intermitent fasting

This is probably going to upset someone by asking this but does anyone ever do intermittent fasting or one meal a day. If you are consuming your recommended calories and it is all healthy food does it really matter when you eat. There has been lots of studies that show your body will not go into starvation mode unless you are drastically underweight. Apparently A calorie restrickted diet may actually extend your life as well.


  • tttrrr
    tttrrr Posts: 20 Member
    This is probably going to upset someone by asking this but does anyone ever do intermittent fasting or one meal a day. If you are consuming your recommended calories and it is all healthy food does it really matter when you eat. There has been lots of studies that show your body will not go into starvation mode unless you are drastically underweight. Apparently A calorie restrickted diet may actually extend your life as well.
  • FletcherChic
    i did it as a way to lose more weight when i hit a plateau...i was not drastically underweight (5'5" 120 lb) and i ended up gaining a ton of weight...the more i gained the less i ate and the more i exercised (and the more i packed on for a total of 20 pounds!!!!) was a very VERY very dumb thing to do and i was miserable and cranky and body was wrecked and it's the most idiotic thing a person can do...that's my 2 cents...
  • tttrrr
    tttrrr Posts: 20 Member
    Thanks for your opinion, I find I'm getting frustrated trying to loose weight. I remember the one meal a day was the one thing that worked well for me. I think you have to continue once you start because you will gain the weight back once you stop. I get bad cravings when I eat during the day and moody. But never get cravings or mood swings when I eat this way. I am trying to find something I can stick to for life. Trying to stick to 3 small healthy meals. I do know the 1200 calories a day no matter when I eat works. Just one meal with juice or milk is easier for me then 3 or more meals. I do consume more calories as neede for exercise averageing as I said 1200 calories. I prefer one filling meal as opposed to more small meals that leave me hungry. But wanted other peoples opinions that have done this.
  • tayner
    tayner Posts: 372
    from what i have heard, read.. smaller meals work better because when you eat, your body uses those calories right away when needed, and if you eat more calories in one sitting than your body needs it will store the excess as fat for future use. that sort of defeats the purpose. if you break up that one meal into 5-6 smaller portions throughout the day your body will use all that fuel without the need to store it for later.
  • bbg605
    bbg605 Posts: 1
    I find that when I eat multiple (five) times a day I lose weight faster. I have more energy to work out and It keeps your metabolism going. If you only eat one meal a day not only will you have cravings and be more apt to cheat, more importantly it isn't healthy. Eating multiple times a day isn't has difficult as you might think. It's just about planning. Good Luck!
  • tttrrr
    tttrrr Posts: 20 Member
    I understand what your saying, some studies have showed that yes you burn your calories when consuming 5-6 small meals. But with one meal your body dipps into its fat reserves and starts burning your fat stores at a faster pace.
  • tttrrr
    tttrrr Posts: 20 Member
    I meant to ask is 1200 calories the average that everyone is told to loose weight? Thats what was recomended to me if I stick to it I loose 2-4 lbs a week. 1200 calories does not seem to go very far but I am deffinately learning to eat more lower calorie foods to tie me over,. Come the weekend I eat more then recommended and gain some back. Yes I know I need to smarten up or maybe 1200 calories is to low. With exercise I can eat around 1500 calories to average around 1200 by the end of the day. Shouldn't I only loose 1-2 lbs a week to keep it off. Maybe thats why I am jumping up and down so much on the scale, It gets frustrating