bask in the glory of my goal reached, and then begin again. "My goal is to lose 20lb" again and again until I had lost 90 lb... by then I was in a variety of sports clubs and managing weight became part of my fun, not the chore it had once been. I've gained weight back, (45) since surgery and a hubby, and I'm back to my baby stepping back. You guessed it... my goal is 20lb. You've lost 16 lbs... right now I would kill to be able to say that! You only have 4 lbs more to go to reach your goal. Think of it that way, reward yourself, then focus on the next 20. You're doing great!
  • keeponkickin
    keeponkickin Posts: 1,520 Member
    Hi there. I hope I can give you some encouragement. Don't give up and don't get frustrated. I always tell people this. Time is going to march on regardless and this time next year you can be slimmer, heavier or the same. I choose the slimmer option. You're losing at a nice steady rate and time will keep marching and you will keep losing. Let me share that it took me about 40 to 50 pounds lost before people started to notice. Hang in there.
  • blizzy1
    blizzy1 Posts: 52 Member
    losing 2 pounds a week is healthy, any thing above that is not healthy. How long did it take you to gain the weight, expect at least that long loose it. If you maintain a weight loss of 2 pounds a week for 52 weeks that would be a weight loss of 104 pounds. You really need to allow a minimum of 75 weeks. How much exercising are you doing. To lose 1 pound you have to create a deficit of 3500 calories.

    Be patient! I am sure your heart feels the difference. Here's an idea, get a bag (like a back pack) load it up with stuff until that bag weighs 16 pounds. Strap it to yourself and carry it around for an hour or two, then take the bag off and walk around for 10 minutes. I am sure you will feel a difference as soon as you put the bag on and off.