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Since starting my diet I have GAINED not lost....

I started my diet 4 weeks ago since then I have gained almost 6 pounds. I decided that I would take it one step at a time since I have failed miserably so many other times. My first step is to eat more healthy and to eat less because in the past I have gone on terrible binges (expecially in the evenings). My goal is 1200-1500 Cals. So I started eating breakfast which I have never done because this is supposed to help your metabolism, correct? For example: I will eat 2 eggs with toast or a bowl of Special K with Skim milk or oatmeal for breakfast, I be sure to eat fruits and veggies as snacks instead of my regular potato chips or twix bars, and for dinner I will have a salads (no dressing) or chicken breast with brown rice and I also drink plently of water and nothing else. I have increased my activity level, walking on lunch breaks and running around in the yard with the kids and dog etc... I used to snack ALL day long on unhealthy garbage and then go home and eat more garbage. I would eat dinner, then eat another dinner and then before I went to bed have what I called a snack but in reality it could have been considered another snack. I started counting my cals on myfitness pal on 10/25 and even since then I have gained 4 pounds. I do not have any health issues other then super high cholestorel. So what gives? I hear about so many people losing weight just by watching what they eat and I try it and I gain! I am 32, 5'3 and 226 pounds. Anybody have any suggestions? Thanks!


  • nopeekiepeekie
    nopeekiepeekie Posts: 338 Member
    I gained when I first started out too. All I can say is stick with it. Eventually your body will get the hint that you are giving it good fuel and not junk.
  • DixiedoesMFP
    DixiedoesMFP Posts: 935 Member
    I don't know WHY but I encourage you to keep up the good work and I feel that once your body realizes this is it's new life, the weight will start to come off!
  • yesthistime
    yesthistime Posts: 2,051 Member
    Hmm.... not eating enough calories, maybe? That's the only thing I can think of. Congrats on changing your eating habits, though :) The scale may not thank you yet, but I'm sure your cholesterol does!
  • mrmanmeat
    mrmanmeat Posts: 1,968 Member
    I started my diet 4 weeks ago since then I have gained almost 6 pounds. I decided that I would take it one step at a time since I have failed miserably so many other times. My first step is to eat more healthy and to eat less because in the past I have gone on terrible binges (expecially in the evenings). My goal is 1200-1500 Cals. So I started eating breakfast which I have never done because this is supposed to help your metabolism, correct? For example: I will eat 2 eggs with toast or a bowl of Special K with Skim milk or oatmeal for breakfast, I be sure to eat fruits and veggies as snacks instead of my regular potato chips or twix bars, and for dinner I will have a salads (no dressing) or chicken breast with brown rice and I also drink plently of water and nothing else. I have increased my activity level, walking on lunch breaks and running around in the yard with the kids and dog etc... I used to snack ALL day long on unhealthy garbage and then go home and eat more garbage. I would eat dinner, then eat another dinner and then before I went to bed have what I called a snack but in reality it could have been considered another snack. I started counting my cals on myfitness pal on 10/25 and even since then I have gained 4 pounds. I do not have any health issues other then super high cholestorel. So what gives? I hear about so many people losing weight just by watching what they eat and I try it and I gain! I am 32, 5'3 and 226 pounds. Anybody have any suggestions? Thanks!

    drink plenty of water. don't worry about minimal gains in the beginning.
    are you exercising?
  • You may not be taking in enough calories and your body may be tricked into thinking it is starving. If your metabolism thinks you are in starvation mode, it will store calories and fat instead of burning it off. You may want to keep your calories at 1500 until you start losing weight, and then lessen the calories. Also, start a regular work out schedule (ie: walk three times per week at lunch for 30 minutes, set a goal to run around the block 3 times per week, etc.). Working out regularly will also help to jump start your metabolism! Good luck! Hang in there... dieting isn't fun but the results will be :)
  • skfj5
    skfj5 Posts: 70
    Open your diary...let others see what you are eating. You'll get more help and advice that way.

    Also...just my opinion...but when you start making changes, your body tends to resist. You might store a little more than normal because it notices that it's not getting the same food it was getting, or that you are suddenly expending more energy.

    Try to breathe...get off the damn scale (nothing trips with your head like a scale...and stress will DEFINITELY make you gain weight)...and focus on what makes you FEEL good.

    In a couple weeks, after being the best you can be, check your weight again. See if there is a difference.

    Good Luck!! Add me if it helps!!
  • sundancer1966
    sundancer1966 Posts: 478 Member
    Your body may be adjusting to the new foods. Are you also logging in your activities? You may not be eating enough calories. Try some additional cardio, that may help also. I agree with Jennareed09 - you may be going into starvation mode.

    If your keep eating healthy, and if the weight still goes up after time, go to the Dr for some bloodwork, and check you metabolic markers such as thyroid.
  • how frustrating! i feel for you. i started on mfp about 12-13 weeks ago with the goal of losing a pound a week. I am also 5'3 and i weighed 147 when i started. I've had a goal of 1,200 calories per day (without exercise-- add more calories if you exercise) and I've steadily lost. So... maybe try to keep your goal closer to 1,200 than 1,500? it sounds like you're doing a lot of the right things, so maybe you just need to hone it a little bit. do you measure your food? i would measure cereal, oatmeal etc... to make sure you're not eating more than a portion. what kind of toast do you eat? if not whole wheat, i would switch to that so you feel fuller longer. another good tip for cutting your breakfast calories, but still getting protein and feeling full is switch from whole eggs to egg whites-- or use one regular egg plus one white. that will free up some calories for another healthy snack later. good luck! you can do it!
  • dmannarino
    dmannarino Posts: 5 Member
    I initially did not lose then found I was not being accurate on the serving size. Also I never show weight loss until a couple of weeks have passed. Since you increased your actifvity could the weight gain be muscle? Just hang:happy: :smile: in there and give it a little more time. If you don't lose it may be time to make an appt with your doctor.... Good Luck!
  • I'm not an expert but i do no what that feels like to feel like you are doing the right thing only to gain weight :(

    How much exercise do you do?

    Watch your sodium and sugar intake.Don't drop below 1200 a day.Drink plenty of water everyday,it is i am sure the key to weight loss.No carbs for dinner and no food after 9pm.

    The most important thing is to eat whole foods and fresh vegetables.Lean cuts of meat.Organic if you can afford.Stay away from whites ie white bread ,white pasta,white rice.Limit your starchy vegetables to just a few servings a week.

    Snack on things that have more bang for their buck.Nuts(go easy as high in calories)But they are high in protein which keeps you fuller for longer.

    For dinner have vegetables with a god size of protein but no carbs.That means sometimes you may want to grill up two 30z chicken breast buts thats ok it will stop that snacking thing late at night.

    Also maybe get a hobby you can do of a night to get you away from your kitchen and thinking about something else.

    Keep talking and asking questions learn everything you can about this thing it helps

    Subscribe to Jillian Michaels podcast on itunes its free and comes with great advice on health fitness and nutrician :)

    Hope that helps,go well and good luck :)
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    You have only been tracking on here for 2 weeks.
    Also, keep in mind many things affect the scale weight. I can fluctuate 5 lbs in one day.
    Are you weighing yourself the same time every time? I prefer in the morning, after going to the bathroom before eating.
    The time of the month can affect your weight because of water retention. Sleeping, the foods you eat, also can affect water retention.

    Also, are you accurately logging food? Are you measuring or weighing?

    It would also be good if you allowed people to see your food diary for some feedback.

    My suggestion would be to get the measuring tape, and measure. Or better yet, have someone who can figure out your % bodyfat and measure that way.
  • aranchmom
    aranchmom Posts: 176 Member
    I had the same thing happen - was almost ready to give up. My husband encouraged me to stick with it, and so I gave myself one more week, and i dropped 2+ lbs!! Stick with it - your body WILL change! That seems like a reasonable caloric goal to me...but what do I know? :smile: just my 2 cents... Good luck to you:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • Ange_
    Ange_ Posts: 324 Member

    It is difficult to know for sure without knowing exactly what you may have been eating before and not being able to see your diary now.

    but i wouldn't be worried about it. stick with it. So long as you don't get tempted to eat less than 1200 calories. My guess is your diet was probably terrible before you started this and you may have been very malnourished when it came to certain vitamins and minerals. So i'm guessing that you might be eating them now and your body is gobbling them up! And that is a good thing. Stick with it, drink plenty of water, eat as 'clean' as possible and exercise. Be very honest about what you put in your diary too.
    Eventually you won't be deficient in anything if you are eating a wide variety of good foods (make sure you include fish twice a week too or if you don't like it something very rich in Omega 3s like fish oil tablets, flax seeds, or chia seeds) and you'll probably start loosing weight.
    So i'm guessing that despite having a diet high in calories before, your body still considered it in a nutritional famine, and so now it is just properly absorbing everything you eat until these things are at a healthier level.
    A better judge for you right now also might be how you feel. You should start feeling better even if you weight hasn't changed or you put on a little.

    Good luck!
  • lrd2010
    lrd2010 Posts: 161 Member
    take measurements now! if your scales is messing with you then a tape measure could be your friend!
  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
    I would personally go back to no breakfast. It's a myth that it "starts your metabolism".
    What is your daily calorie intake and what is your macro breakdown? you might benefit from more protein/less carbs.
  • Be very honest about what you put in your diary too.

    This was my problem when I first started, so I had to learn to be really disciplined and use measuring cups or food scale so I was actually recording things correctly. Also trying to remember things at the end of the day I was leaving things out, so now I log it immediately or write it down so it gets in my log no matter what.
  • MyCoachNYLA
    MyCoachNYLA Posts: 158 Member
    I started my diet 4 weeks ago since then I have gained almost 6 pounds. I decided that I would take it one step at a time since I have failed miserably so many other times. My first step is to eat more healthy and to eat less because in the past I have gone on terrible binges (expecially in the evenings). My goal is 1200-1500 Cals. So I started eating breakfast which I have never done because this is supposed to help your metabolism, correct? For example: I will eat 2 eggs with toast or a bowl of Special K with Skim milk or oatmeal for breakfast, I be sure to eat fruits and veggies as snacks instead of my regular potato chips or twix bars, and for dinner I will have a salads (no dressing) or chicken breast with brown rice and I also drink plently of water and nothing else. I have increased my activity level, walking on lunch breaks and running around in the yard with the kids and dog etc... I used to snack ALL day long on unhealthy garbage and then go home and eat more garbage. I would eat dinner, then eat another dinner and then before I went to bed have what I called a snack but in reality it could have been considered another snack. I started counting my cals on myfitness pal on 10/25 and even since then I have gained 4 pounds. I do not have any health issues other then super high cholestorel. So what gives? I hear about so many people losing weight just by watching what they eat and I try it and I gain! I am 32, 5'3 and 226 pounds. Anybody have any suggestions? Thanks!

    FYI - your base caloric intake should not be less than 1700 cals just at rest. Otherwise if you eat below that you are storing fat and sparing lean mass. It's not an opinion - just physiology. If you are doing any kind of training, then it is a double wamy on your body. All it want to do is survive.

    From my professional stand point, if I were working with you, with your stats given etc., this is what my recommendation would be:

    Daily intake cals: 2000 (if training aerobically - walking 5 times weeks for 30 minutes min.)
    Daily intake cals: 1800 (if sendentary)

    Take out all your binge foods which probably consists of refined sugar, wheat and flour products (use non flour starches)
    Utilize minimal dairy only to include greek non fat plain yogurt (watch out for mega milk sugars - most dairy products are loaded with them no to mention mega carbs)
    Make sure you are eating a ratio of 40/30/30 (protein/carbs/fats) - equals a more stable blood sugar
    Log in your journal daily to know your intake and to stay on target with your ratios.
    Eat 3-4 hours a part and and at least four meals a day (Breakfast, Lunch, Snack, Dinner, Snack)

    Hope this example can help.

    Coach Nyla
    ISSA Certified Fitness Trainer
    NPC Figure Competitor
    Free Online Fitness Coach
    From 170 lbs. to Fit / If I Can Do It, So Can You!

    "If nothing changes, nothing changes"
  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
    FYI - your base caloric intake should not be less than 1700 cals just at rest. Otherwise if you eat below that you are storing fat and sparing lean mass. It's not an opinion - just physiology.

    Can you please elaborate.
  • Bankman1989
    Bankman1989 Posts: 1,116 Member
    I started my diet 4 weeks ago since then I have gained almost 6 pounds. I decided that I would take it one step at a time since I have failed miserably so many other times. My first step is to eat more healthy and to eat less because in the past I have gone on terrible binges (expecially in the evenings). My goal is 1200-1500 Cals. So I started eating breakfast which I have never done because this is supposed to help your metabolism, correct? For example: I will eat 2 eggs with toast or a bowl of Special K with Skim milk or oatmeal for breakfast, I be sure to eat fruits and veggies as snacks instead of my regular potato chips or twix bars, and for dinner I will have a salads (no dressing) or chicken breast with brown rice and I also drink plently of water and nothing else. I have increased my activity level, walking on lunch breaks and running around in the yard with the kids and dog etc... I used to snack ALL day long on unhealthy garbage and then go home and eat more garbage. I would eat dinner, then eat another dinner and then before I went to bed have what I called a snack but in reality it could have been considered another snack. I started counting my cals on myfitness pal on 10/25 and even since then I have gained 4 pounds. I do not have any health issues other then super high cholestorel. So what gives? I hear about so many people losing weight just by watching what they eat and I try it and I gain! I am 32, 5'3 and 226 pounds. Anybody have any suggestions? Thanks!

    Not sure if you are drinking water but 8 cups a day definitely helps. Also you aren'y going to lose weight overnight. You didn't gain it overnight so give your body time to adjust!
  • MackAttack360
    MackAttack360 Posts: 5 Member
    I'm having similar issues, I was weighed in the doctor's office a couple weeks ago, and since then I have been eating approximately 1200-1300 calories daily in addition to gym classes I have been taking at my college for the past 3 weeks. I went to the doctor today and I had gained a pound and a half. This happens quite often when I try to do the 'get healthy' thing, and everyone around me says, "Well! Muscle weighs more than fat!" when I steadily gain weight instead of lose, despite that my measurements do not change for the better.