Unhealthy Work Environment



  • dixiech1ck
    dixiech1ck Posts: 769 Member
    I work in Benefits, for the WELLNESS department. I can completely sympathize with you as one of the managers continually brings in Dunkin Donuts and crap all the time. With Halloween, there was a multitude of different candy bars, lolly's and more on the table near my desk. I just kept telling myself "NO.. it's NOT worth it." I'd put on my iPod and go out for a 40 minute walk around our track. I guilted the manager one time and she brought in veggies and dip -- and let me tell you, there wasn't a veggie left in that dish and I wasn't the only one eating from the plate!! See, I always bring my food (unless we have a luncheon or something) so I always know ahead of time what my calories are going to be. Try to explain to your boss that you are doing this for yourself and you would really appreciate his/her acknowledging it and supporting you through this process. We all know, it's not easy in the least. I have friends who try to sabatoge me -- one made me my favorite - banana cake. I had a small piece and froze the rest. You don't want to deny yourself, but you also don't want to sabatoge your own goals. Do it for you!!!
  • Thanks everyone! Its helped reading that I'm not alone in this.

    It helps for me to bring my lunch to work everyday. I have to force myself to pack it the night before so I can just grab it before I leave. I bring food to snack on or I leave the office when people start bringing in their fast food or whatever. Just being around all that food can make me lose concentration!
  • Awww! I feel like we work in the same place! I struggle alot because there are so many days when I just want to join in on the junk food but I've made a commitment to myself and I just can't!

    Hang in there! :)
  • this is very true. I dont really need these peoples buy in with my life decisions!
  • Hellbent_Heidi
    Hellbent_Heidi Posts: 3,669 Member
    No, you certainly aren't alone. I'm beginning to think this happens in every office around the world after reading stories on this site. Unfortunately, misery loves company and sometimes people with bad habits see you eating healthier and it makes them uncomfortable. I usually just say no thanks, and if they push it, I tell them I can't eat "insert food here' because it upsets my stomach or something....usually works!

    I try not to get on a soap box about how I'm eating healthier, because sometimes it just comes off as condescending, so its better to make a quick excuse and a quick exit and let them move on and offer the bad stuff to other people!
  • I know what you mean! There are always choclate bars and chips available at my workplace, too! And considering a stressful environment in the office, I went for years of stress-eating chocolate and chips everyday!

    Now I pack healthy snacks (granola bars, yogurt, fruit, low fat cheese, etc) and keep them at work so that I don't forget them if I'm rushed to get out the door in the morning. If I feel like I can't resist the chocolate bar, once in a while I may split one with a co-worker. It's about adapting to the environment that you are in without compromising your personal goals :)

    Next time they want to go out for fast food, suggest Subway! I know that subs aren't automatically healthy, but for fast food it's one of the better options. They have salads and several low-fat subs to choose from. Otherwise, if it's McD's or Wendy's (or whatever greasy burger joint), you can always order a salad.

    Good luck with finding ways to meet your goals, and keep up the good work you are already doing :)
  • CallieDerenthal
    CallieDerenthal Posts: 170 Member
    just keep doing what you're doing! you can't control other people (although, wouldn't life be sooo much easier if you could... just every now and then!), all you can control are your actions/reactions. i found that by being consistent when politely declining offers for junk, not participating in potlucks (hey, if i don't bring anything it wouldn't be fair if i ate what other people brought, right) and bringing healthy food for lunch and snacks that people started being more and more supportive. i actually had a coworker recently join mfp so we could get healthier together and another coworker is doing the C25K with me. hang in there!