Sodium Issues

Okay; after tracking my sodium intake for a week or two, I've realized that this is my primary problem area. Day after day, I either come extremely close to overshooting the 2,500 sodium limit or go waaaaay over.

Does anyone have any idea as to how to fix this problem that always rears its ugly head?

Also... it's kinda off topic but...

How on earth can I drink 8 glasses of water a day?! Water is all I drink... yet I've only had 2-3 glasses today. :frown:


  • Shadowpaws
    Shadowpaws Posts: 109
    Okay; after tracking my sodium intake for a week or two, I've realized that this is my primary problem area. Day after day, I either come extremely close to overshooting the 2,500 sodium limit or go waaaaay over.

    Does anyone have any idea as to how to fix this problem that always rears its ugly head?

    Also... it's kinda off topic but...

    How on earth can I drink 8 glasses of water a day?! Water is all I drink... yet I've only had 2-3 glasses today. :frown:
  • glendaz
    glendaz Posts: 55
    Are you sure you are measuring your glasses? May glasses are not 8 oz. Most are 16 oz. or more. Check that and maybe you are drinking more than you think!!
    good luck!:drinker:
  • keiko
    keiko Posts: 2,919 Member
    do you eat lunch meats, processed foods, frozen dinners? Check to see what are the highest sodium offenders you are eating. Then you can try switching them for something else.

    I keep a large water bottle with me all day and just keep drinking. But I have been drinking alot of water since I gave up Tab way back when.
  • Shanimal84
    The best thing I've bought in the last month is a giant hard plastic water bottle that holds 64 ounces of water. I bought mine at Walgreens for a couple of bucks and I sip on it all day while I'm at the office... and before I know it - it's empty by the end of the day!

    I've cut down on sodium by using different seasoning and buying fresh vegetables instead of canned. Or if I buy canned, make sure they are salt-free or low sodium. Same with soups. I buy salt-free seasoning that is compatible with different meals and foods. I've also cut down on packaged meals - I know the Lean Cuisines are easy (and tasty!), but you retain sooo much water when you eat them. My worst offender were those "boxed meals" like Supper Bakes or Hamburger Helpers. So stay clear of those as well. In fact, just try to stay away from anything packaged, including lunch meat - stick with fresher/organic ingredients and you should start seeing a difference! :wink:
  • kfeuvrel
    kfeuvrel Posts: 89 Member
    It's so hard to get used to drinking 8 glasses of water a day. I like to use a 0.5 liter water bottle, and drink four of them a day - to get to 2 Liters. It's weird, but if I can drink two bottles before lunchtime - I'm good. I work out at lunchtime, so I can have #3 then. And then I can relax, because I know I only have to drink one more sometime during the afternoon - or that night with dinner, and I've met my quota for the day.

    And when I drink the water, my cravings for salty foods totally stops. My taste buds and body are like - enough, enough already - we're good!

    Just keep trying, you'll get there. Make it a weekly or daily challenge to drink 2 L of water a day. Yes, you'll go to the bathroom a lot, but it should really help with the sodium.

    Good luck!
  • pussycatsandtoast
    I went to walgreens and bought two large bottles of water. 1 liter bottles, actually. I take them to work with me and end up filling them up two or three times with the filtered water from the faucet. Just start drinking, and eventually your body will crave more and more water. I've been soda free for 7 years now... its MUCH easier than you think

    You can do it girl!
  • mbmempireranch
    I agree :) Water Water !!! It will flush out all that salt. I was at my mom's over this last weekend for Easter and she apparently uses salt in everything.. by the 2nd night I thought I was going to die ! Then I figured, gosh is that why they have all those bp problems and look so " puffy " all the time ? It did NOT help that my MO friend was only a day or 2 away either !

    Arrived home last night and just started pounding down the water and today already feeling much better.. well expect for the cortisone shot I had today in my wrist and still can't feel my fingers :grumble:

    I take 4 - 20 oz bottles out each night and put them on the counter.. when those are gone I know that I have had my amount and any is extra :)

    Whatever I am doing it worked because 130 lbs later it still works ;)

  • pdj1220
    pdj1220 Posts: 175
    Also, watch a lot of foods that you wouldn't think of as salty. Today I made pancakes from a mix, and one serving was 640 on the sodium scale!:noway:
  • kerrilucko
    kerrilucko Posts: 3,852 Member
    Pre=packaged foods are very high in sodium- think LEAN CUISINE type meals, canned soups, frozen pizzas, sauces, salad dressings, and most pre-packaged snack foods. "diet" foods also tend to be high in sodium because they try to lower the calorie and fat content while maintaining flavour (which they do by adding sodium and/or sugar). Steer clear of such foods as much as possible. Fruits, veggies, whole grains, dairy, and lean meats are what you want to try and stick to. With occaisional treats of course.

    a general rule of thumb is not to choose foods whose sodium content is higher than double it's number of calories. So if a serving has 200 cals, it should have no more than 400mg of sodium.

    Drinking water is important, but it doesn't license you to overdo sodium.