Once Again Back At It!

Hey all,

I am restarting on MFP. I was doing really good on here, losing lots of weight and inches until my birthday rolled around in September. Since then I've been slacking off and not caring what I ate. Well imagine my shock when I stepped on the scale 2 days ago and was 18 lbs. MORE than I was in September. Up to nearly 162 from 144. Yikes!! So here I am back at it, determined to look good by Christmas and having started fresh, would love some support along the way :) Today I'm at 160, and really desperately wanting back in the 140s!


  • bjberry
    bjberry Posts: 665 Member
    I lost down to 142 in Sep 2010. By Oct 2011, I had gained 15 lbs back!!!!! Horrors!
    So I am like you: losing the weight again. I have lost 3 lbs in about the lst 3 weeks. You have 16 more lbs and I have 12 more to lose. We can do this!! This is a lifestyle that we can do to keep us healthy. Have fun! :drinker: (lots of water)